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Cleantoots helps you delete your old toots. Because not everything we say on social medias should stay there for eternity.

Initial config

Only once

python -m pip install cleantoots
cleantoots setup-config  # See the following section for config options
cleantoots login

Config options

# Any key in this section will serve as a default for other sections

# Toots that have at least this number of boosts won't be deleted.
boost_limit = 5

# Toots that have at least this number of favorites won't be deleted.
favorite_limit = 5

# Toots that are more recent than this number of days won't be deleted.
days_count = 30

# The timezone to use for dates comparisons.
timezone = Europe/Paris

# Each section represents an account.
# Your Mastodon server URL.
api_base_url =

# These files are used to store app information obtained when running `login`.
# The files must be different between accounts. Two different files are required per account.
app_secret_file = fosstodon_app.secret
user_secret_file = fosstodon_user.secret

# IDs of toots you want to protect (never delete).
# You can find the toot ID in the URL when viewing a toot.
protected_toots = 103362008817616000

# Another account
api_base_url =
app_secret_file = mastodonsocial_app.secret
user_secret_file = mastodonsocial_user.secret

# Overriding some defaults
boost_limit = 10
favorite_limit = 30
days_count = 7


See cleantoots config for the current config.

cleantoots clean  # Defaults to a dry run. Does NOT delete.
cleantoots clean --delete  # Delete without prompt.

Tested environments

Cleantoots test suite runs on Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 on latest versions of macOS, Windows and Ubuntu as GitHub Actions understands it.

See the docs for more information on what "latest" means.


The idea behind cleantoots is highly inspired by magnusnissel/cleantweets.