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This file is generated! See _meta/fields.yml and scripts/
= Exported fields
This document describes the fields that are exported by Filebeat. They are
grouped in the following categories:
* <<exported-fields-apache2>>
* <<exported-fields-auditd>>
* <<exported-fields-beat>>
* <<exported-fields-cloud>>
* <<exported-fields-docker-processor>>
* <<exported-fields-elasticsearch>>
* <<exported-fields-haproxy>>
* <<exported-fields-host-processor>>
* <<exported-fields-icinga>>
* <<exported-fields-iis>>
* <<exported-fields-kafka>>
* <<exported-fields-kibana>>
* <<exported-fields-kubernetes-processor>>
* <<exported-fields-log>>
* <<exported-fields-logstash>>
* <<exported-fields-mongodb>>
* <<exported-fields-mysql>>
* <<exported-fields-nginx>>
* <<exported-fields-osquery>>
* <<exported-fields-postgresql>>
* <<exported-fields-redis>>
* <<exported-fields-system>>
* <<exported-fields-traefik>>
== Apache2 fields
Apache2 Module
== apache2 fields
Apache2 fields.
== access fields
Contains fields for the Apache2 HTTPD access logs.
type: keyword
Client IP address.
type: keyword
The user name used when basic authentication is used.
type: keyword
example: GET
The request HTTP method.
type: keyword
The request HTTP URL.
type: keyword
The HTTP version.
type: long
The HTTP response code.
type: long
format: bytes
The number of bytes of the server response body.
type: keyword
The HTTP referrer.
type: text
Contains the un-parsed user agent string. Only present if the user agent Elasticsearch plugin is not available or not used.
== user_agent fields
Contains the parsed User agent field. Only present if the user agent Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the physical device.
type: long
The major version of the user agent.
type: long
The minor version of the user agent.
type: keyword
The patch version of the user agent.
type: keyword
example: Chrome
The name of the user agent.
type: keyword
The name of the operating system.
type: long
The major version of the operating system.
type: long
The minor version of the operating system.
type: keyword
The name of the operating system.
type: text
Original user agent value before parsing by ingest-user-agent plugin.
Field is not indexed.
== geoip fields
Contains GeoIP information gathered based on the remote_ip field. Only present if the GeoIP Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the continent.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
The longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
The region name.
type: keyword
The city name.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
== error fields
Fields from the Apache error logs.
type: keyword
The severity level of the message.
type: keyword
The IP address of the client that generated the error.
type: text
The logged message.
type: long
The process ID.
type: long
The thread ID.
type: keyword
The module producing the logged message.
== Auditd fields
Module for parsing auditd logs.
== auditd fields
Fields from the auditd logs.
== log fields
Fields from the Linux audit log. Not all fields are documented here because they are dynamic and vary by audit event type.
The audit event type.
For login events this is the old audit ID used for the user prior to this login.
For login events this is the new audit ID. The audit ID can be used to trace future events to the user even if their identity changes (like becoming root).
For login events this is the old session ID used for the user prior to this login.
For login events this is the new session ID. It can be used to tie a user to future events by session ID.
type: long
The audit event sequence number.
The user account name associated with the event.
The ID of the process.
The ID of the process.
The number of items in an event.
The item field indicates which item out of the total number of items. This number is zero-based; a value of 0 means it is the first item.
The first argument to the system call.
The result of the system call (success or failure).
== geoip fields
Contains GeoIP information gathered based on the `auditd.log.addr` field. Only present if the GeoIP Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the continent.
type: keyword
The name of the city.
type: keyword
The name of the region.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
The longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
== Beat fields
Contains common beat fields available in all event types.
The name of the Beat sending the log messages. If the Beat name is set in the configuration file, then that value is used. If it is not set, the hostname is used. To set the Beat name, use the `name` option in the configuration file.
The hostname as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running.
The timezone as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running.
The version of the beat that generated this event.
type: date
example: August 26th 2016, 12:35:53.332
format: date
required: True
The timestamp when the event log record was generated.
Arbitrary tags that can be set per Beat and per transaction type.
type: object
Contains user configurable fields.
== error fields
Error fields containing additional info in case of errors.
type: text
Error message.
type: long
Error code.
type: keyword
Error type.
== Cloud provider metadata fields
Metadata from cloud providers added by the add_cloud_metadata processor.
example: ec2
Name of the cloud provider. Possible values are ec2, gce, or digitalocean.
Instance ID of the host machine.
Instance name of the host machine.
example: t2.medium
Machine type of the host machine.
example: us-east-1c
Availability zone in which this host is running.
example: project-x
Name of the project in Google Cloud.
Region in which this host is running.
== Docker fields
Docker stats collected from Docker.
type: keyword
Unique container id.
type: keyword
Name of the image the container was built on.
type: keyword
Container name.
type: object
Image labels.
== elasticsearch fields
elasticsearch Module
== elasticsearch fields
type: keyword
example: vWNJsZ3
Name of the node
type: keyword
example: filebeat-test-input
Index name
type: keyword
example: aOGgDwbURfCV57AScqbCgw
Index id
type: keyword
example: 0
Id of the shard
== audit fields
type: keyword
example: rest
The layer from which this event originated: rest, transport or ip_filter
type: keyword
example: access_granted
The type of event that occurred: anonymous_access_denied, authentication_failed, access_denied, access_granted, connection_granted, connection_denied, tampered_request, run_as_granted, run_as_denied
type: keyword
example: local_node
Where the request originated: rest (request originated from a REST API request), transport (request was received on the transport channel), local_node (the local node issued the request)
type: ip
The IP address from which the request originated
type: keyword
example: _anonymous
The principal (username) that failed authentication
type: keyword
example: cluster:monitor/main
The name of the action that was executed
type: keyword
example: /_xpack/security/_authenticate
The REST endpoint URI
type: keyword
example: ClearScrollRequest
The type of request that was executed
type: text
example: body
The body of the request, if enabled
== deprecation fields
== gc fields
GC fileset fields.
== phase fields
Fields specific to GC phase.
type: keyword
Name of the GC collection phase.
type: float
Collection phase duration according to the Java virtual machine.
type: float
Pause time in seconds cleaning up symbol tables.
type: float
Pause time in seconds cleaning up string tables.
type: float
Time spent processing weak references in seconds.
type: float
Time spent in seconds marking live objects while application is stopped.
type: float
Time spent unloading unused classes in seconds.
== cpu_time fields
Process CPU time spent performing collections.
type: float
CPU time spent outside the kernel.
type: float
CPU time spent inside the kernel.
type: float
Total elapsed CPU time spent to complete the collection from start to finish.
type: float
The time from JVM start up in seconds, as a floating point number.
type: float
Garbage collection threads total stop time seconds.
type: float
Time took to stop threads seconds.
type: keyword
GC logging tags.
== heap fields
Heap allocation and total size.
type: integer
Total heap size in kilobytes.
type: integer
Used heap in kilobytes.
== old_gen fields
Old generation occupancy and total size.
type: integer
Total size of old generation in kilobytes.
type: integer
Old generation occupancy in kilobytes.
== young_gen fields
Young generation occupancy and total size.
type: integer
Total size of young generation in kilobytes.
type: integer
Young generation occupancy in kilobytes.
== server fields
Server log file
type: keyword
example: o.e.c.m.MetaDataCreateIndexService
Log component
== gc fields
GC log
== young fields
Young GC
type: long
type: long
type: long
== slowlog fields
Slowlog events from Elasticsearch
type: keyword
Logger name
type: text
example: 300ms
Time it took to execute the query
type: keyword
type: text
type: keyword
Search type
type: text
example: {"query":{"match_all":{"boost":1.0}}}
Slow query
type: text
Extra source information
type: keyword
example: 42
Time took in milliseconds
type: keyword
example: 42
Total hits
type: keyword
example: 22
Total queried shards
type: keyword
example: s01HZ2QBk9jw4gtgaFtn
type: keyword
type: keyword
example: doc
== haproxy fields
haproxy Module
== haproxy fields
== destination fields
Destination information
type: long
Port of the destination host
IP of the destination host
Name of the process
type: long
PID of the process
== client fields
Information about the client doing the request
IP address of the client which initiated the TCP connection to haproxy.
type: long
TCP port of the client which initiated the connection.
Name of the frontend (or listener) which received and processed the connection.
Name of the backend (or listener) which was selected to manage the connection to the server.
Name of the last server to which the connection was sent.
type: long
Total time in milliseconds spent waiting in the various queues
type: long
Total time in milliseconds spent waiting for the connection to establish to the final server
type: long
Total number of bytes transmitted to the client when the log is emitted.
type: long
Total time in milliseconds spent waiting in the various queues.
type: long
Total time in milliseconds spent waiting for the connection to establish to the final server, including retries.
type: long
Total number of requests which were processed before this one in the server queue.
type: long
Total number of requests which were processed before this one in the backend's global queue.
Name of the listening address which received the connection.
type: text
Error message logged by HAProxy in case of error.
type: text
The HAProxy source of the log
== geoip fields
Contains GeoIP information gathered based on the client.ip field. Only present if the GeoIP Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
Name of the continent.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
Represents a geopoint with the longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
Name of the region
type: keyword
City name.
type: keyword
ISO code of the region
Condition the session was in when the session ended.
== connections fields
Contains various counts of connections active in the process.
type: long
Total number of concurrent connections on the process when the session was logged.
type: long
Total number of concurrent connections on the frontend when the session was logged.
type: long
Total number of concurrent connections handled by the backend when the session was logged.
type: long
Total number of concurrent connections still active on the server when the session was logged.
type: long
Number of connection retries experienced by this session when trying to connect to the server.
type: text
mode that the frontend is operating (TCP or HTTP)
== http fields
Please add description
== response fields
Fields related to the HTTP response
type: long
HTTP status code returned to the client.
Optional "name=value" entry indicating that the client had this cookie in the response.
type: text
List of headers captured in the response due to the presence of the "capture response header" statement in the frontend.
== request fields
Fields related to the HTTP request
Optional "name=value" entry indicating that the server has returned a cookie with its request.
type: text
List of headers captured in the request due to the presence of the "capture request header" statement in the frontend.
type: text
Complete HTTP request line, including the method, request and HTTP version string.
type: long
Time the request remained active in haproxy, which is the total time in milliseconds elapsed between the first byte of the request was received and the last byte of response was sent.
type: long
Total time in milliseconds spent waiting for the server to send a full HTTP response, not counting data.
type: long
Total time in milliseconds spent waiting for a full HTTP request from the client (not counting body) after the first byte was received.
== tcp fields
TCP log format
type: long
Total time in milliseconds elapsed between the accept and the last close
type: long
Total time in milliseconds elapsed between the accept and the last close
== Host fields
Info collected for the host machine.
type: keyword
type: keyword
Unique host id.
type: keyword
Host architecture (e.g. x86_64, arm, ppc, mips).
type: keyword
OS platform (e.g. centos, ubuntu, windows).
type: keyword
OS version.
type: keyword
OS family (e.g. redhat, debian, freebsd, windows).
type: ip
List of IP-addresses.
type: keyword
List of hardware-addresses, usually MAC-addresses.
== Icinga fields
Icinga Module
== icinga fields
== debug fields
Contains fields for the Icinga debug logs.
type: keyword
Specifies what component of Icinga logged the message.
type: keyword
Possible values are "debug", "notice", "information", "warning" or "critical".
type: text
The logged message.
== main fields
Contains fields for the Icinga main logs.
type: keyword
Specifies what component of Icinga logged the message.
type: keyword
Possible values are "debug", "notice", "information", "warning" or "critical".
type: text
The logged message.
== startup fields
Contains fields for the Icinga startup logs.
type: keyword
Specifies what component of Icinga logged the message.
type: keyword
Possible values are "debug", "notice", "information", "warning" or "critical".
type: text
The logged message.
== IIS fields
Module for parsing IIS log files.
== iis fields
Fields from IIS log files.
== access fields
Contains fields for IIS access logs.
type: keyword
The server IP address.
type: keyword
example: GET
The request HTTP method.
type: keyword
The request HTTP URL.
type: keyword
The request query string, if any.
type: long
The request port number.
type: keyword
The user name used when basic authentication is used.
type: keyword
The client IP address.
type: keyword
The HTTP referrer.
type: long
The HTTP response code.
type: long
The HTTP substatus code.
type: long
The Windows status code.
type: long
The request time in milliseconds.
type: keyword
The site name and instance number.
type: keyword
The name of the server on which the log file entry was generated.
type: keyword
The HTTP version.
type: keyword
The content of the cookie sent or received, if any.
type: keyword
The host header name, if any.
type: long
format: bytes
The number of bytes of the server response body.
type: long
format: bytes
The number of bytes of the server request body.
type: text
Contains the un-parsed user agent string. Only present if the user agent Elasticsearch plugin is not available or not used.
== user_agent fields
Contains the parsed user agent field. Only present if the user agent Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the physical device.
type: long
The major version of the user agent.
type: long
The minor version of the user agent.
type: keyword
The patch version of the user agent.
type: keyword
example: Chrome
The name of the user agent.
type: keyword
The name of the operating system.
type: long
The major version of the operating system.
type: long
The minor version of the operating system.
type: keyword
The name of the operating system.
type: text
Original user agent value before parsing by ingest-user-agent plugin.
Field is not indexed.
== geoip fields
Contains GeoIP information gathered based on the remote_ip field. Only present if the GeoIP Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the continent.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
The longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
The region name.
type: keyword
The city name.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
== error fields
Contains fields for IIS error logs.
type: keyword
The client IP address.
type: long
The client port number.
type: keyword
The server IP address.
type: long
The server port number.
type: keyword
The HTTP version.
type: keyword
example: GET
The request HTTP method.
type: keyword
The request HTTP URL.
type: long
The HTTP response code.
type: keyword
The HTTP reason phrase.
type: keyword
The IIS application pool name.
== geoip fields
Contains GeoIP information gathered based on the remote_ip field. Only present if the GeoIP Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the continent.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
The longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
The region name.
type: keyword
The city name.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
== Kafka fields
Kafka module
== kafka fields
== log fields
Kafka log lines.
The timestamp from the log line.
example: WARN
The log level.
type: text
The logged message.
type: keyword
Component the log is coming from.
type: text
Java class the log is coming from.
== trace fields
Trace in the log line.
type: keyword
Java class the trace is coming from.
type: text
Message part of the trace.
type: text
The full trace in the log line.
== kibana fields
kibana Module
== kibana fields
== log fields
Kafka log lines.
type: keyword
Kibana logging tags.
type: keyword
Current state of Kibana.
type: object
== Kubernetes fields
Kubernetes metadata added by the kubernetes processor
type: keyword
Kubernetes pod name
type: keyword
Kubernetes Pod UID
type: keyword
Kubernetes namespace
type: keyword
Kubernetes node name
type: object
Kubernetes labels map
type: object
Kubernetes annotations map
type: keyword
Kubernetes container name
type: keyword
Kubernetes container image
== Log file content fields
Contains log file lines.
type: keyword
required: True
The file from which the line was read. This field contains the absolute path to the file. For example: `/var/log/system.log`.
type: long
required: False
The file offset the reported line starts at.
type: text
required: True
The content of the line read from the log file.
type: keyword
required: False
Log stream when reading container logs, can be 'stdout' or 'stderr'
required: True
The input type from which the event was generated. This field is set to the value specified for the `type` option in the input section of the Filebeat config file. (DEPRECATED: see `input.type`)
required: True
The input type from which the event was generated. This field is set to the value specified for the `type` option in the input section of the Filebeat config file.
In case the ingest pipeline parses the timestamp from the log contents, it stores the original `@timestamp` (representing the time when the log line was read) in this field.
The Filebeat module that generated this event.
The Filebeat fileset that generated this event.
type: long
required: False
The facility extracted from the priority.
type: long
required: False
The priority of the syslog event.
type: keyword
required: False
The human readable severity.
type: keyword
required: False
The human readable facility.
type: keyword
required: False
The name of the program.
type: long
required: False
The pid of the process.
type: long
required: False
The severity of the event.
type: keyword
Service name.
type: keyword
Logging level.
This field contains the flags of the event.
type: date
event.created contains the date on which the event was created. In case of log events this is when the log line was read by Filebeat. In comparison @timestamp is the processed timestamp from the log line. If both are identical only @timestamp should be used.
type: keyword
A type given to this kind of event which can be used for grouping.
type: long
example: 404
HTTP response status_code.
type: long
Elapsed time between request and response in milli seconds.
type: long
Content length of the HTTP response body.
type: keyword
Request method.
type: ip
IP address of the source.
Can be one or multiple IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
type: long
Port of the source.
== geo fields
Geolocation for source.
type: keyword
Name of the continent.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
Longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
Region name.
type: keyword
City name.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
type: ip
IP address of the destination.
Can be one or multiple IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.
type: long
Port of the destination.
== geo fields
Geolocation for destination.
type: keyword
Name of the continent.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
Longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
Region name.
type: keyword
City name.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
== user_agent fields
The user_agent fields normally come from a browser request. They often show up in web service logs coming from the parsed user agent string.
type: keyword
Unparsed version of the user_agent.
type: keyword
Name of the physical device.
type: keyword
Version of the physical device.
type: long
Major version of the user agent.
type: long
Minor version of the user agent.
type: keyword
Patch version of the user agent.
type: keyword
example: Chrome
Name of the user agent.
type: keyword
Name of the operating system.
type: keyword
Full name of the operating system (includes version).
type: keyword
Version of the operating system.
type: long
Major version of the operating system.
type: long
Minor version of the operating system.
== url fields
URL fields provide a complete URL, with scheme, host, and path. The URL object can be reused in other prefixes, such as `host.url.*` for example. Keep the structure consistent whenever you use URL fields.
type: keyword
Hostname of the request, such as "". In some cases a URL may refer to an IP and/or port directly, without a domain name. In this case, the IP address would go to the `hostname` field.
== file fields
File fields provide details about each file.
type: keyword
Path to the file.
type: long
File size in bytes (field is only added when `type` is `file`).
== logstash fields
logstash Module
== logstash fields
== log fields
Fields from the Logstash logs.
type: text
Contains the un-parsed log message
type: keyword
The log level of the message, this correspond to Log4j levels.
type: keyword
The module or class where the event originate.
type: text
Information about the running thread where the log originate.
type: object
key and value debugging information.
== slowlog fields
type: text
Contains the un-parsed log message
type: keyword
The log level of the message, this correspond to Log4j levels.
type: keyword
The module or class where the event originate.
type: text
Information about the running thread where the log originate.
type: text
Raw dump of the original event
type: keyword
Name of the plugin
type: keyword
Type of the plugin: Inputs, Filters, Outputs or Codecs.
type: long
Execution time for the plugin in milliseconds.
type: long
Execution time for the plugin in nanoseconds.
type: text
String value of the plugin configuration
type: object
key -> value of the configuration used by the plugin.
== mongodb fields
Module for parsing MongoDB log files.
== mongodb fields
Fields from MongoDB logs.
== log fields
Contains fields from MongoDB logs.
type: keyword
example: I
Severity level of message
type: keyword
example: COMMAND
Functional categorization of message
type: keyword
example: initandlisten
Context of message
type: text
The message in the log line.
== MySQL fields
Module for parsing the MySQL log files.
== mysql fields
Fields from the MySQL log files.
== error fields
Contains fields from the MySQL error logs.
The timestamp from the log line.
type: long
As of MySQL 5.7.2, this is the thread id. For MySQL versions prior to 5.7.2, this field contains the process id.
example: Warning
The log level.
type: text
The logged message.
== slowlog fields
Contains fields from the MySQL slow logs.
The MySQL user that created the query.
The host from where the user that created the query logged in.
The IP address from where the user that created the query logged in.
type: float
The total time the query took, in seconds, as a floating point number.
type: float
The amount of time the query waited for the lock to be available. The value is in seconds, as a floating point number.
type: long
The number of rows returned by the query.
type: long
The number of rows scanned by the query.
type: long
The unix timestamp taken from the `SET timestamp` query.
The slow query.
type: long
The connection ID for the query.
== Nginx fields
Module for parsing the Nginx log files.
== nginx fields
Fields from the Nginx log files.
== access fields
Contains fields for the Nginx access logs.
type: array
An array of remote IP addresses. It is a list because it is common to include, besides the client IP address, IP addresses from headers like `X-Forwarded-For`. See also the `remote_ip` field.
type: keyword
Client IP address. The first public IP address from the `remote_ip_list` array. If no public IP addresses are present, this field contains the first private IP address from the `remote_ip_list` array.
type: keyword
The user name used when basic authentication is used.
type: keyword
example: GET
The request HTTP method.
type: keyword
The request HTTP URL.
type: keyword
The HTTP version.
type: long
The HTTP response code.
type: long
format: bytes
The number of bytes of the server response body.
type: keyword
The HTTP referrer.
type: text
Contains the un-parsed user agent string. Only present if the user agent Elasticsearch plugin is not available or not used.
== user_agent fields
Contains the parsed User agent field. Only present if the user agent Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the physical device.
type: long
The major version of the user agent.
type: long
The minor version of the user agent.
type: keyword
The patch version of the user agent.
type: keyword
example: Chrome
The name of the user agent.
type: keyword
The name of the operating system.
type: long
The major version of the operating system.
type: long
The minor version of the operating system.
type: keyword
The name of the operating system.
type: text
Original user agent value before parsing by ingest-user-agent plugin.
Field is not indexed.
== geoip fields
Contains GeoIP information gathered based on the remote_ip field. Only present if the GeoIP Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the continent.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
The longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
The region name.
type: keyword
The city name.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
== error fields
Contains fields for the Nginx error logs.
type: keyword
Error level (e.g. error, critical).
type: long
Process identifier (PID).
type: long
Thread identifier.
type: long
Connection identifier.
type: text
The error message
== Osquery fields
Fields exported by the `osquery` module
== osquery fields
== result fields
Common fields exported by the result metricset.
type: keyword
The name of the query that generated this event.
type: keyword
For incremental data, marks whether the entry was added or removed. It can be one of "added", "removed", or "snapshot".
type: keyword
The identifier for the host on which the osquery agent is running. Normally the hostname.
type: long
Unix timestamp of the event, in seconds since the epoch. Used for computing the `@timestamp` column.
String representation of the collection time, as formatted by osquery.
== PostgreSQL fields
Module for parsing the PostgreSQL log files.
== postgresql fields
Fields from PostgreSQL logs.
== log fields
Fields from the PostgreSQL log files.
The timestamp from the log line.
The timezone of timestamp.
type: long
Process id
example: admin
Name of user
example: mydb
Name of database
example: FATAL
The log level.
type: float
example: 30.0
Duration of a query.
example: SELECT * FROM users;
Query statement.
type: text
The logged message.
== Redis fields
Redis Module
== redis fields
== log fields
Redis log files
type: long
The process ID of the Redis server.
type: keyword
The role of the Redis instance. Can be one of `master`, `slave`, `child` (for RDF/AOF writing child), or `sentinel`.
type: keyword
The log level. Can be one of `debug`, `verbose`, `notice`, or `warning`.
type: text
The log message
== slowlog fields
Slow logs are retrieved from Redis via a network connection.
type: keyword
The command executed.
type: long
How long it took to execute the command in microseconds.
type: long
The ID of the query.
type: keyword
The key on which the command was executed.
type: keyword
The arguments with which the command was called.
== System fields
Module for parsing system log files.
== system fields
Fields from the system log files.
== auth fields
Fields from the Linux authorization logs.
The timestamp as read from the auth message.
The hostname as read from the auth message.
The process name as read from the auth message.
type: long
The PID of the process that sent the auth message.
type: text
The message in the log line.
The Unix user that this event refers to.
== ssh fields
Fields specific to SSH login events.
The SSH login event. Can be one of "Accepted", "Failed", or "Invalid". "Accepted" means a successful login. "Invalid" means that the user is not configured on the system. "Failed" means that the SSH login attempt has failed.
The SSH authentication method. Can be one of "password" or "publickey".
type: ip
The client IP from where the login attempt was made.
type: ip
The client IP from SSH connections that are open and immediately dropped.
type: long
The client port from where the login attempt was made.
The signature of the client public key.
== geoip fields
Contains GeoIP information gathered based on the `system.auth.ip` field. Only present if the GeoIP Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the continent.
type: keyword
The name of the city.
type: keyword
The name of the region.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
The longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
== sudo fields
Fields specific to events created by the `sudo` command.
example: user NOT in sudoers
The error message in case the sudo command failed.
The TTY where the sudo command is executed.
The current directory where the sudo command is executed.
example: root
The target user to which the sudo command is switching.
The command executed via sudo.
== useradd fields
Fields specific to events created by the `useradd` command.
The user name being added.
type: long
The user ID.
type: long
The group ID.
The home folder for the new user.
The default shell for the new user.
== groupadd fields
Fields specific to events created by the `groupadd` command.
The name of the new group.
type: long
The ID of the new group.
== syslog fields
Contains fields from the syslog system logs.
The timestamp as read from the syslog message.
The hostname as read from the syslog message.
The process name as read from the syslog message.
The PID of the process that sent the syslog message.
type: text
The message in the log line.
== Traefik fields
Module for parsing the Traefik log files.
== traefik fields
Fields from the Traefik log files.
== access fields
Contains fields for the Traefik access logs.
type: keyword
Client IP address.
type: keyword
The user name used when basic authentication is used.
type: keyword
example: GET
The request HTTP method.
type: keyword
The request HTTP URL.
type: keyword
The HTTP version.
type: long
The HTTP response code.
type: long
format: bytes
The number of bytes of the server response body.
type: keyword
The HTTP referrer.
type: text
Contains the un-parsed user agent string. Only present if the user agent Elasticsearch plugin is not available or not used.
== user_agent fields
Contains the parsed User agent field. Only present if the user agent Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the physical device.
type: long
The major version of the user agent.
type: long
The minor version of the user agent.
type: keyword
The patch version of the user agent.
type: keyword
example: Chrome
The name of the user agent.
type: keyword
The name of the operating system.
type: long
The major version of the operating system.
type: long
The minor version of the operating system.
type: keyword
The name of the operating system.
type: text
Original user agent value before parsing by ingest-user-agent plugin.
Field is not indexed.
== geoip fields
Contains GeoIP information gathered based on the remote_ip field. Only present if the GeoIP Elasticsearch plugin is available and used.
type: keyword
The name of the continent.
type: keyword
Country ISO code.
type: geo_point
The longitude and latitude.
type: keyword
The region name.
type: keyword
The city name.
type: keyword
Region ISO code.
type: long
The number of requests
type: text
The name of the frontend used
type: text
The url of the backend where request is forwarded