
503 lines
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- name: process
type: group
description: >
`process` contains process metadata, CPU metrics, and memory metrics.
release: ga
- name: name
type: keyword
description: >
The process name.
- name: state
type: keyword
description: >
The process state. For example: "running".
- name: pid
type: long
description: >
The process pid.
- name: ppid
type: long
description: >
The process parent pid.
- name: pgid
type: long
description: >
The process group id.
- name: cmdline
type: keyword
description: >
The full command-line used to start the process, including the
arguments separated by space.
ignore_above: 2048
- name: username
type: keyword
description: >
The username of the user that created the process. If the username
cannot be determined, the field will contain the user's
numeric identifier (UID). On Windows, this field includes the user's
domain and is formatted as `domain\username`.
- name: cwd
type: keyword
description: >
The current working directory of the process. This field is only
available on Linux.
- name: env
type: object
object_type: keyword
description: >
The environment variables used to start the process. The data is
available on FreeBSD, Linux, and OS X.
- name: cpu
type: group
prefix: "[float]"
description: CPU-specific statistics per process.
- name: user.ticks
type: long
description: >
The amount of CPU time the process spent in user space.
- name: total.value
type: long
description: >
The value of CPU usage since starting the process.
- name: total.pct
type: scaled_float
format: percent
description: >
The percentage of CPU time spent by the process since the last update. Its value is similar to the
%CPU value of the process displayed by the top command on Unix systems.
- name: total.norm.pct
type: scaled_float
format: percent
description: >
The percentage of CPU time spent by the process since the last event.
This value is normalized by the number of CPU cores and it ranges
from 0 to 100%.
- name: system.ticks
type: long
description: >
The amount of CPU time the process spent in kernel space.
- name: total.ticks
type: long
description: >
The total CPU time spent by the process.
- name: start_time
type: date
description: >
The time when the process was started.
- name: memory
type: group
description: Memory-specific statistics per process.
prefix: "[float]"
- name: size
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The total virtual memory the process has.
- name: rss.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The Resident Set Size. The amount of memory the process occupied in main memory (RAM).
- name: rss.pct
type: scaled_float
format: percent
description: >
The percentage of memory the process occupied in main memory (RAM).
- name: share
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The shared memory the process uses.
- name: fd
type: group
description: >
File descriptor usage metrics. This set of metrics is available for
Linux and FreeBSD.
prefix: "[float]"
- name: open
type: long
description: The number of file descriptors open by the process.
- name: limit.soft
type: long
description: >
The soft limit on the number of file descriptors opened by the
process. The soft limit can be changed by the process at any time.
- name: limit.hard
type: long
description: >
The hard limit on the number of file descriptors opened by the
process. The hard limit can only be raised by root.
- name: cgroup
type: group
description: >
Metrics and limits from the cgroup of which the task is a member.
cgroup metrics are reported when the process has membership in a
non-root cgroup. These metrics are only available on Linux.
- name: id
type: keyword
description: >
The ID common to all cgroups associated with this task.
If there isn't a common ID used by all cgroups this field will be
- name: path
type: keyword
description: >
The path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystem's mountpoint.
If there isn't a common path used by all cgroups this field will be
- name: cpu
type: group
description: >
The cpu subsystem schedules CPU access for tasks in the cgroup.
Access can be controlled by two separate schedulers, CFS and RT.
CFS stands for completely fair scheduler which proportionally
divides the CPU time between cgroups based on weight. RT stands for
real time scheduler which sets a maximum amount of CPU time that
processes in the cgroup can consume during a given period.
- name: id
type: keyword
description: ID of the cgroup.
- name: path
type: keyword
description: >
Path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystem's
- name:
type: long
description: >
Period of time in microseconds for how regularly a
cgroup's access to CPU resources should be reallocated.
- name:
type: long
description: >
Total amount of time in microseconds for which all
tasks in a cgroup can run during one period (as defined by
- name: cfs.shares
type: long
description: >
An integer value that specifies a relative share of CPU time
available to the tasks in a cgroup. The value specified in the
cpu.shares file must be 2 or higher.
- name:
type: long
description: >
Period of time in microseconds for how regularly a cgroup's
access to CPU resources is reallocated.
- name:
type: long
description: >
Period of time in microseconds for the longest continuous period
in which the tasks in a cgroup have access to CPU resources.
- name: stats.periods
type: long
description: >
Number of period intervals (as specified in
that have elapsed.
- name: stats.throttled.periods
type: long
description: >
Number of times tasks in a cgroup have been throttled (that is,
not allowed to run because they have exhausted all of the
available time as specified by their quota).
- name: stats.throttled.ns
type: long
description: >
The total time duration (in nanoseconds) for which tasks in a
cgroup have been throttled.
- name: cpuacct
type: group
description: CPU accounting metrics.
- name: id
type: keyword
description: ID of the cgroup.
- name: path
type: keyword
description: >
Path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystem's
- name: total.ns
type: long
description: >
Total CPU time in nanoseconds consumed by all tasks in the
- name: stats.user.ns
type: long
description: CPU time consumed by tasks in user mode.
- name: stats.system.ns
type: long
description: CPU time consumed by tasks in user (kernel) mode.
- name: percpu
type: object
object_type: long
description: >
CPU time (in nanoseconds) consumed on each CPU by all tasks in
this cgroup.
- name: memory
type: group
description: Memory limits and metrics.
- name: id
type: keyword
description: ID of the cgroup.
- name: path
type: keyword
description: >
Path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystem's mountpoint.
- name: mem.usage.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Total memory usage by processes in the cgroup (in bytes).
- name: mem.usage.max.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The maximum memory used by processes in the cgroup (in bytes).
- name: mem.limit.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The maximum amount of user memory in bytes (including file
cache) that tasks in the cgroup are allowed to use.
- name: mem.failures
type: long
description: >
The number of times that the memory limit (mem.limit.bytes) was
- name: memsw.usage.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The sum of current memory usage plus swap space used by
processes in the cgroup (in bytes).
- name: memsw.usage.max.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The maximum amount of memory and swap space used by processes in
the cgroup (in bytes).
- name: memsw.limit.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The maximum amount for the sum of memory and swap usage
that tasks in the cgroup are allowed to use.
- name: memsw.failures
type: long
description: >
The number of times that the memory plus swap space limit
(memsw.limit.bytes) was reached.
- name: kmem.usage.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Total kernel memory usage by processes in the cgroup (in bytes).
- name: kmem.usage.max.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The maximum kernel memory used by processes in the cgroup (in
- name: kmem.limit.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The maximum amount of kernel memory that tasks in the cgroup are
allowed to use.
- name: kmem.failures
type: long
description: >
The number of times that the memory limit (kmem.limit.bytes) was
- name: kmem_tcp.usage.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Total memory usage for TCP buffers in bytes.
- name: kmem_tcp.usage.max.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The maximum memory used for TCP buffers by processes in the
cgroup (in bytes).
- name: kmem_tcp.limit.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
The maximum amount of memory for TCP buffers that tasks in the
cgroup are allowed to use.
- name: kmem_tcp.failures
type: long
description: >
The number of times that the memory limit (kmem_tcp.limit.bytes)
was reached.
- name: stats.active_anon.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Anonymous and swap cache on active least-recently-used (LRU)
list, including tmpfs (shmem), in bytes.
- name: stats.active_file.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: File-backed memory on active LRU list, in bytes.
- name: stats.cache.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: Page cache, including tmpfs (shmem), in bytes.
- name: stats.hierarchical_memory_limit.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Memory limit for the hierarchy that contains the memory cgroup,
in bytes.
- name: stats.hierarchical_memsw_limit.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Memory plus swap limit for the hierarchy that contains the
memory cgroup, in bytes.
- name: stats.inactive_anon.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Anonymous and swap cache on inactive LRU list, including tmpfs
(shmem), in bytes
- name: stats.inactive_file.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
File-backed memory on inactive LRU list, in bytes.
- name: stats.mapped_file.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Size of memory-mapped mapped files, including tmpfs (shmem),
in bytes.
- name: stats.page_faults
type: long
description: >
Number of times that a process in the cgroup triggered a page
- name: stats.major_page_faults
type: long
description: >
Number of times that a process in the cgroup triggered a major
fault. "Major" faults happen when the kernel actually has to
read the data from disk.
- name: stats.pages_in
type: long
description: >
Number of pages paged into memory. This is a counter.
- name: stats.pages_out
type: long
description: >
Number of pages paged out of memory. This is a counter.
- name: stats.rss.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Anonymous and swap cache (includes transparent hugepages), not
including tmpfs (shmem), in bytes.
- name: stats.rss_huge.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Number of bytes of anonymous transparent hugepages.
- name: stats.swap.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Swap usage, in bytes.
- name: stats.unevictable.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Memory that cannot be reclaimed, in bytes.
- name: blkio
type: group
description: Block IO metrics.
- name: id
type: keyword
description: ID of the cgroup.
- name: path
type: keyword
description: >
Path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystems mountpoint.
- name: total.bytes
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Total number of bytes transferred to and from all block devices
by processes in the cgroup.
- name: total.ios
type: long
description: >
Total number of I/O operations performed on all devices
by processes in the cgroup as seen by the throttling policy.