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- name: galera_status
type: group
release: experimental
description: >
`galera_status` contains the metrics that were obtained by the status SQL query on Galera.
- name: apply
type: group
description: >
Apply status fields.
- name: oooe
type: double
description: >
How often applier started write-set applying out-of-order (parallelization efficiency).
- name: oool
type: double
description: >
How often write-set was so slow to apply that write-set with higher seqno's were applied earlier.
Values closer to 0 refer to a greater gap between slow and fast write-sets.
- name: window
type: double
description: >
Average distance between highest and lowest concurrently applied seqno.
- name: cert
type: group
description: >
Certification status fields.
- name: deps_distance
type: double
description: >
Average distance between highest and lowest seqno value that can be possibly applied in parallel (potential degree of parallelization).
- name: index_size
type: long
description: >
The number of entries in the certification index.
- name: interval
type: double
description: >
Average number of transactions received while a transaction replicates.
- name: cluster
type: group
description: >
Cluster status fields.
- name: conf_id
type: long
description: >
Total number of cluster membership changes happened.
- name: size
type: long
description: >
Current number of members in the cluster.
- name: status
type: keyword
description: >
Status of this cluster component. That is, whether the node is part of a PRIMARY or NON_PRIMARY component.
- name: commit
type: group
description: >
Commit status fields.
- name: oooe
type: double
description: >
How often a transaction was committed out of order.
- name: window
type: long
description: >
Average distance between highest and lowest concurrently committed seqno.
- name: connected
type: keyword
description: >
If the value is OFF, the node has not yet connected to any of the cluster components.
This may be due to misconfiguration. Check the error log for proper diagnostics.
- name: evs
type: group
description: >
Evs Fields.
- name: evict
type: keyword
description: >
Lists the UUID's of all nodes evicted from the cluster.
Evicted nodes cannot rejoin the cluster until you restart their mysqld processes.
- name: state
type: keyword
description: >
Shows the internal state of the EVS Protocol.
- name: flow_ctl
type: group
description: >
Flow Control fields.
- name: paused
type: double
description: >
The fraction of time since the last FLUSH STATUS command that replication was paused due to flow control.
In other words, how much the slave lag is slowing down the cluster.
- name: paused_ns
type: long
description: >
The total time spent in a paused state measured in nanoseconds.
- name: recv
type: long
description: >
Returns the number of FC_PAUSE events the node has received, including those the node has sent.
Unlike most status variables, the counter for this one does not reset every time you run the query.
- name: sent
type: long
description: >
Returns the number of FC_PAUSE events the node has sent.
Unlike most status variables, the counter for this one does not reset every time you run the query.
- name: last_committed
type: long
description: >
The sequence number, or seqno, of the last committed transaction.
- name: local
type: group
description: >
Node specific Cluster status fields.
- name: bf_aborts
type: long
description: >
Total number of local transactions that were aborted by slave transactions while in execution.
- name: cert_failures
type: long
description: >
Total number of local transactions that failed certification test.
- name: commits
type: long
description: >
Total number of local transactions committed.
- name: recv
type: group
description: >
Node specific recv fields.
- name: queue
type: long
description: >
Current (instantaneous) length of the recv queue.
- name: queue_avg
type: double
description: >
Recv queue length averaged over interval since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
Values considerably larger than 0.0 mean that the node cannot apply write-sets as fast
as they are received and will generate a lot of replication throttling.
- name: queue_max
type: long
description: >
The maximum length of the recv queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
- name: queue_min
type: long
description: >
The minimum length of the recv queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
- name: replays
type: long
description: >
Total number of transaction replays due to asymmetric lock granularity.
- name: send
type: group
description: >
Node specific sent fields.
- name: queue
type: long
description: >
Current (instantaneous) length of the send queue.
- name: queue_avg
type: double
description: >
Send queue length averaged over time since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
Values considerably larger than 0.0 indicate replication throttling or network throughput issue.
- name: queue_max
type: long
description: >
The maximum length of the send queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
- name: queue_min
type: long
description: >
The minimum length of the send queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command.
- name: state
type: keyword
description: >
Internal Galera Cluster FSM state number.
- name: ready
type: keyword
description: >
Whether the server is ready to accept queries.
- name: received
type: group
description: >
Write-Set receive status fields.
- name: count
type: long
description: >
Total number of write-sets received from other nodes.
- name: bytes
type: long
description: >
Total size of write-sets received from other nodes.
- name: repl
type: group
description: >
Replication status fields.
- name: data_bytes
type: long
description: >
Total size of data replicated.
- name: keys
type: long
description: >
Total number of keys replicated.
- name: keys_bytes
type: long
description: >
Total size of keys replicated.
- name: other_bytes
type: long
description: >
Total size of other bits replicated.
- name: count
type: long
description: >
Total number of write-sets replicated (sent to other nodes).
- name: bytes
type: long
description: >
Total size of write-sets replicated.