
532 lines
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- name: metrics
type: group
description: >
Statistics that reflect the current use and state of a running `mongod` instance
for more information, take a look at
- name: commands
type: group
description: >
Reports on the use of database commands.
The fields in metrics.commands are the names of database commands and each value is a document
that reports the total number of commands executed as well as the number of failed executions.
metrics.commands.<command>.failed shows the number of times <command> failed on this mongod.
metrics.commands.<command>.total shows the number of times <command> executed on this mongod.
- name: is_self
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: aggregate
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: build_info
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: coll_stats
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: connection_pool_stats
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: count
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: db_stats
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: distinct
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: find
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: get_cmd_line_opts
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: get_last_error
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: get_log
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: get_more
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: get_parameter
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: host_info
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: insert
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: is_master
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: last_collections
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: last_commands
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: list_databased
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: list_indexes
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: ping
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: profile
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: replset_get_rbid
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: replset_get_status
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: replset_heartbeat
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: replset_update_position
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: server_status
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: update
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: whatsmyuri
type: group
- name: failed
type: long
- name: total
type: long
- name: cursor
type: group
description: >
Contains data regarding cursor state and use.
- name: timed_out
type: long
description: >
The total number of cursors that have timed out since the server process started.
- name: open
type: group
description: >
Contains data regarding open cursors.
- name: no_timeout
type: long
description: >
The number of open cursors with the option DBQuery.Option.noTimeout set to prevent timeout.
- name: pinned
type: long
description: >
The number of `pinned` open cursors.
- name: total
type: long
description: >
The number of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients.
- name: document
type: group
description: >
Reflects document access and modification patterns.
- name: deleted
type: long
description: >
The total number of documents deleted.
- name: inserted
type: long
description: >
The total number of documents inserted.
- name: returned
type: long
description: >
The total number of documents returned by queries.
- name: updated
type: long
description: >
The total number of documents updated.
- name: get_last_error
type: group
description: >
Returns the error status of the preceding write operation on the current connection.
- name:
type: long
description: >
The total amount of time in milliseconds that the mongod has spent performing getLastError operations
with write concern (i.e. w) greater than 1.
- name: write_wait.count
type: long
description: >
The total number of getLastError operations with a specified write concern (i.e. w) greater than 1.
- name: write_timeouts
type: long
description: >
The number of times that write concern operations have timed out as a result of the wtimeout threshold to getLastError.
- name: operation
type: group
description: >
Holds counters for several types of update and query operations that MongoDB handles using special operation types.
- name: scan_and_order
type: long
description: >
The total number of queries that return sorted numbers that cannot perform the sort operation using an index.
- name: write_conflicts
type: long
description: >
The total number of queries that encountered write conflicts.
- name: query_executor
type: group
description: >
Reports data from the query execution system.
- name: scanned_indexes
type: long
description: >
The total number of index items scanned during queries and query-plan evaluation.
- name: scanned_documents
type: long
description: >
The total number of documents scanned during queries and query-plan evaluation.
- name: replication
type: group
description: >
Reports metrics related to the replication process.
metrics.replication appears on all mongod instances, even those that aren't members of replica sets.
- name: executor
type: group
description: >
Reports on various statistics for the replication executor.
- name: counters
type: group
- name: event_created
type: long
- name: event_wait
type: long
- name: cancels
type: long
- name: waits
type: long
- name: scheduled
type: group
- name: netcmd
type: long
- name: dbwork
type: long
- name: exclusive
type: long
- name: work_at
type: long
- name: work
type: long
- name: failures
type: long
- name: queues
type: group
- name: in_progress
type: group
- name: network
type: long
- name: dbwork
type: long
- name: exclusive
type: long
- name: sleepers
type: long
- name: ready
type: long
- name: free
type: long
- name: unsignaled_events
type: long
- name: event_waiters
type: long
- name: shutting_down
type: boolean
- name: network_interface
type: text
- name: apply
type: group
description: >
Reports on the application of operations from the replication oplog.
- name: attempts_to_become_secondary
type: long
- name: batches
type: group
description: >
Reports on the oplog application process on secondaries members of replica sets.
- name: count
type: long
description: >
The total number of batches applied across all databases.
- name:
type: long
description: >
The total amount of time in milliseconds the mongod has spent applying operations from the oplog.
- name: ops
type: long
description: >
The total number of oplog operations applied.
- name: buffer
type: group
description: >
MongoDB buffers oplog operations from the replication sync source buffer before applying oplog entries in a batch.
metrics.replication.buffer provides a way to track the oplog buffer.
- name: count
type: long
description: >
The current number of operations in the oplog buffer.
- name: max_size.bytes
type: long
description: >
The maximum size of the buffer. This value is a constant setting in the mongod, and is not configurable.
- name: size.bytes
type: long
description: >
The current size of the contents of the oplog buffer.
- name: initial_sync
type: group
description: >
Report initial sync status
- name: completed
type: long
- name: failed_attempts
type: long
- name: failures
type: long
- name: network
type: group
description: >
Reports network use by the replication process.
- name: bytes
type: long
description: >
The total amount of data read from the replication sync source.
- name: getmores
type: group
description: >
Reports on the getmore operations, which are requests for additional results from the oplog cursor
as part of the oplog replication process.
- name: count
type: long
description: >
The total number of getmore operations
- name:
type: long
description: >
The total amount of time required to collect data from getmore operations.
- name: ops
type: long
description: >
The total number of operations read from the replication source.
- name: reders_created
type: long
description: >
The total number of oplog query processes created.
- name: preload
type: group
description: >
Reports on the `pre-fetch` stage, where MongoDB loads documents and indexes into RAM to improve replication throughput.
- name: docs
type: group
description: >
Reports on the documents loaded into memory during the pre-fetch stage.
- name: count
type: long
description: >
The total number of documents loaded during the pre-fetch stage of replication.
- name:
type: long
decsription: >
The total amount of time spent loading documents as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication.
- name: indexes
type: group
description: >
Reports on the index items loaded into memory during the pre-fetch stage of replication.
- name: count
type: long
description: >
The total number of index entries loaded by members before updating documents as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication.
- name:
type: long
description: >
The total amount of time, in milliseconds, spent loading index entries as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication.
- name:
type: group
- name: bucket_exhausted
type: long
description: >
The number of times that mongod has checked the free list without finding a suitably large record allocation.
- name: requests
type: long
description: >
The number of times mongod has searched for available record allocations.
- name: scanned
type: long
description: >
The number of available record allocations mongod has searched.
- name: ttl
type: group
description: >
Reports on the operation of the resource use of the ttl index process.
- name: deleted_documents
type: long
description: >
The total number of documents deleted from collections with a ttl index.
- name: passes
type: long
description: >
The number of times the background process removes documents from collections with a ttl index.