
67 lines
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- name: consumergroup
type: group
description: >
release: ga
- name: broker
type: group
deprecated: 6.5
description: >
Broker Consumer Group Information have been read from (Broker handling
the consumer group).
- name: id
type: long
description: >
Broker id
- name: address
type: keyword
description: >
Broker address
- name: id
type: keyword
description: Consumer Group ID
- name: topic
type: keyword
deprecated: 6.5
description: Topic name
- name: partition
type: long
deprecated: 6.5
description: Partition ID
- name: offset
type: long
description: consumer offset into partition being read
- name: meta
type: text
description: custom consumer meta data string
- name: error.code
type: long
description: >
kafka consumer/partition error code.
- name: client
type: group
description: >
Assigned client reading events from partition
- name: id
type: keyword
description: Client ID (kafka setting
- name: host
type: keyword
description: Client host
- name: member_id
type: keyword
description: internal consumer group member ID