
139 lines
3.9 KiB

- name: heap
type: group
description: >
The Go program heap information exposed by expvar.
release: beta
- name: cmdline
type: keyword
description: >
The cmdline of this Go program start with.
- name: gc
type: group
description: >
Garbage collector summary.
- name: total_pause
type: group
description: >
Total GC pause duration over lifetime of process.
- name: ns
type: long
description: >
Duration in Ns.
- name: total_count
type: long
description: >
Total number of GC was happened.
- name: next_gc_limit
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Next collection will happen when HeapAlloc > this amount.
- name: cpu_fraction
type: float
description: >
Fraction of CPU time used by GC.
- name: pause
type: group
description: >
Last GC pause durations during the monitoring period.
- name: count
type: long
description: >
Count of GC pause duration during this collect period.
- name: sum
type: group
description: >
Total GC pause duration during this collect period.
- name: ns
type: long
description: >
Duration in Ns.
- name: max
type: group
description: >
Max GC pause duration during this collect period.
- name: ns
type: long
description: >
Duration in Ns.
- name: avg
type: group
description: >
Average GC pause duration during this collect period.
- name: ns
type: long
description: >
Duration in Ns.
- name: system
type: group
description: >
Heap summary,which bytes was obtained from system.
- name: total
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Total bytes obtained from system (sum of XxxSys below).
- name: obtained
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Via HeapSys, bytes obtained from system. heap_sys = heap_idle + heap_inuse.
- name: stack
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Bytes used by stack allocator, and these bytes was obtained from system.
- name: released
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Bytes released to the OS.
- name: allocations
type: group
description: >
Heap allocations summary.
- name: mallocs
type: long
description: >
Number of mallocs.
- name: frees
type: long
description: >
Number of frees.
- name: objects
type: long
description: >
Total number of allocated objects.
- name: total
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Bytes allocated (even if freed) throughout the lifetime.
- name: allocated
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Bytes allocated and not yet freed (same as Alloc above).
- name: idle
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Bytes in idle spans.
- name: active
type: long
format: bytes
description: >
Bytes in non-idle span.