
472 lines
10 KiB

// Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package common
import (
func TestConvertNestedMapStr(t *testing.T) {
type io struct {
Input MapStr
Output MapStr
type String string
tests := []io{
Input: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": "value1",
Output: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": "value1",
Input: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": String("value1"),
Output: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": "value1",
Input: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": []string{"value1", "value2"},
Output: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": []string{"value1", "value2"},
Input: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": []String{"value1", "value2"},
Output: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": []interface{}{"value1", "value2"},
Input: MapStr{
"@timestamp": MustParseTime("2015-03-01T12:34:56.123Z"),
Output: MapStr{
"@timestamp": MustParseTime("2015-03-01T12:34:56.123Z"),
Input: MapStr{
"env": nil,
"key2": uintptr(88),
"key3": func() { t.Log("hello") },
Output: MapStr{},
Input: MapStr{
"key": []MapStr{
{"keyX": []String{"value1", "value2"}},
Output: MapStr{
"key": []MapStr{
{"keyX": []interface{}{"value1", "value2"}},
Input: MapStr{
"key": []interface{}{
MapStr{"key1": []string{"value1", "value2"}},
Output: MapStr{
"key": []interface{}{
MapStr{"key1": []string{"value1", "value2"}},
MapStr{"k": map[string]int{"hits": 1}},
MapStr{"k": MapStr{"hits": float64(1)}},
for i, test := range tests {
assert.Equal(t, test.Output, ConvertToGenericEvent(test.Input), "Test case %d", i)
func TestConvertNestedStruct(t *testing.T) {
type io struct {
Input MapStr
Output MapStr
type TestStruct struct {
A string
B int
tests := []io{
Input: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": TestStruct{
A: "hello",
B: 5,
Output: MapStr{
"key": MapStr{
"key1": MapStr{
"A": "hello",
"B": float64(5),
Input: MapStr{
"key": []interface{}{
A: "hello",
B: 5,
Output: MapStr{
"key": []interface{}{
"A": "hello",
"B": float64(5),
for i, test := range tests {
assert.EqualValues(t, test.Output, ConvertToGenericEvent(test.Input), "Test case %v", i)
func TestNormalizeValue(t *testing.T) {
var nilStringPtr *string
someString := "foo"
type mybool bool
type myint int32
type myuint uint8
var tests = []struct {
in interface{}
out interface{}
{nil, nil},
{&someString, someString}, // Pointers are dereferenced.
{nilStringPtr, nil}, // Nil pointers are dropped.
{NetString("test"), "test"}, // It honors the TextMarshaler contract.
{true, true},
{int8(8), int8(8)},
{uint8(8), uint8(8)},
{"hello", "hello"},
{map[string]interface{}{"foo": "bar"}, MapStr{"foo": "bar"}},
// Other map types are converted using marshalUnmarshal which will lose
// type information for arrays which become []interface{} and numbers
// which all become float64.
{map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}, MapStr{"foo": "bar"}},
{map[string][]string{"list": {"foo", "bar"}}, MapStr{"list": []interface{}{"foo", "bar"}}},
{[]string{"foo", "bar"}, []string{"foo", "bar"}},
{[]bool{true, false}, []bool{true, false}},
{[]string{"foo", "bar"}, []string{"foo", "bar"}},
{[]int{10, 11}, []int{10, 11}},
{[]MapStr{{"foo": "bar"}}, []MapStr{{"foo": "bar"}}},
{[]map[string]interface{}{{"foo": "bar"}}, []MapStr{{"foo": "bar"}}},
// Wrapper types are converted to primitives using reflection.
{mybool(true), true},
{myint(32), int64(32)},
{myuint(8), uint64(8)},
// Slices of wrapper types are converted to an []interface{} of primitives.
{[]mybool{true, false}, []interface{}{true, false}},
{[]myint{32}, []interface{}{int64(32)}},
{[]myuint{8}, []interface{}{uint64(8)}},
for i, test := range tests {
out, err := normalizeValue(
if err != nil {
assert.Equal(t, test.out, out, "Test case %v", i)
var floatTests = []struct {
in interface{}
out interface{}
{float32(1), float64(1)},
{float64(1), float64(1)},
for i, test := range floatTests {
out, err := normalizeValue(
if err != nil {
assert.InDelta(t, test.out, float64(out.(Float)), 0.000001, "(approximate) Test case %v", i)
func TestNormalizeMapError(t *testing.T) {
badInputs := []MapStr{
{"func": func() {}},
{"chan": make(chan struct{})},
{"uintptr": uintptr(123)},
for i, in := range badInputs {
_, errs := normalizeMap(in, "bad.type")
if assert.Len(t, errs, 1) {
assert.Contains(t, errs[0].Error(), "key=bad.type", "Test case %v", i)
func TestJoinKeys(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, "", joinKeys(""))
assert.Equal(t, "co", joinKeys("co"))
assert.Equal(t, "co.elastic", joinKeys("", "co", "elastic"))
assert.Equal(t, "co.elastic", joinKeys("co", "elastic"))
func TestMarshalUnmarshalMap(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in MapStr
out MapStr
{MapStr{"names": []string{"a", "b"}}, MapStr{"names": []interface{}{"a", "b"}}},
for i, test := range tests {
var out MapStr
err := marshalUnmarshal(, &out)
if err != nil {
assert.Equal(t, test.out, out, "Test case %v", i)
func TestMarshalUnmarshalArray(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in interface{}
out interface{}
{[]string{"a", "b"}, []interface{}{"a", "b"}},
for i, test := range tests {
var out interface{}
err := marshalUnmarshal(, &out)
if err != nil {
assert.Equal(t, test.out, out, "Test case %v", i)
func TestMarshalFloatValues(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
var f float64
f = 5
a := MapStr{
"f": Float(f),
b, err := json.Marshal(a)
assert.Equal(string(b), "{\"f\":5.000000}")
func TestNormalizeTime(t *testing.T) {
ny, err := time.LoadLocation("America/New_York")
if err != nil {
now := time.Now().In(ny)
v, errs := normalizeValue(now, "@timestamp")
if len(errs) > 0 {
utcCommonTime, ok := v.(Time)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected common.Time, but got %T (%v)", v, v)
assert.Equal(t, time.UTC, time.Time(utcCommonTime).Location())
assert.True(t, now.Equal(time.Time(utcCommonTime)))
// Uses TextMarshaler interface.
func BenchmarkConvertToGenericEventNetString(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
ConvertToGenericEvent(MapStr{"key": NetString("hola")})
// Uses reflection.
func BenchmarkConvertToGenericEventMapStringString(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
ConvertToGenericEvent(MapStr{"key": map[string]string{"greeting": "hola"}})
// Uses recursion to step into the nested MapStr.
func BenchmarkConvertToGenericEventMapStr(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
ConvertToGenericEvent(MapStr{"key": map[string]interface{}{"greeting": "hola"}})
// No reflection required.
func BenchmarkConvertToGenericEventStringSlice(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
ConvertToGenericEvent(MapStr{"key": []string{"foo", "bar"}})
// Uses reflection to convert the string array.
func BenchmarkConvertToGenericEventCustomStringSlice(b *testing.B) {
type myString string
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
ConvertToGenericEvent(MapStr{"key": []myString{"foo", "bar"}})
// Pointers require reflection to generically dereference.
func BenchmarkConvertToGenericEventStringPointer(b *testing.B) {
val := "foo"
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
ConvertToGenericEvent(MapStr{"key": &val})
func TestDeDotJSON(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
input []byte
output []byte
valuer func() interface{}
input: []byte(`[
{"key_with_multiple.dots.3": {"key_with_dot.2":"value2_1"}}
output: []byte(`[
{"key_with_multiple_dots_3": {"key_with_dot_2":"value2_1"}}
valuer: func() interface{} { return []interface{}{} },
input: []byte(`{
"key_without_dot_l1": {
"key_with_dot.l2": 1,
"key.with.multiple.dots_l2": 2,
"key_without_dot_l2": {
"key_with_dot.l3": 3,
"key.with.multiple.dots_l3": 4
output: []byte(`{
"key_without_dot_l1": {
"key_with_dot_l2": 1,
"key_with_multiple_dots_l2": 2,
"key_without_dot_l2": {
"key_with_dot_l3": 3,
"key_with_multiple_dots_l3": 4
valuer: func() interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{} },
for _, test := range tests {
input, output := test.valuer(), test.valuer()
assert.Nil(t, json.Unmarshal(test.input, &input))
assert.Nil(t, json.Unmarshal(test.output, &output))
assert.Equal(t, output, DeDotJSON(input))
if _, ok := test.valuer().(map[string]interface{}); ok {
assert.Equal(t, MapStr(output.(map[string]interface{})), DeDotJSON(MapStr(input.(map[string]interface{}))))