
452 lines
13 KiB

// Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor
// license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
// this work for additional information regarding copyright
// ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under
// the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
// not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// +build mage
package main
import (
func init() {
mage.BeatDescription = "Packetbeat analyzes network traffic and sends the data to Elasticsearch."
// Build builds the Beat binary.
func Build() error {
return mage.Build(mage.DefaultBuildArgs())
// GolangCrossBuild build the Beat binary inside of the golang-builder.
// Do not use directly, use crossBuild instead.
func GolangCrossBuild() error {
if dep, found := crossBuildDeps[mage.Platform.Name]; found {
params := mage.DefaultGolangCrossBuildArgs()
if flags, found := libpcapLDFLAGS[mage.Platform.Name]; found {
params.Env = map[string]string{
"CGO_LDFLAGS": flags,
if flags, found := libpcapCFLAGS[mage.Platform.Name]; found {
params.Env["CGO_CFLAGS"] = flags
return mage.GolangCrossBuild(params)
// BuildGoDaemon builds the go-daemon binary (use crossBuildGoDaemon).
func BuildGoDaemon() error {
return mage.BuildGoDaemon()
// CrossBuild cross-builds the beat for all target platforms.
func CrossBuild() error {
defer undoPatchCGODirectives()
// These Windows builds write temporary .s and .o files into the packetbeat
// dir so they cannot be run in parallel. Changing to a different CWD does
// not change where the temp files get written so that cannot be used as a
// fix.
if err := mage.CrossBuild(mage.ForPlatforms("windows"), mage.Serially()); err != nil {
return err
return mage.CrossBuild(mage.ForPlatforms("!windows"))
// CrossBuildXPack cross-builds the beat with XPack for all target platforms.
func CrossBuildXPack() error {
defer undoPatchCGODirectives()
// These Windows builds write temporary .s and .o files into the packetbeat
// dir so they cannot be run in parallel. Changing to a different CWD does
// not change where the temp files get written so that cannot be used as a
// fix.
if err := mage.CrossBuildXPack(mage.ForPlatforms("windows"), mage.Serially()); err != nil {
return err
return mage.CrossBuildXPack(mage.ForPlatforms("!windows"))
// CrossBuildGoDaemon cross-builds the go-daemon binary using Docker.
func CrossBuildGoDaemon() error {
return mage.CrossBuildGoDaemon()
// Clean cleans all generated files and build artifacts.
func Clean() error {
return mage.Clean()
// Package packages the Beat for distribution.
// Use SNAPSHOT=true to build snapshots.
// Use PLATFORMS to control the target platforms.
func Package() {
start := time.Now()
defer func() { fmt.Println("package ran for", time.Since(start)) }()
mg.Deps(CrossBuild, CrossBuildXPack, CrossBuildGoDaemon)
mg.SerialDeps(mage.Package, TestPackages)
// TestPackages tests the generated packages (i.e. file modes, owners, groups).
func TestPackages() error {
return mage.TestPackages()
// Update updates the generated files (aka make update).
func Update() error {
return sh.Run("make", "update")
// Fields generates a fields.yml for the Beat.
func Fields() error {
return mage.GenerateFieldsYAML("protos")
// GoTestUnit executes the Go unit tests.
// Use TEST_COVERAGE=true to enable code coverage profiling.
// Use RACE_DETECTOR=true to enable the race detector.
func GoTestUnit(ctx context.Context) error {
return mage.GoTest(ctx, mage.DefaultGoTestUnitArgs())
// GoTestIntegration executes the Go integration tests.
// Use TEST_COVERAGE=true to enable code coverage profiling.
// Use RACE_DETECTOR=true to enable the race detector.
func GoTestIntegration(ctx context.Context) error {
return mage.GoTest(ctx, mage.DefaultGoTestIntegrationArgs())
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Customizations specific to Packetbeat.
// - Config file contains an OS specific device name (affects darwin, windows).
// - Must compile libpcap or winpcap during cross-compilation.
// - On Linux libpcap is statically linked. Darwin and Windows are dynamic.
const (
libpcapURL = ""
libpcapSHA256 = "673dbc69fdc3f5a86fb5759ab19899039a8e5e6c631749e48dcd9c6f0c83541e"
const (
linuxPcapLDFLAGS = "-L/libpcap/libpcap-1.8.1 -lpcap"
linuxPcapCFLAGS = "-I /libpcap/libpcap-1.8.1"
var libpcapLDFLAGS = map[string]string{
"linux/386": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/amd64": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/arm64": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/armv5": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/armv6": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/armv7": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/mips": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/mipsle": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/mips64": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/mips64le": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/ppc64le": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"linux/s390x": linuxPcapLDFLAGS,
"darwin/amd64": "-lpcap",
"windows/amd64": "-L /libpcap/win/WpdPack/Lib/x64 -lwpcap",
"windows/386": "-L /libpcap/win/WpdPack/Lib -lwpcap",
var libpcapCFLAGS = map[string]string{
"linux/386": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/amd64": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/arm64": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/armv5": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/armv6": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/armv7": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/mips": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/mipsle": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/mips64": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/mips64le": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/ppc64le": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"linux/s390x": linuxPcapCFLAGS,
"windows/amd64": "-I /libpcap/win/WpdPack/Include",
"windows/386": "-I /libpcap/win/WpdPack/Include",
var crossBuildDeps = map[string]func() error{
"linux/386": buildLibpcapLinux386,
"linux/amd64": buildLibpcapLinuxAMD64,
"linux/arm64": buildLibpcapLinuxARM64,
"linux/armv5": buildLibpcapLinuxARMv5,
"linux/armv6": buildLibpcapLinuxARMv6,
"linux/armv7": buildLibpcapLinuxARMv7,
"linux/mips": buildLibpcapLinuxMIPS,
"linux/mipsle": buildLibpcapLinuxMIPSLE,
"linux/mips64": buildLibpcapLinuxMIPS64,
"linux/mips64le": buildLibpcapLinuxMIPS64LE,
"linux/ppc64le": buildLibpcapLinuxPPC64LE,
"linux/s390x": buildLibpcapLinuxS390x,
"windows/amd64": installLibpcapWindowsAMD64,
"windows/386": installLibpcapWindows386,
// buildLibpcapFromSource builds libpcap from source because the library needs
// to be compiled with -fPIC.
// See
func buildLibpcapFromSource(params map[string]string) error {
tarFile, err := mage.DownloadFile(libpcapURL, "/libpcap")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to download libpcap source")
if err = mage.VerifySHA256(tarFile, libpcapSHA256); err != nil {
return err
if err = mage.Extract(tarFile, "/libpcap"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to extract libpcap")
var configureArgs []string
for k, v := range params {
if strings.HasPrefix(k, "-") {
delete(params, k)
configureArgs = append(configureArgs, k+"="+v)
// Use sh -c here because sh.Run does not expose a way to change the CWD.
// This command only runs in Linux so this is fine.
return sh.RunWith(params, "sh", "-c",
"cd /libpcap/libpcap-1.8.1 && "+
"./configure --enable-usb=no --enable-bluetooth=no --enable-dbus=no "+strings.Join(configureArgs, " ")+"&& "+
func buildLibpcapLinux386() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"CFLAGS": "-m32",
"LDFLAGS": "-m32",
func buildLibpcapLinuxAMD64() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{})
func buildLibpcapLinuxARM64() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxARMv5() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "arm-linux-gnueabi",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxARMv6() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "arm-linux-gnueabi",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxARMv7() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "arm-linux-gnueabihf",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxMIPS() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "mips-unknown-linux-gnu",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxMIPSLE() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "mipsle-unknown-linux-gnu",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxMIPS64() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "mips64-unknown-linux-gnu",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxMIPS64LE() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "mips64le-unknown-linux-gnu",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxPPC64LE() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "powerpc64le-linux-gnu",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func buildLibpcapLinuxS390x() error {
return buildLibpcapFromSource(map[string]string{
"--host": "s390x-ibm-linux-gnu",
"--with-pcap": "linux",
func installLibpcapWindowsAMD64() error {
mg.SerialDeps(installWinpcap, generateWin64StaticWinpcap)
return nil
func installLibpcapWindows386() error {
return installWinpcap()
func installWinpcap() error {
log.Println("Install Winpcap")
const wpdpackURL = ""
winpcapZip, err := mage.DownloadFile(wpdpackURL, "/")
if err != nil {
return err
if err = mage.Extract(winpcapZip, "/libpcap/win"); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func generateWin64StaticWinpcap() error {
log.Println(">> Generating 64-bit winpcap static lib")
// Notes: We are using absolute path to make sure the files
// are available for x-pack build.
// Ref:
defer mage.DockerChown(mage.MustExpand("{{elastic_beats_dir}}/{{.BeatName}}/lib"))
return mage.RunCmds(
// Requires mingw-w64-tools.
[]string{"gendef", mage.MustExpand("{{elastic_beats_dir}}/{{.BeatName}}/lib/windows-64/wpcap.dll")},
[]string{"mv", "wpcap.def", mage.MustExpand("{{ elastic_beats_dir}}/{{.BeatName}}/lib/windows-64/wpcap.def")},
[]string{"x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool", "--as-flags=--64",
"-m", "i386:x86-64", "-k",
"--output-lib", "/libpcap/win/WpdPack/Lib/x64/libwpcap.a",
"--input-def", mage.MustExpand("{{elastic_beats_dir}}/{{.BeatName}}/lib/windows-64/wpcap.def")},
var pcapGoFile = mage.MustExpand("{{elastic_beats_dir}}/vendor/")
var cgoDirectiveRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)#cgo .*(?:LDFLAGS|CFLAGS).*$`)
func patchCGODirectives() error {
// cgo directives do not support GOARM tags so we will clear the tags
// and set them via CGO_LDFLAGS and CGO_CFLAGS.
// Ref:
log.Println("Patching", pcapGoFile, cgoDirectiveRegex.String())
return mage.FindReplace(pcapGoFile, cgoDirectiveRegex, "")
func undoPatchCGODirectives() error {
return sh.Run("git", "checkout", pcapGoFile)
// customizePackaging modifies the device in the configuration files based on
// the target OS.
func customizePackaging() {
var (
defaultDevice = map[string]string{
"darwin": "en0",
"windows": "0",
configYml = mage.PackageFile{
Mode: 0600,
Source: "{{.PackageDir}}/{{.BeatName}}.yml",
Config: true,
Dep: func(spec mage.PackageSpec) error {
if err := mage.Copy("packetbeat.yml",
spec.MustExpand("{{.PackageDir}}/packetbeat.yml")); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy config")
return mage.FindReplace(
regexp.MustCompile(`device: any`), "device: "+defaultDevice[spec.OS])
referenceConfigYml = mage.PackageFile{
Mode: 0644,
Source: "{{.PackageDir}}/{{.BeatName}}.reference.yml",
Dep: func(spec mage.PackageSpec) error {
if err := mage.Copy("packetbeat.yml",
spec.MustExpand("{{.PackageDir}}/packetbeat.reference.yml")); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to copy config")
return mage.FindReplace(
regexp.MustCompile(`device: any`), "device: "+defaultDevice[spec.OS])
for _, args := range mage.Packages {
switch args.OS {
case "windows", "darwin":
if args.Types[0] == mage.DMG {
args.Spec.ReplaceFile("/etc/{{.BeatName}}/{{.BeatName}}.yml", configYml)
args.Spec.ReplaceFile("/etc/{{.BeatName}}/{{.BeatName}}.reference.yml", referenceConfigYml)
args.Spec.ReplaceFile("{{.BeatName}}.yml", configYml)
args.Spec.ReplaceFile("{{.BeatName}}.reference.yml", referenceConfigYml)