
231 lines
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// Package robotstxt implements the robots.txt Exclusion Protocol
// as specified in
// with various extensions.
package robotstxt
// Comments explaining the logic are taken from either the Google's spec:
import (
type RobotsData struct {
// private
groups map[string]*Group
allowAll bool
disallowAll bool
Host string
Sitemaps []string
type Group struct {
rules []*rule
Agent string
CrawlDelay time.Duration
type rule struct {
path string
allow bool
pattern *regexp.Regexp
type ParseError struct {
Errs []error
func newParseError(errs []error) *ParseError {
return &ParseError{errs}
func (e ParseError) Error() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
b.WriteString("Parse error(s): " + "\n")
for _, er := range e.Errs {
b.WriteString(er.Error() + "\n")
return b.String()
var allowAll = &RobotsData{allowAll: true}
var disallowAll = &RobotsData{disallowAll: true}
var emptyGroup = &Group{}
func FromStatusAndBytes(statusCode int, body []byte) (*RobotsData, error) {
switch {
case statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300:
return FromBytes(body)
// From
// Google treats all 4xx errors in the same way and assumes that no valid
// robots.txt file exists. It is assumed that there are no restrictions.
// This is a "full allow" for crawling. Note: this includes 401
// "Unauthorized" and 403 "Forbidden" HTTP result codes.
case statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 500:
return allowAll, nil
// From Google's spec:
// Server errors (5xx) are seen as temporary errors that result in a "full
// disallow" of crawling.
case statusCode >= 500 && statusCode < 600:
return disallowAll, nil
return nil, errors.New("Unexpected status: " + strconv.Itoa(statusCode))
func FromStatusAndString(statusCode int, body string) (*RobotsData, error) {
return FromStatusAndBytes(statusCode, []byte(body))
func FromResponse(res *http.Response) (*RobotsData, error) {
if res == nil {
// Edge case, if res is nil, return nil data
return nil, nil
buf, e := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
return FromStatusAndBytes(res.StatusCode, buf)
func FromBytes(body []byte) (r *RobotsData, err error) {
var errs []error
// special case (probably not worth optimization?)
trimmed := bytes.TrimSpace(body)
if len(trimmed) == 0 {
return allowAll, nil
sc := newByteScanner("bytes", true)
//sc.Quiet = !print_errors
sc.Feed(body, true)
var tokens []string
tokens, err = sc.ScanAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// special case worth optimization
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return allowAll, nil
r = &RobotsData{}
parser := newParser(tokens)
r.groups, r.Host, r.Sitemaps, errs = parser.parseAll()
if len(errs) > 0 {
return nil, newParseError(errs)
return r, nil
func FromString(body string) (r *RobotsData, err error) {
return FromBytes([]byte(body))
func (r *RobotsData) TestAgent(path, agent string) bool {
if r.allowAll {
return true
if r.disallowAll {
return false
// Find a group of rules that applies to this agent
// From Google's spec:
// The user-agent is non-case-sensitive.
g := r.FindGroup(agent)
return g.Test(path)
// FindGroup searches block of declarations for specified user-agent.
// From Google's spec:
// Only one group of group-member records is valid for a particular crawler.
// The crawler must determine the correct group of records by finding the group
// with the most specific user-agent that still matches. All other groups of
// records are ignored by the crawler. The user-agent is non-case-sensitive.
// The order of the groups within the robots.txt file is irrelevant.
func (r *RobotsData) FindGroup(agent string) (ret *Group) {
var prefixLen int
agent = strings.ToLower(agent)
if ret = r.groups["*"]; ret != nil {
// Weakest match possible
prefixLen = 1
for a, g := range r.groups {
if a != "*" && strings.HasPrefix(agent, a) {
if l := len(a); l > prefixLen {
prefixLen = l
ret = g
if ret == nil {
return emptyGroup
func (g *Group) Test(path string) bool {
if r := g.findRule(path); r != nil {
return r.allow
// From Google's spec:
// By default, there are no restrictions for crawling for the designated crawlers.
return true
// From Google's spec:
// The path value is used as a basis to determine whether or not a rule applies
// to a specific URL on a site. With the exception of wildcards, the path is
// used to match the beginning of a URL (and any valid URLs that start with the
// same path).
// At a group-member level, in particular for allow and disallow directives,
// the most specific rule based on the length of the [path] entry will trump
// the less specific (shorter) rule. The order of precedence for rules with
// wildcards is undefined.
func (g *Group) findRule(path string) (ret *rule) {
var prefixLen int
for _, r := range g.rules {
if r.pattern != nil {
if r.pattern.MatchString(path) {
// Consider this a match equal to the length of the pattern.
// From Google's spec:
// The order of precedence for rules with wildcards is undefined.
if l := len(r.pattern.String()); l > prefixLen {
prefixLen = len(r.pattern.String())
ret = r
} else if r.path == "/" && prefixLen == 0 {
// Weakest match possible
prefixLen = 1
ret = r
} else if strings.HasPrefix(path, r.path) {
if l := len(r.path); l > prefixLen {
prefixLen = l
ret = r