
631 lines
18 KiB

package xpath
import (
var html *TNode = example()
func TestCompile(t *testing.T) {
var err error
_, err = Compile("//a")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("//a should be correct but got error %s", err)
_, err = Compile("//a[id=']/span")
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("//a[id=] should be got correct but is nil")
_, err = Compile("//ul/li/@class")
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("//ul/li/@class should be correct but got error %s", err)
func TestSelf(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html, ".", "html")
testXPath(t, html.FirstChild, ".", "head")
testXPath(t, html, "self::*", "html")
testXPath(t, html.LastChild, "self::body", "body")
testXPath2(t, html, "//body/./ul/li/a", 3)
func TestParent(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html.LastChild, "..", "html")
testXPath(t, html.LastChild, "parent::*", "html")
a := selectNode(html, "//li/a")
testXPath(t, a, "parent::*", "li")
testXPath(t, html, "//title/parent::head", "head")
func TestAttribute(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html, "@lang='en'", "html")
testXPath2(t, html, "@lang='zh'", 0)
testXPath2(t, html, "//@href", 3)
testXPath2(t, html, "//a[@*]", 3)
func TestRelativePath(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html, "head", "head")
testXPath(t, html, "/head", "head")
testXPath(t, html, "body//li", "li")
testXPath(t, html, "/head/title", "title")
testXPath2(t, html, "/body/ul/li/a", 3)
testXPath(t, html, "//title", "title")
testXPath(t, html, "//title/..", "head")
testXPath(t, html, "//title/../..", "html")
testXPath2(t, html, "//a[@href]", 3)
testXPath(t, html, "//ul/../footer", "footer")
func TestChild(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html, "/child::head", "head")
testXPath(t, html, "/child::head/child::title", "title")
testXPath(t, html, "//title/../child::title", "title")
testXPath(t, html.Parent, "//child::*", "html")
func TestDescendant(t *testing.T) {
testXPath2(t, html, "descendant::*", 15)
testXPath2(t, html, "/head/descendant::*", 2)
testXPath2(t, html, "//ul/descendant::*", 7) // <li> + <a>
testXPath2(t, html, "//ul/descendant::li", 4) // <li>
func TestAncestor(t *testing.T) {
testXPath2(t, html, "/body/footer/ancestor::*", 2) // body>html
testXPath2(t, html, "/body/ul/li/a/ancestor::li", 3)
testXPath2(t, html, "/body/ul/li/a/ancestor-or-self::li", 3)
func TestFollowingSibling(t *testing.T) {
var list []*TNode
list = selectNodes(html, "//li/following-sibling::*")
for _, n := range list {
if n.Data != "li" {
t.Fatalf("expected node is li,but got:%s", n.Data)
list = selectNodes(html, "//ul/following-sibling::*") // p,footer
for _, n := range list {
if n.Data != "p" && n.Data != "footer" {
t.Fatal("expected node is not one of the following nodes: [p,footer]")
testXPath(t, html, "//ul/following-sibling::footer", "footer")
list = selectNodes(html, "//h1/following::*") // ul>li>a,p,footer
if list[0].Data != "ul" {
t.Fatal("expected node is not ul")
if list[1].Data != "li" {
t.Fatal("expected node is not li")
if list[len(list)-1].Data != "footer" {
t.Fatal("expected node is not footer")
func TestPrecedingSibling(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html, "/body/footer/preceding-sibling::*", "p")
testXPath2(t, html, "/body/footer/preceding-sibling::*", 3) // p,ul,h1
list := selectNodes(html, "//h1/preceding::*") // head>title>meta
if list[0].Data != "head" {
t.Fatal("expected is not head")
if list[1].Data != "title" {
t.Fatal("expected is not title")
if list[2].Data != "meta" {
t.Fatal("expected is not meta")
func TestStarWide(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html, "/head/*", "title")
testXPath2(t, html, "//ul/*", 4)
testXPath(t, html, "@*", "html")
testXPath2(t, html, "/body/h1/*", 0)
testXPath2(t, html, `//ul/*/a`, 3)
func TestNodeTestType(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html, "//title/text()", "Hello")
testXPath(t, html, "//a[@href='/']/text()", "Home")
testXPath2(t, html, "//head/node()", 2)
testXPath2(t, html, "//ul/node()", 4)
func TestPosition(t *testing.T) {
testXPath3(t, html, "/head[1]", html.FirstChild) // compare to 'head' element
ul := selectNode(html, "//ul")
testXPath3(t, html, "/head[last()]", html.FirstChild)
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[1]", ul.FirstChild)
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[4]", ul.LastChild)
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[last()]", ul.LastChild)
func TestPredicate(t *testing.T) {
testXPath(t, html.Parent, "html[@lang='en']", "html")
testXPath(t, html, "//a[@href='/']", "a")
testXPath(t, html, "//meta[@name]", "meta")
ul := selectNode(html, "//ul")
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[position()=4]", ul.LastChild)
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[position()=1]", ul.FirstChild)
testXPath2(t, html, "//li[position()>0]", 4)
testXPath3(t, html, "//a[text()='Home']", selectNode(html, "//a[1]"))
func TestOr_And(t *testing.T) {
list := selectNodes(html, "//h1|//footer")
if len(list) == 0 {
t.Fatal("//h1|//footer no any node found")
if list[0].Data != "h1" {
t.Fatalf("expected first node of node-set is h1,but got %s", list[0].Data)
if list[1].Data != "footer" {
t.Fatalf("expected first node of node-set is footer,but got %s", list[1].Data)
list = selectNodes(html, "//a[@id=1 or @id=2]")
if list[0] != selectNode(html, "//a[@id=1]") {
t.Fatal("node is not equal")
if list[1] != selectNode(html, "//a[@id=2]") {
t.Fatal("node is not equal")
list = selectNodes(html, "//a[@id or @href]")
if list[0] != selectNode(html, "//a[@id=1]") {
t.Fatal("node is not equal")
if list[1] != selectNode(html, "//a[@id=2]") {
t.Fatal("node is not equal")
testXPath3(t, html, "//a[@id=1 and @href='/']", selectNode(html, "//a[1]"))
testXPath3(t, html, "//a[text()='Home' and @id='1']", selectNode(html, "//a[1]"))
func TestFunction(t *testing.T) {
testEval(t, html, "boolean(//*[@id])", true)
testEval(t, html, "boolean(//*[@x])", false)
testEval(t, html, "name(//title)", "title")
testXPath2(t, html, "//*[name()='a']", 3)
testXPath(t, html, "//*[starts-with(name(),'h1')]", "h1")
testXPath(t, html, "//*[ends-with(name(),'itle')]", "title") // Head title
testXPath2(t, html, "//*[contains(@href,'a')]", 2)
testXPath2(t, html, "//*[starts-with(@href,'/a')]", 2) // a links: `/account`,`/about`
testXPath2(t, html, "//*[ends-with(@href,'t')]", 2) // a links: `/account`,`/about`
testXPath3(t, html, "//h1[normalize-space(text())='This is a H1']", selectNode(html, "//h1"))
testXPath3(t, html, "//title[substring(.,1)='Hello']", selectNode(html, "//title"))
testXPath3(t, html, "//title[substring(text(),1,4)='Hell']", selectNode(html, "//title"))
testXPath3(t, html, "//title[substring(self::*,1,4)='Hell']", selectNode(html, "//title"))
testXPath2(t, html, "//title[substring(child::*,1)]", 0) // Here substring return boolen (false), should it?
testXPath2(t, html, "//title[substring(child::*,1) = '']", 1)
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[not(a)]", selectNode(html, "//ul/li[4]"))
testXPath2(t, html, "//li/a[not(@id='1')]", 2) // //li/a[@id!=1]
testXPath2(t, html, "//h1[string-length(normalize-space(' abc ')) = 3]", 1)
testXPath2(t, html, "//h1[string-length(normalize-space(self::text())) = 12]", 1)
testXPath2(t, html, "//title[string-length(normalize-space(child::*)) = 0]", 1)
testXPath2(t, html, "//title[string-length(self::text()) = 5]", 1) // Hello = 5
testXPath2(t, html, "//title[string-length(child::*) = 5]", 0)
testXPath2(t, html, "//ul[count(li)=4]", 1)
testEval(t, html, "true()", true)
testEval(t, html, "false()", false)
testEval(t, html, "boolean(0)", false)
testEval(t, html, "boolean(1)", true)
testEval(t, html, "sum(1+2)", float64(3))
testEval(t, html, "string(sum(1+2))", "3")
testEval(t, html, "sum(1.1+2)", float64(3.1))
testEval(t, html, "sum(//a/@id)", float64(6)) // 1+2+3
testEval(t, html, `concat("1","2","3")`, "123")
testEval(t, html, `concat(" ",//a[@id='1']/@href," ")`, " / ")
testEval(t, html, "ceiling(5.2)", float64(6))
testEval(t, html, "floor(5.2)", float64(5))
testEval(t, html, `substring-before('aa-bb','-')`, "aa")
testEval(t, html, `substring-before('aa-bb','a')`, "")
testEval(t, html, `substring-before('aa-bb','b')`, "aa-")
testEval(t, html, `substring-before('aa-bb','q')`, "")
testEval(t, html, `substring-after('aa-bb','-')`, "bb")
testEval(t, html, `substring-after('aa-bb','a')`, "a-bb")
testEval(t, html, `substring-after('aa-bb','b')`, "b")
testEval(t, html, `substring-after('aa-bb','q')`, "")
testEval(t, html,
`translate('The quick brown fox.', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')`,
testEval(t, html,
`translate('The quick brown fox.', 'brown', 'red')`,
"The quick red fdx.",
func TestPanic(t *testing.T) {
// starts-with
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath(t, html, "//*[starts-with(0, 0)]", "") })
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath(t, html, "//*[starts-with(name(), 0)]", "") })
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath(t, html, "//*[ends-with(0, 0)]", "") })
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath(t, html, "//*[ends-with(name(), 0)]", "") })
// contains
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath2(t, html, "//*[contains(0, 0)]", 0) })
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath2(t, html, "//*[contains(@href, 0)]", 0) })
// sum
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath3(t, html, "//title[sum('Hello') = 0]", nil) })
// substring
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath3(t, html, "//title[substring(.,'')=0]", nil) })
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath3(t, html, "//title[substring(.,4,'')=0]", nil) })
assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath3(t, html, "//title[substring(.,4,4)=0]", nil) })
//assertPanic(t, func() { testXPath2(t, html, "//title[substring(child::*,0) = '']", 0) }) // Here substring return boolen (false), should it?
func assertPanic(t *testing.T, f func()) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r == nil {
t.Errorf("The code did not panic")
func TestEvaluate(t *testing.T) {
testEval(t, html, "count(//ul/li)", float64(4))
testEval(t, html, "//html/@lang", []string{"en"})
testEval(t, html, "//title/text()", []string{"Hello"})
func TestOperationOrLogical(t *testing.T) {
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[1+1]", selectNode(html, "//li[2]"))
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[5 div 2]", selectNode(html, "//li[2]"))
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[3 mod 2]", selectNode(html, "//li[1]"))
testXPath3(t, html, "//li[3 - 2]", selectNode(html, "//li[1]"))
testXPath2(t, html, "//li[position() mod 2 = 0 ]", 2) // //li[2],li[4]
testXPath2(t, html, "//a[@id>=1]", 3) // //a[@id>=1] == a[1],a[2],a[3]
testXPath2(t, html, "//a[@id<=2]", 2) // //a[@id<=2] == a[1],a[1]
testXPath2(t, html, "//a[@id<2]", 1) // //a[@id>=1] == a[1]
testXPath2(t, html, "//a[@id!=2]", 2) // //a[@id>=1] == a[1],a[3]
testXPath2(t, html, "//a[@id=1 or @id=3]", 2) // //a[@id>=1] == a[1],a[3]
testXPath3(t, html, "//a[@id=1 and @href='/']", selectNode(html, "//a[1]"))
func testEval(t *testing.T, root *TNode, expr string, expected interface{}) {
v := MustCompile(expr).Evaluate(createNavigator(root))
if it, ok := v.(*NodeIterator); ok {
exp, ok := expected.([]string)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("expected value, got: %#v", v)
got := iterateNavs(it)
if len(exp) != len(got) {
t.Fatalf("expected: %#v, got: %#v", exp, got)
for i, n1 := range exp {
n2 := got[i]
if n1 != n2.Value() {
t.Fatalf("expected: %#v, got: %#v", n1, n2)
if v != expected {
t.Fatalf("expected: %#v, got: %#v", expected, v)
func testXPath(t *testing.T, root *TNode, expr string, expected string) {
node := selectNode(root, expr)
if node == nil {
t.Fatalf("`%s` returns node is nil", expr)
if node.Data != expected {
t.Fatalf("`%s` expected node is %s,but got %s", expr, expected, node.Data)
func testXPath2(t *testing.T, root *TNode, expr string, expected int) {
list := selectNodes(root, expr)
if len(list) != expected {
t.Fatalf("`%s` expected node numbers is %d,but got %d", expr, expected, len(list))
func testXPath3(t *testing.T, root *TNode, expr string, expected *TNode) {
node := selectNode(root, expr)
if node == nil {
t.Fatalf("`%s` returns node is nil", expr)
if node != expected {
t.Fatalf("`%s` %s != %s", expr, node.Value(), expected.Value())
func iterateNavs(t *NodeIterator) []*TNodeNavigator {
var nodes []*TNodeNavigator
for t.MoveNext() {
node := t.Current().(*TNodeNavigator)
nodes = append(nodes, node)
return nodes
func iterateNodes(t *NodeIterator) []*TNode {
var nodes []*TNode
for t.MoveNext() {
node := (t.Current().(*TNodeNavigator)).curr
nodes = append(nodes, node)
return nodes
func selectNode(root *TNode, expr string) (n *TNode) {
t := Select(createNavigator(root), expr)
if t.MoveNext() {
n = (t.Current().(*TNodeNavigator)).curr
return n
func selectNodes(root *TNode, expr string) []*TNode {
t := Select(createNavigator(root), expr)
return iterateNodes(t)
func createNavigator(n *TNode) *TNodeNavigator {
return &TNodeNavigator{curr: n, root: n, attr: -1}
type Attribute struct {
Key, Value string
type TNode struct {
Parent, FirstChild, LastChild, PrevSibling, NextSibling *TNode
Type NodeType
Data string
Attr []Attribute
func (n *TNode) Value() string {
if n.Type == TextNode {
return n.Data
var buff bytes.Buffer
var output func(*TNode)
output = func(node *TNode) {
if node.Type == TextNode {
for child := node.FirstChild; child != nil; child = child.NextSibling {
return buff.String()
// TNodeNavigator is for navigating TNode.
type TNodeNavigator struct {
curr, root *TNode
attr int
func (n *TNodeNavigator) NodeType() NodeType {
if n.curr.Type == ElementNode && n.attr != -1 {
return AttributeNode
return n.curr.Type
func (n *TNodeNavigator) LocalName() string {
if n.attr != -1 {
return n.curr.Attr[n.attr].Key
return n.curr.Data
func (n *TNodeNavigator) Prefix() string {
return ""
func (n *TNodeNavigator) Value() string {
switch n.curr.Type {
case CommentNode:
return n.curr.Data
case ElementNode:
if n.attr != -1 {
return n.curr.Attr[n.attr].Value
var buf bytes.Buffer
node := n.curr.FirstChild
for node != nil {
if node.Type == TextNode {
node = node.NextSibling
return buf.String()
case TextNode:
return n.curr.Data
return ""
func (n *TNodeNavigator) Copy() NodeNavigator {
n2 := *n
return &n2
func (n *TNodeNavigator) MoveToRoot() {
n.curr = n.root
func (n *TNodeNavigator) MoveToParent() bool {
if node := n.curr.Parent; node != nil {
n.curr = node
return true
return false
func (n *TNodeNavigator) MoveToNextAttribute() bool {
if n.attr >= len(n.curr.Attr)-1 {
return false
return true
func (n *TNodeNavigator) MoveToChild() bool {
if node := n.curr.FirstChild; node != nil {
n.curr = node
return true
return false
func (n *TNodeNavigator) MoveToFirst() bool {
if n.curr.PrevSibling == nil {
return false
for {
node := n.curr.PrevSibling
if node == nil {
n.curr = node
return true
func (n *TNodeNavigator) String() string {
return n.Value()
func (n *TNodeNavigator) MoveToNext() bool {
if node := n.curr.NextSibling; node != nil {
n.curr = node
return true
return false
func (n *TNodeNavigator) MoveToPrevious() bool {
if node := n.curr.PrevSibling; node != nil {
n.curr = node
return true
return false
func (n *TNodeNavigator) MoveTo(other NodeNavigator) bool {
node, ok := other.(*TNodeNavigator)
if !ok || node.root != n.root {
return false
n.curr = node.curr
n.attr = node.attr
return true
func createNode(data string, typ NodeType) *TNode {
return &TNode{Data: data, Type: typ, Attr: make([]Attribute, 0)}
func (n *TNode) createChildNode(data string, typ NodeType) *TNode {
m := createNode(data, typ)
m.Parent = n
if n.FirstChild == nil {
n.FirstChild = m
} else {
n.LastChild.NextSibling = m
m.PrevSibling = n.LastChild
n.LastChild = m
return m
func (n *TNode) appendNode(data string, typ NodeType) *TNode {
m := createNode(data, typ)
m.Parent = n.Parent
n.NextSibling = m
m.PrevSibling = n
if n.Parent != nil {
n.Parent.LastChild = m
return m
func (n *TNode) addAttribute(k, v string) {
n.Attr = append(n.Attr, Attribute{k, v})
func example() *TNode {
<html lang="en">
<meta name="language" content="en"/>
<h1> This is a H1 </h1>
<li><a id="1" href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a id="2" href="/about">about</a></li>
<li><a id="3" href="/account">login</a></li>
Hello,This is an example for gxpath.
<footer>footer script</footer>
doc := createNode("", RootNode)
xhtml := doc.createChildNode("html", ElementNode)
xhtml.addAttribute("lang", "en")
// The HTML head section.
head := xhtml.createChildNode("head", ElementNode)
n := head.createChildNode("title", ElementNode)
n = n.createChildNode("Hello", TextNode)
n = head.createChildNode("meta", ElementNode)
n.addAttribute("name", "language")
n.addAttribute("content", "en")
// The HTML body section.
body := xhtml.createChildNode("body", ElementNode)
n = body.createChildNode("h1", ElementNode)
n = n.createChildNode(" This is a H1 ", TextNode)
ul := body.createChildNode("ul", ElementNode)
n = ul.createChildNode("li", ElementNode)
n = n.createChildNode("a", ElementNode)
n.addAttribute("id", "1")
n.addAttribute("href", "/")
n = n.createChildNode("Home", TextNode)
n = ul.createChildNode("li", ElementNode)
n = n.createChildNode("a", ElementNode)
n.addAttribute("id", "2")
n.addAttribute("href", "/about")
n = n.createChildNode("about", TextNode)
n = ul.createChildNode("li", ElementNode)
n = n.createChildNode("a", ElementNode)
n.addAttribute("id", "3")
n.addAttribute("href", "/account")
n = n.createChildNode("login", TextNode)
n = ul.createChildNode("li", ElementNode)
n = body.createChildNode("p", ElementNode)
n = n.createChildNode("Hello,This is an example for gxpath.", TextNode)
n = body.createChildNode("footer", ElementNode)
n = n.createChildNode("footer script", TextNode)
return xhtml