- key: beat title: Beat description: > Contains common beat fields available in all event types. fields: - name: beat.name description: > The name of the Beat sending the log messages. If the Beat name is set in the configuration file, then that value is used. If it is not set, the hostname is used. To set the Beat name, use the `name` option in the configuration file. - name: beat.hostname description: > The hostname as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running. - name: beat.timezone description: > The timezone as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running. - name: beat.version description: > The version of the beat that generated this event. - name: "@timestamp" type: date required: true format: date example: August 26th 2016, 12:35:53.332 description: > The timestamp when the event log record was generated. - name: tags description: > Arbitrary tags that can be set per Beat and per transaction type. - name: fields type: object object_type: keyword description: > Contains user configurable fields. - name: error type: group description: > Error fields containing additional info in case of errors. fields: - name: message type: text description: > Error message. - name: code type: long description: > Error code. - name: type type: keyword description: > Error type.