#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euox pipefail : "${HOME:?Need to set HOME to a non-empty value.}" : "${WORKSPACE:?Need to set WORKSPACE to a non-empty value.}" : "${beat:?Need to set beat to a non-empty value.}" if [ ! -d "$beat" ]; then echo "$beat does not exist" mkdir -p build touch build/TEST-empty.xml exit fi source ./dev-tools/common.bash jenkins_setup cleanup() { echo "Running cleanup..." rm -rf $TEMP_PYTHON_ENV if docker info > /dev/null ; then make stop-environment || true make fix-permissions || true echo "Killing all running containers..." ids=$(docker ps -q) if [ -n "$ids" ]; then docker kill $ids fi echo "Cleaning stopped docker containers and dangling images/networks/volumes..." docker system prune -f || true fi echo "Cleanup complete." } trap cleanup EXIT rm -rf ${GOPATH}/pkg cd ${beat} RACE_DETECTOR=1 make clean check testsuite