////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// This content is shared by all Elastic Beats. Make sure you keep the //// descriptions here generic enough to work for all Beats that include //// this file. When using cross references, make sure that the cross //// references resolve correctly for any files that include this one. //// Use the appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to //// resolve Beat names: beatname_uc and beatname_lc. //// Use the following include to pull this content into a doc file: //// include::../../libbeat/docs/shared-logstash-config.asciidoc[] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [IMPORTANT] .Prerequisite To send events to {ls}, you also need to create a {ls} configuration pipeline that listens for incoming Beats connections and indexes the received events into {es}. For more information, see the section about {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html#logstash-setup[configuring {ls}] in the {stack} getting started tutorial. Also see the documentation for the {logstash-ref}/plugins-inputs-beats.html[{beats} input] and {logstash-ref}/plugins-outputs-elasticsearch.html[{es} output] plugins. If you want to use {ls} to perform additional processing on the data collected by {beatname_uc}, you need to configure {beatname_uc} to use {ls}. To do this, you edit the {beatname_uc} configuration file to disable the Elasticsearch output by commenting it out and enable the {ls} output by uncommenting the logstash section: [source,yaml] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #----------------------------- Logstash output -------------------------------- output.logstash: hosts: [""] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The `hosts` option specifies the {ls} server and the port (`5044`) where {ls} is configured to listen for incoming Beats connections. For this configuration, you must <> because the options for auto loading the template are only available for the Elasticsearch output. ifdef::allplatforms[] include::../../libbeat/docs/step-test-config.asciidoc[] endif::allplatforms[] ifdef::win[] TIP: To test your configuration file, change to the directory where the {beatname_uc} binary is installed, and run {beatname_uc} in the foreground with the following options specified: +.\winlogbeat.exe test config -c .\winlogbeat.yml -e+. endif::win[]