import os import argparse import yaml # Collects config for all modules def collect(beat_name, beat_path, full=False): base_dir = beat_path + "/module" path = os.path.abspath(base_dir) # yml file config_yml = "\n#========================== Modules configuration ============================\n" config_yml += beat_name + """.modules: """ # Read the modules list but put "system" first modules = ["system"] for module in sorted(os.listdir(base_dir)): if module != "system": modules.append(module) # Iterate over all modules for module in modules: beat_path = path + "/" + module + "/_meta" module_configs = beat_path + "/config.yml" # By default, short config is read if short is set short_config = False # Check if full config exists if full: full_module_config = beat_path + "/config.reference.yml" if os.path.isfile(full_module_config): module_configs = full_module_config # Only check folders where config exists if not os.path.isfile(module_configs): continue # Load title from fields.yml with open(beat_path + "/fields.yml") as f: fields = yaml.load( title = fields[0]["title"] # Check if short config was disabled in fields.yml if not full and "short_config" in fields[0]: short_config = fields[0]["short_config"] if not full and short_config is False: continue config_yml += get_title_line(title) # Load module yaml with open(module_configs) as f: for line in f: config_yml += line config_yml += "\n" # output string so it can be concatenated print(config_yml) # Makes sure every title line is 79 + newline chars long def get_title_line(title): dashes = (79 - 10 - len(title)) // 2 line = "#" line += "-" * dashes line += " " + title + " Module " line += "-" * dashes return line[0:78] + "\n" if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Collects modules config") parser.add_argument("path", help="Path to the beat folder") parser.add_argument("--beat", help="Beat name") parser.add_argument("--full", action="store_true", help="Collect the full versions") args = parser.parse_args() beat_name = args.beat beat_path = args.path collect(beat_name, beat_path, args.full)