//// This file is generated! See _meta/fields.yml and scripts/generate_field_docs.py //// [[exported-fields]] = Exported fields [partintro] -- This document describes the fields that are exported by Metricbeat. They are grouped in the following categories: * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> * <> -- [[exported-fields-aerospike]] == Aerospike fields Aerospike module [float] == aerospike fields [float] == namespace fields namespace [float] == client fields Client stats. [float] == delete fields Client delete transactions stats. *`aerospike.namespace.client.delete.error`*:: + -- type: long Number of client delete transactions that failed with an error. -- *`aerospike.namespace.client.delete.not_found`*:: + -- type: long Number of client delete transactions that resulted in a not found. -- *`aerospike.namespace.client.delete.success`*:: + -- type: long Number of successful client delete transactions. -- *`aerospike.namespace.client.delete.timeout`*:: + -- type: long Number of client delete transactions that timed out. -- [float] == read fields Client read transactions stats. *`aerospike.namespace.client.read.error`*:: + -- type: long Number of client read transaction errors. -- *`aerospike.namespace.client.read.not_found`*:: + -- type: long Number of client read transaction that resulted in not found. -- *`aerospike.namespace.client.read.success`*:: + -- type: long Number of successful client read transactions. -- *`aerospike.namespace.client.read.timeout`*:: + -- type: long Number of client read transaction that timed out. -- [float] == write fields Client write transactions stats. *`aerospike.namespace.client.write.error`*:: + -- type: long Number of client write transactions that failed with an error. -- *`aerospike.namespace.client.write.success`*:: + -- type: long Number of successful client write transactions. -- *`aerospike.namespace.client.write.timeout`*:: + -- type: long Number of client write transactions that timed out. -- [float] == device fields Disk storage stats *`aerospike.namespace.device.available.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent Measures the minimum contiguous disk space across all disks in a namespace. -- *`aerospike.namespace.device.free.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent Percentage of disk capacity free for this namespace. -- *`aerospike.namespace.device.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total bytes of disk space allocated to this namespace on this node. -- *`aerospike.namespace.device.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total bytes of disk space used by this namespace on this node. -- *`aerospike.namespace.hwm_breached`*:: + -- type: boolean If true, Aerospike has breached 'high-water-[disk|memory]-pct' for this namespace. -- [float] == memory fields Memory storage stats. *`aerospike.namespace.memory.free.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent Percentage of memory capacity free for this namespace on this node. -- *`aerospike.namespace.memory.used.data.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Amount of memory occupied by data for this namespace on this node. -- *`aerospike.namespace.memory.used.index.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Amount of memory occupied by the index for this namespace on this node. -- *`aerospike.namespace.memory.used.sindex.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Amount of memory occupied by secondary indexes for this namespace on this node. -- *`aerospike.namespace.memory.used.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total bytes of memory used by this namespace on this node. -- *`aerospike.namespace.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Namespace name -- *`aerospike.namespace.node.host`*:: + -- type: keyword Node host -- *`aerospike.namespace.node.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Node name -- [float] == objects fields Records stats. *`aerospike.namespace.objects.master`*:: + -- type: long Number of records on this node which are active masters. -- *`aerospike.namespace.objects.total`*:: + -- type: long Number of records in this namespace for this node. -- *`aerospike.namespace.stop_writes`*:: + -- type: boolean If true this namespace is currently not allowing writes. -- [[exported-fields-apache]] == Apache fields Apache HTTPD server metricsets collected from the Apache web server. [float] == apache fields `apache` contains the metrics that were scraped from Apache. [float] == status fields `status` contains the metrics that were scraped from the Apache status page. *`apache.status.hostname`*:: + -- type: keyword Apache hostname. -- *`apache.status.total_accesses`*:: + -- type: long Total number of access requests. -- *`apache.status.total_kbytes`*:: + -- type: long Total number of kilobytes served. -- *`apache.status.requests_per_sec`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Requests per second. -- *`apache.status.bytes_per_sec`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Bytes per second. -- *`apache.status.bytes_per_request`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Bytes per request. -- *`apache.status.workers.busy`*:: + -- type: long Number of busy workers. -- *`apache.status.workers.idle`*:: + -- type: long Number of idle workers. -- [float] == uptime fields Uptime stats. *`apache.status.uptime.server_uptime`*:: + -- type: long Server uptime in seconds. -- *`apache.status.uptime.uptime`*:: + -- type: long Server uptime. -- [float] == cpu fields CPU stats. *`apache.status.cpu.load`*:: + -- type: scaled_float CPU Load. -- *`apache.status.cpu.user`*:: + -- type: scaled_float CPU user load. -- *`apache.status.cpu.system`*:: + -- type: scaled_float System cpu. -- *`apache.status.cpu.children_user`*:: + -- type: scaled_float CPU of children user. -- *`apache.status.cpu.children_system`*:: + -- type: scaled_float CPU of children system. -- [float] == connections fields Connection stats. *`apache.status.connections.total`*:: + -- type: long Total connections. -- *`apache.status.connections.async.writing`*:: + -- type: long Async connection writing. -- *`apache.status.connections.async.keep_alive`*:: + -- type: long Async keeped alive connections. -- *`apache.status.connections.async.closing`*:: + -- type: long Async closed connections. -- [float] == load fields Load averages. *`apache.status.load.1`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load average for the last minute. -- *`apache.status.load.5`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load average for the last 5 minutes. -- *`apache.status.load.15`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load average for the last 15 minutes. -- [float] == scoreboard fields Scoreboard metrics. *`apache.status.scoreboard.starting_up`*:: + -- type: long Starting up. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.reading_request`*:: + -- type: long Reading requests. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.sending_reply`*:: + -- type: long Sending Reply. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.keepalive`*:: + -- type: long Keep alive. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.dns_lookup`*:: + -- type: long Dns Lookups. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.closing_connection`*:: + -- type: long Closing connections. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.logging`*:: + -- type: long Logging -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.gracefully_finishing`*:: + -- type: long Gracefully finishing. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.idle_cleanup`*:: + -- type: long Idle cleanups. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.open_slot`*:: + -- type: long Open slots. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.waiting_for_connection`*:: + -- type: long Waiting for connections. -- *`apache.status.scoreboard.total`*:: + -- type: long Total. -- [[exported-fields-beat]] == Beat fields Contains common beat fields available in all event types. *`beat.name`*:: + -- The name of the Beat sending the log messages. If the Beat name is set in the configuration file, then that value is used. If it is not set, the hostname is used. To set the Beat name, use the `name` option in the configuration file. -- *`beat.hostname`*:: + -- The hostname as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running. -- *`beat.timezone`*:: + -- The timezone as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running. -- *`beat.version`*:: + -- The version of the beat that generated this event. -- *`@timestamp`*:: + -- type: date example: August 26th 2016, 12:35:53.332 format: date required: True The timestamp when the event log record was generated. -- *`tags`*:: + -- Arbitrary tags that can be set per Beat and per transaction type. -- *`fields`*:: + -- type: object Contains user configurable fields. -- [float] == error fields Error fields containing additional info in case of errors. *`error.message`*:: + -- type: text Error message. -- *`error.code`*:: + -- type: long Error code. -- *`error.type`*:: + -- type: keyword Error type. -- [[exported-fields-ceph]] == Ceph fields Ceph module [float] == ceph fields `ceph` contains the metrics that were scraped from CEPH. [float] == cluster_disk fields cluster_disk *`ceph.cluster_disk.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Available bytes of the cluster -- *`ceph.cluster_disk.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total bytes of the cluster -- *`ceph.cluster_disk.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used bytes of the cluster -- [float] == cluster_health fields cluster_health *`ceph.cluster_health.overall_status`*:: + -- type: keyword Overall status of the cluster -- *`ceph.cluster_health.timechecks.epoch`*:: + -- type: long Map version -- *`ceph.cluster_health.timechecks.round.value`*:: + -- type: long timecheck round -- *`ceph.cluster_health.timechecks.round.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Status of the round -- [float] == cluster_status fields cluster_status *`ceph.cluster_status.version`*:: + -- type: long Ceph Status version -- *`ceph.cluster_status.traffic.read_bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Cluster read throughput per second -- *`ceph.cluster_status.traffic.write_bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Cluster write throughput per second -- *`ceph.cluster_status.traffic.read_op_per_sec`*:: + -- type: long Cluster read iops per second -- *`ceph.cluster_status.traffic.write_op_per_sec`*:: + -- type: long Cluster write iops per second -- *`ceph.cluster_status.misplace.total`*:: + -- type: long Cluster misplace pg number -- *`ceph.cluster_status.misplace.objects`*:: + -- type: long Cluster misplace objects number -- *`ceph.cluster_status.misplace.ratio`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent Cluster misplace ratio -- *`ceph.cluster_status.degraded.total`*:: + -- type: long Cluster degraded pg number -- *`ceph.cluster_status.degraded.objects`*:: + -- type: long Cluster degraded objects number -- *`ceph.cluster_status.degraded.ratio`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent Cluster degraded ratio -- *`ceph.cluster_status.pg.data_bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Cluster pg data bytes -- *`ceph.cluster_status.pg.avail_bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Cluster available bytes -- *`ceph.cluster_status.pg.total_bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Cluster total bytes -- *`ceph.cluster_status.pg.used_bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Cluster used bytes -- *`ceph.cluster_status.pg_state.state_name`*:: + -- type: long Pg state description -- *`ceph.cluster_status.pg_state.count`*:: + -- type: long Shows how many pgs are in state of pg_state.state_name -- *`ceph.cluster_status.pg_state.version`*:: + -- type: long Cluster status version -- *`ceph.cluster_status.osd.full`*:: + -- type: boolean Is osd full -- *`ceph.cluster_status.osd.nearfull`*:: + -- type: boolean Is osd near full -- *`ceph.cluster_status.osd.num_osds`*:: + -- type: long Shows how many osds in the cluster -- *`ceph.cluster_status.osd.num_up_osds`*:: + -- type: long Shows how many osds are on the state of UP -- *`ceph.cluster_status.osd.num_in_osds`*:: + -- type: long Shows how many osds are on the state of IN -- *`ceph.cluster_status.osd.num_remapped_pgs`*:: + -- type: long Shows how many osds are on the state of REMAPPED -- *`ceph.cluster_status.osd.epoch`*:: + -- type: long epoch number -- [float] == monitor_health fields monitor_health stats data *`ceph.monitor_health.available.pct`*:: + -- type: long Available percent of the MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.health`*:: + -- type: keyword Health of the MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.available.kb`*:: + -- type: long Available KB of the MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.total.kb`*:: + -- type: long Total KB of the MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.used.kb`*:: + -- type: long Used KB of the MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.last_updated`*:: + -- type: date Time when was updated -- *`ceph.monitor_health.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.store_stats.log.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Log bytes of MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.store_stats.misc.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Misc bytes of MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.store_stats.sst.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes SST bytes of MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.store_stats.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total bytes of MON -- *`ceph.monitor_health.store_stats.last_updated`*:: + -- type: long Last updated -- [float] == osd_df fields ceph osd disk usage information *`ceph.osd_df.id`*:: + -- type: long osd node id -- *`ceph.osd_df.name`*:: + -- type: text osd node name -- *`ceph.osd_df.device_class`*:: + -- type: keyword osd node type, illegal type include hdd, ssd etc. -- *`ceph.osd_df.total.byte`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes osd disk total volume -- *`ceph.osd_df.used.byte`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes osd disk usage volume -- *`ceph.osd_df.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes osd disk available volume -- *`ceph.osd_df.pg_num`*:: + -- type: long shows how many pg located on this osd -- *`ceph.osd_df.used.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent osd disk usage percentage -- [float] == osd_tree fields ceph osd tree info *`ceph.osd_tree.id`*:: + -- type: long osd or bucket node id -- *`ceph.osd_tree.name`*:: + -- type: text osd or bucket node name -- *`ceph.osd_tree.type`*:: + -- type: keyword osd or bucket node type, illegal type include osd, host, root etc. -- *`ceph.osd_tree.type_id`*:: + -- type: long osd or bucket node typeID -- *`ceph.osd_tree.children`*:: + -- type: text bucket children list, separated by comma. -- *`ceph.osd_tree.crush_weight`*:: + -- type: float osd node crush weight -- *`ceph.osd_tree.depth`*:: + -- type: long node depth -- *`ceph.osd_tree.exists`*:: + -- type: boolean is node still exist or not(1-yes, 0-no) -- *`ceph.osd_tree.primary_affinity`*:: + -- type: float the weight of reading data from primary osd -- *`ceph.osd_tree.reweight`*:: + -- type: long the reweight of osd -- *`ceph.osd_tree.status`*:: + -- type: keyword status of osd, it should be up or down -- *`ceph.osd_tree.device_class`*:: + -- type: keyword the device class of osd, like hdd, ssd etc. -- *`ceph.osd_tree.father`*:: + -- type: keyword the parent node of this osd or bucket node -- [float] == pool_disk fields pool_disk *`ceph.pool_disk.id`*:: + -- type: long Id of the pool -- *`ceph.pool_disk.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the pool -- *`ceph.pool_disk.stats.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Available bytes of the pool -- *`ceph.pool_disk.stats.objects`*:: + -- type: long Number of objects of the pool -- *`ceph.pool_disk.stats.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used bytes of the pool -- *`ceph.pool_disk.stats.used.kb`*:: + -- type: long Used kb of the pool -- [[exported-fields-cloud]] == Cloud provider metadata fields Metadata from cloud providers added by the add_cloud_metadata processor. *`meta.cloud.provider`*:: + -- example: ec2 Name of the cloud provider. Possible values are ec2, gce, or digitalocean. -- *`meta.cloud.instance_id`*:: + -- Instance ID of the host machine. -- *`meta.cloud.instance_name`*:: + -- Instance name of the host machine. -- *`meta.cloud.machine_type`*:: + -- example: t2.medium Machine type of the host machine. -- *`meta.cloud.availability_zone`*:: + -- example: us-east-1c Availability zone in which this host is running. -- *`meta.cloud.project_id`*:: + -- example: project-x Name of the project in Google Cloud. -- *`meta.cloud.region`*:: + -- Region in which this host is running. -- [[exported-fields-common]] == Common fields Contains common fields available in all event types. *`metricset.module`*:: + -- The name of the module that generated the event. -- *`metricset.name`*:: + -- The name of the metricset that generated the event. -- *`metricset.host`*:: + -- Hostname of the machine from which the metricset was collected. This field may not be present when the data was collected locally. -- *`metricset.rtt`*:: + -- type: long required: True Event round trip time in microseconds. -- *`metricset.namespace`*:: + -- type: keyword Namespace of dynamic metricsets. -- *`type`*:: + -- example: metricsets required: True The document type. Always set to "doc". -- *`service.name`*:: + -- example: elasticsearch Name of the service metricbeat fetches the data from. -- [[exported-fields-couchbase]] == Couchbase fields Metrics collected from Couchbase servers. [float] == couchbase fields `couchbase` contains the metrics that were scraped from Couchbase. [float] == bucket fields Couchbase bucket metrics. *`couchbase.bucket.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the bucket. -- *`couchbase.bucket.type`*:: + -- type: keyword Type of the bucket. -- *`couchbase.bucket.data.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Size of user data within buckets of the specified state that are resident in RAM. -- *`couchbase.bucket.disk.fetches`*:: + -- type: long Number of disk fetches. -- *`couchbase.bucket.disk.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Amount of disk used (bytes). -- *`couchbase.bucket.memory.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Amount of memory used by the bucket (bytes). -- *`couchbase.bucket.quota.ram.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Amount of RAM used by the bucket (bytes). -- *`couchbase.bucket.quota.use.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent Percentage of RAM used (for active objects) against the configured bucket size (%). -- *`couchbase.bucket.ops_per_sec`*:: + -- type: long Number of operations per second. -- *`couchbase.bucket.item_count`*:: + -- type: long Number of items associated with the bucket. -- [float] == cluster fields Couchbase cluster metrics. *`couchbase.cluster.hdd.free.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Free hard drive space in the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.hdd.quota.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Hard drive quota total for the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.hdd.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total hard drive space available to the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.hdd.used.value.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Hard drive space used by the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.hdd.used.by_data.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Hard drive space used by the data in the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.max_bucket_count`*:: + -- type: long Max bucket count setting. -- *`couchbase.cluster.quota.index_memory.mb`*:: + -- type: long Memory quota setting for the Index service (Mbyte). -- *`couchbase.cluster.quota.memory.mb`*:: + -- type: long Memory quota setting for the cluster (Mbyte). -- *`couchbase.cluster.ram.quota.total.value.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes RAM quota total for the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.ram.quota.total.per_node.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes RAM quota used by the current node in the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.ram.quota.used.value.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes RAM quota used by the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.ram.quota.used.per_node.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Ram quota used by the current node in the cluster (bytes) -- *`couchbase.cluster.ram.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total RAM available to cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.ram.used.value.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes RAM used by the cluster (bytes). -- *`couchbase.cluster.ram.used.by_data.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes RAM used by the data in the cluster (bytes). -- [float] == node fields Couchbase node metrics. *`couchbase.node.cmd_get`*:: + -- type: long Number of get commands -- *`couchbase.node.couch.docs.disk_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Amount of disk space used by Couch docs (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.couch.docs.data_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Data size of Couch docs associated with a node (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.couch.spatial.data_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Size of object data for spatial views (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.couch.spatial.disk_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Amount of disk space used by spatial views (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.couch.views.disk_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Amount of disk space used by Couch views (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.couch.views.data_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Size of object data for Couch views (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.cpu_utilization_rate.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float The CPU utilization rate (%). -- *`couchbase.node.current_items.value`*:: + -- type: long Number of current items. -- *`couchbase.node.current_items.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of items associated with the node. -- *`couchbase.node.ep_bg_fetched`*:: + -- type: long Number of disk fetches performed since the server was started. -- *`couchbase.node.get_hits`*:: + -- type: long Number of get hits. -- *`couchbase.node.hostname`*:: + -- type: keyword The hostname of the node. -- *`couchbase.node.mcd_memory.allocated.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Amount of memcached memory allocated (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.mcd_memory.reserved.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Amount of memcached memory reserved (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.memory.free.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Amount of memory free for the node (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.memory.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total memory available to the node (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.memory.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Memory used by the node (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.ops`*:: + -- type: long Number of operations performed on Couchbase. -- *`couchbase.node.swap.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total swap size allocated (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.swap.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Amount of swap space used (bytes). -- *`couchbase.node.uptime.sec`*:: + -- type: long Time during which the node was in operation (sec). -- *`couchbase.node.vb_replica_curr_items`*:: + -- type: long Number of items/documents that are replicas. -- [[exported-fields-docker-processor]] == Docker fields Docker stats collected from Docker. *`docker.container.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Unique container id. -- *`docker.container.image`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the image the container was built on. -- *`docker.container.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Container name. -- *`docker.container.labels`*:: + -- type: object Image labels. -- [[exported-fields-docker]] == Docker fields Docker stats collected from Docker. [float] == docker fields Information and statistics about docker's running containers. [float] == container fields Docker container metrics. *`docker.container.command`*:: + -- type: keyword Command that was executed in the Docker container. -- *`docker.container.created`*:: + -- type: date Date when the container was created. -- *`docker.container.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Container status. -- *`docker.container.ip_addresses`*:: + -- type: keyword Container IP addresses. -- [float] == size fields Container size metrics. *`docker.container.size.root_fs`*:: + -- type: long Total size of all the files in the container. -- *`docker.container.size.rw`*:: + -- type: long Size of the files that have been created or changed since creation. -- *`docker.container.tags`*:: + -- type: array Image tags. -- [float] == cpu fields Runtime CPU metrics. *`docker.cpu.kernel.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Percentage of time in kernel space. -- *`docker.cpu.kernel.ticks`*:: + -- type: long CPU ticks in kernel space. -- *`docker.cpu.system.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Percentage of total CPU time in the system. -- *`docker.cpu.system.ticks`*:: + -- type: long CPU system ticks. -- *`docker.cpu.user.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Percentage of time in user space. -- *`docker.cpu.user.ticks`*:: + -- type: long CPU ticks in user space. -- *`docker.cpu.total.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Total CPU usage. -- *`docker.cpu.core.*.pct`*:: + -- type: object format: percentage Percentage of CPU time in this core. -- *`docker.cpu.core.*.ticks`*:: + -- type: object Number of CPU ticks in this core. -- [float] == diskio fields Disk I/O metrics. [float] == read fields Accumulated reads during the life of the container *`docker.diskio.read.ops`*:: + -- type: long Number of reads during the life of the container -- *`docker.diskio.read.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes read during the life of the container -- *`docker.diskio.read.rate`*:: + -- type: long Number of current reads per second -- *`docker.diskio.reads`*:: + -- deprecated[6.4] type: scaled_float Number of current reads per second -- [float] == write fields Accumulated writes during the life of the container *`docker.diskio.write.ops`*:: + -- type: long Number of writes during the life of the container -- *`docker.diskio.write.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes written during the life of the container -- *`docker.diskio.write.rate`*:: + -- type: long Number of current writes per second -- *`docker.diskio.writes`*:: + -- deprecated[6.4] type: scaled_float Number of current writes per second -- [float] == summary fields Accumulated reads and writes during the life of the container *`docker.diskio.summary.ops`*:: + -- type: long Number of I/O operations during the life of the container -- *`docker.diskio.summary.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes read and written during the life of the container -- *`docker.diskio.summary.rate`*:: + -- type: long Number of current operations per second -- *`docker.diskio.total`*:: + -- deprecated[6.4] type: scaled_float Number of reads and writes per second -- [float] == healthcheck fields Docker container metrics. *`docker.healthcheck.failingstreak`*:: + -- type: integer concurent failed check -- *`docker.healthcheck.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Healthcheck status code -- [float] == event fields event fields. *`docker.healthcheck.event.end_date`*:: + -- type: date Healthcheck end date -- *`docker.healthcheck.event.start_date`*:: + -- type: date Healthcheck start date -- *`docker.healthcheck.event.output`*:: + -- type: keyword Healthcheck output -- *`docker.healthcheck.event.exit_code`*:: + -- type: integer Healthcheck status code -- [float] == image fields Docker image metrics. [float] == id fields The image layers identifier. *`docker.image.id.current`*:: + -- type: keyword Unique image identifier given upon its creation. -- *`docker.image.id.parent`*:: + -- type: keyword Identifier of the image, if it exists, from which the current image directly descends. -- *`docker.image.created`*:: + -- type: date Date and time when the image was created. -- [float] == size fields Image size layers. *`docker.image.size.virtual`*:: + -- type: long Size of the image. -- *`docker.image.size.regular`*:: + -- type: long Total size of the all cached images associated to the current image. -- *`docker.image.labels`*:: + -- type: object Image labels. -- *`docker.image.tags`*:: + -- type: array Image tags. -- [float] == info fields Info metrics based on https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/api/docker_remote_api_v1.24/#/display-system-wide-information. [float] == containers fields Overall container stats. *`docker.info.containers.paused`*:: + -- type: long Total number of paused containers. -- *`docker.info.containers.running`*:: + -- type: long Total number of running containers. -- *`docker.info.containers.stopped`*:: + -- type: long Total number of stopped containers. -- *`docker.info.containers.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of existing containers. -- *`docker.info.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Unique Docker host identifier. -- *`docker.info.images`*:: + -- type: long Total number of existing images. -- [float] == memory fields Memory metrics. *`docker.memory.fail.count`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Fail counter. -- *`docker.memory.limit`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Memory limit. -- [float] == rss fields RSS memory stats. *`docker.memory.rss.total`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory resident set size. -- *`docker.memory.rss.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Memory resident set size percentage. -- [float] == usage fields Usage memory stats. *`docker.memory.usage.max`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Max memory usage. -- *`docker.memory.usage.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Memory usage percentage. -- *`docker.memory.usage.total`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory usage. -- [float] == network fields Network metrics. *`docker.network.interface`*:: + -- type: keyword Network interface name. -- [float] == in fields Incoming network stats per second. *`docker.network.in.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of incoming bytes. -- *`docker.network.in.dropped`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Total number of dropped incoming packets. -- *`docker.network.in.errors`*:: + -- type: long Total errors on incoming packets. -- *`docker.network.in.packets`*:: + -- type: long Total number of incoming packets. -- [float] == out fields Outgoing network stats per second. *`docker.network.out.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of outgoing bytes. -- *`docker.network.out.dropped`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Total number of dropped outgoing packets. -- *`docker.network.out.errors`*:: + -- type: long Total errors on outgoing packets. -- *`docker.network.out.packets`*:: + -- type: long Total number of outgoing packets. -- [float] == inbound fields Incoming network stats since the container started. *`docker.network.inbound.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of incoming bytes. -- *`docker.network.inbound.dropped`*:: + -- type: long Total number of dropped incoming packets. -- *`docker.network.inbound.errors`*:: + -- type: long Total errors on incoming packets. -- *`docker.network.inbound.packets`*:: + -- type: long Total number of incoming packets. -- [float] == outbound fields Outgoing network stats since the container started. *`docker.network.outbound.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of outgoing bytes. -- *`docker.network.outbound.dropped`*:: + -- type: long Total number of dropped outgoing packets. -- *`docker.network.outbound.errors`*:: + -- type: long Total errors on outgoing packets. -- *`docker.network.outbound.packets`*:: + -- type: long Total number of outgoing packets. -- [[exported-fields-dropwizard]] == Dropwizard fields Stats collected from Dropwizard. [float] == dropwizard fields [[exported-fields-elasticsearch]] == Elasticsearch fields Elasticsearch module [float] == elasticsearch fields *`elasticsearch.cluster.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Elasticsearch cluster name. -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Elasticsearch cluster id. -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.state.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Elasticsearch state id. -- [float] == ccr fields Cross-cluster replication stats *`elasticsearch.ccr.leader.index`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of leader index -- *`elasticsearch.ccr.leader.max_seq_no`*:: + -- type: long Maximum sequence number of operation on the leader shard -- *`elasticsearch.ccr.follower.index`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of follower index -- *`elasticsearch.ccr.follower.shard.number`*:: + -- type: long Number of the shard within the index -- *`elasticsearch.ccr.follower.operations_indexed`*:: + -- type: long Number of operations indexed (replicated) into the follower shard from the leader shard -- *`elasticsearch.ccr.follower.time_since_last_fetch.ms`*:: + -- type: long Time, in ms, since the follower last fetched from the leader -- *`elasticsearch.ccr.follower.global_checkpoint`*:: + -- type: long Global checkpoint value on follower shard -- [float] == cluster.stats fields Cluster stats *`elasticsearch.cluster.stats.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Cluster status (green, yellow, red). -- [float] == nodes fields Nodes statistics. *`elasticsearch.cluster.stats.nodes.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of nodes in cluster. -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.stats.nodes.master`*:: + -- type: long Number of master-eligible nodes in cluster. -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.stats.nodes.data`*:: + -- type: long Number of data nodes in cluster. -- [float] == indices fields Indices statistics. *`elasticsearch.cluster.stats.indices.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of indices in cluster. -- [float] == shards fields Shard statistics. *`elasticsearch.cluster.stats.indices.shards.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of shards in cluster. -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.stats.indices.shards.primaries`*:: + -- type: long Total number of primary shards in cluster. -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.stats.indices.fielddata.memory.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Memory used for fielddata. -- [float] == index fields index *`elasticsearch.index.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Index name. -- *`elasticsearch.index.total.docs.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of documents in the index. -- *`elasticsearch.index.total.docs.deleted`*:: + -- type: long Total number of deleted documents in the index. -- *`elasticsearch.index.total.store.size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total size of the index in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.index.total.segments.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of index segments. -- *`elasticsearch.index.total.segments.memory.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of memory used by the segments in bytes. -- [float] == index.recovery fields index *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.id`*:: + -- type: long Shard recovery id. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.type`*:: + -- type: keyword Shard recovery type. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.primary`*:: + -- type: boolean True if primary shard. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.stage`*:: + -- type: keyword Recovery stage. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.target.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Target node id. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.target.host`*:: + -- type: ip Target node host address. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.target.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Target node name. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.source.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Source node id. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.source.host`*:: + -- type: ip Source node host address. -- *`elasticsearch.index.recovery.source.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Source node name. -- [float] == index.summary fields index *`elasticsearch.index.summary.primaries.docs.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of documents in the index. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.primaries.docs.deleted`*:: + -- type: long Total number of deleted documents in the index. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.primaries.store.size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total size of the index in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.primaries.segments.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of index segments. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.primaries.segments.memory.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of memory used by the segments in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.total.docs.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of documents in the index. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.total.docs.deleted`*:: + -- type: long Total number of deleted documents in the index. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.total.store.size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total size of the index in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.total.segments.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of index segments. -- *`elasticsearch.index.summary.total.segments.memory.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of memory used by the segments in bytes. -- [float] == ml.job fields ml *`elasticsearch.ml.job.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Unique ml job id. -- *`elasticsearch.ml.job.state`*:: + -- type: keyword Job state. -- *`elasticsearch.ml.job.data_counts.processed_record_count`*:: + -- type: long Processed data events. -- *`elasticsearch.ml.job.data_counts.invalid_date_count`*:: + -- type: long The number of records with either a missing date field or a date that could not be parsed. -- [float] == node fields node *`elasticsearch.node.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Node name. -- *`elasticsearch.node.version`*:: + -- type: keyword Node version. -- [float] == jvm fields JVM Info. *`elasticsearch.node.jvm.version`*:: + -- type: keyword JVM version. -- *`elasticsearch.node.jvm.memory.heap.init.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Heap init used by the JVM in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.jvm.memory.heap.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Heap max used by the JVM in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.jvm.memory.nonheap.init.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Non-Heap init used by the JVM in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.jvm.memory.nonheap.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Non-Heap max used by the JVM in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.process.mlockall`*:: + -- type: boolean If process locked in memory. -- [float] == node.stats fields node_stats [float] == indices fields Node indices stats *`elasticsearch.node.stats.indices.docs.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of existing documents. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.indices.docs.deleted`*:: + -- type: long Total number of deleted documents. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.indices.segments.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of segments. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.indices.segments.memory.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total size of segments in bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.indices.store.size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total size of the store in bytes. -- [float] == jvm.mem.pools fields JVM memory pool stats [float] == old fields Old memory pool stats. *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.old.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Max bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.old.peak.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Peak bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.old.peak_max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Peak max bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.old.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used bytes. -- [float] == young fields Young memory pool stats. *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.young.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Max bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.young.peak.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Peak bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.young.peak_max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Peak max bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.young.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used bytes. -- [float] == survivor fields Survivor memory pool stats. *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.survivor.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Max bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.survivor.peak.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Peak bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.survivor.peak_max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Peak max bytes. -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.mem.pools.survivor.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used bytes. -- [float] == jvm.gc.collectors fields GC collector stats. [float] == old.collection fields Old collection gc. *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.gc.collectors.old.collection.count`*:: + -- type: long -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.gc.collectors.old.collection.ms`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == young.collection fields Young collection gc. *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.gc.collectors.young.collection.count`*:: + -- type: long -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.jvm.gc.collectors.young.collection.ms`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == fs.summary fields File system summary *`elasticsearch.node.stats.fs.summary.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.fs.summary.free.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- *`elasticsearch.node.stats.fs.summary.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- [float] == cluster.pending_task fields `cluster.pending_task` contains a pending task description. *`elasticsearch.cluster.pending_task.insert_order`*:: + -- type: long Insert order -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.pending_task.priority`*:: + -- type: long Priority -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.pending_task.source`*:: + -- type: keyword Source. For example: put-mapping -- *`elasticsearch.cluster.pending_task.time_in_queue.ms`*:: + -- type: long Time in queue -- [float] == shard fields shard fields *`elasticsearch.shard.primary`*:: + -- type: boolean True if this is the primary shard. -- *`elasticsearch.shard.number`*:: + -- type: long The number of this shard. -- *`elasticsearch.shard.state`*:: + -- type: keyword The state of this shard. -- *`elasticsearch.shard.relocating_node.name`*:: + -- type: keyword The node the shard was relocated from. -- [[exported-fields-envoyproxy]] == envoyproxy fields experimental[] envoyproxy module [float] == envoyproxy fields [float] == server fields Contains envoy proxy server stats *`envoyproxy.server.cluster_manager.active_clusters`*:: + -- type: integer Number of currently active (warmed) clusters -- *`envoyproxy.server.cluster_manager.cluster_added`*:: + -- type: integer Total clusters added (either via static config or CDS) -- *`envoyproxy.server.cluster_manager.cluster_modified`*:: + -- type: integer Total clusters modified (via CDS) -- *`envoyproxy.server.cluster_manager.cluster_removed`*:: + -- type: integer Total clusters removed (via CDS) -- *`envoyproxy.server.cluster_manager.warming_clusters`*:: + -- type: integer Number of currently warming (not active) clusters -- *`envoyproxy.server.filesystem.flushed_by_timer`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of times internal flush buffers are written to a file due to flush timeout -- *`envoyproxy.server.filesystem.reopen_failed`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of times a file was failed to be opened -- *`envoyproxy.server.filesystem.write_buffered`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of times file data is moved to Envoys internal flush buffer -- *`envoyproxy.server.filesystem.write_completed`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of times a file was written -- *`envoyproxy.server.filesystem.write_total_buffered`*:: + -- type: integer Current total size of internal flush buffer in bytes -- *`envoyproxy.server.runtime.load_error`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of load attempts that resulted in an error -- *`envoyproxy.server.runtime.load_success`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of load attempts that were successful -- *`envoyproxy.server.runtime.num_keys`*:: + -- type: integer Number of keys currently loaded -- *`envoyproxy.server.runtime.override_dir_exists`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of loads that did use an override directory -- *`envoyproxy.server.runtime.override_dir_not_exists`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of loads that did not use an override directory -- *`envoyproxy.server.runtime.admin_overrides_active`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`envoyproxy.server.listener_manager.listener_added`*:: + -- type: integer Total listeners added (either via static config or LDS) -- *`envoyproxy.server.listener_manager.listener_create_failure`*:: + -- type: integer Total failed listener object additions to workers -- *`envoyproxy.server.listener_manager.listener_create_success`*:: + -- type: integer Total listener objects successfully added to workers -- *`envoyproxy.server.listener_manager.listener_modified`*:: + -- type: integer Total listeners modified (via LDS) -- *`envoyproxy.server.listener_manager.listener_removed`*:: + -- type: integer Total listeners removed (via LDS) -- *`envoyproxy.server.listener_manager.total_listeners_active`*:: + -- type: integer Number of currently active listeners -- *`envoyproxy.server.listener_manager.total_listeners_draining`*:: + -- type: integer Number of currently draining listeners -- *`envoyproxy.server.listener_manager.total_listeners_warming`*:: + -- type: integer Number of currently warming listeners -- *`envoyproxy.server.stats.overflow`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of times Envoy cannot allocate a statistic due to a shortage of shared memory -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.days_until_first_cert_expiring`*:: + -- type: integer Number of days until the next certificate being managed will expire -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.live`*:: + -- type: integer 1 if the server is not currently draining, 0 otherwise -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.memory_allocated`*:: + -- type: integer Current amount of allocated memory in bytes -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.memory_heap_size`*:: + -- type: integer Current reserved heap size in bytes -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.parent_connections`*:: + -- type: integer Total connections of the old Envoy process on hot restart -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.total_connections`*:: + -- type: integer Total connections of both new and old Envoy processes -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.uptime`*:: + -- type: integer Current server uptime in seconds -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.version`*:: + -- type: integer Integer represented version number based on SCM revision -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.watchdog_mega_miss`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.watchdog_miss`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`envoyproxy.server.server.hot_restart_epoch`*:: + -- type: integer Current hot restart epoch -- *`envoyproxy.server.http2.header_overflow`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of connections reset due to the headers being larger than Envoy::Http::Http2::ConnectionImpl::StreamImpl::MAX_HEADER_SIZE (63k) -- *`envoyproxy.server.http2.headers_cb_no_stream`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of errors where a header callback is called without an associated stream. This tracks an unexpected occurrence due to an as yet undiagnosed bug -- *`envoyproxy.server.http2.rx_messaging_error`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of invalid received frames that violated section 8 of the HTTP/2 spec. This will result in a tx_reset -- *`envoyproxy.server.http2.rx_reset`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of reset stream frames received by Envoy -- *`envoyproxy.server.http2.too_many_header_frames`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of times an HTTP2 connection is reset due to receiving too many headers frames. Envoy currently supports proxying at most one header frame for 100-Continue one non-100 response code header frame and one frame with trailers -- *`envoyproxy.server.http2.trailers`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of trailers seen on requests coming from downstream -- *`envoyproxy.server.http2.tx_reset`*:: + -- type: integer Total number of reset stream frames transmitted by Envoy -- [[exported-fields-etcd]] == Etcd fields etcd Module [float] == etcd fields `etcd` contains statistics that were read from Etcd [float] == leader fields Contains etcd leader statistics. [float] == followers.counts fields The number of failed and successful Raft RPC requests. *`etcd.leader.followers.counts.followers.counts.success`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.leader.followers.counts.followers.counts.fail`*:: + -- type: integer -- [float] == followers.latency fields latency to each peer in the cluster *`etcd.leader.followers.latency.followers.latency.average`*:: + -- type: scaled_float -- *`etcd.leader.followers.latency.followers.latency.current`*:: + -- type: scaled_float -- *`etcd.leader.followers.latency.followers.latency.maximum`*:: + -- type: scaled_float -- *`etcd.leader.followers.latency.followers.latency.minimum`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.leader.followers.latency.follower.latency.standardDeviation`*:: + -- type: scaled_float -- *`etcd.leader.leader`*:: + -- type: keyword -- [float] == self fields Contains etcd self statistics. *`etcd.self.id`*:: + -- type: keyword the unique identifier for the member -- *`etcd.self.leaderinfo.leader`*:: + -- type: keyword id of the current leader member -- *`etcd.self.leaderinfo.starttime`*:: + -- type: keyword -- *`etcd.self.leaderinfo.uptime`*:: + -- type: keyword id of the current leader member -- *`etcd.self.name`*:: + -- type: keyword this member's name -- *`etcd.self.recv.appendrequest.count`*:: + -- type: integer number of append requests this node has processed -- *`etcd.self.recv.bandwidthrate`*:: + -- type: scaled_float number of bytes per second this node is receiving (follower only) -- *`etcd.self.recv.pkgrate`*:: + -- type: scaled_float number of requests per second this node is receiving (follower only) -- *`etcd.self.send.appendrequest.count`*:: + -- type: integer number of requests that this node has sent -- *`etcd.self.send.bandwidthrate`*:: + -- type: scaled_float number of bytes per second this node is sending (leader only). This value is undefined on single member clusters. -- *`etcd.self.send.pkgrate`*:: + -- type: scaled_float number of requests per second this node is sending (leader only). This value is undefined on single member clusters. -- *`etcd.self.starttime`*:: + -- type: keyword the time when this node was started -- *`etcd.self.state`*:: + -- type: keyword either leader or follower -- [float] == store fields The store statistics include information about the operations that this node has handled. *`etcd.store.gets.success`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.gets.fail`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.sets.success`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.sets.fail`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.delete.success`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.delete.fail`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.update.success`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.update.fail`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.create.success`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.create.fail`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.compareandswap.success`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.compareandswap.fail`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.compareanddelete.success`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.compareanddelete.fail`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.expire.count`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`etcd.store.watchers`*:: + -- type: integer -- [[exported-fields-golang]] == Golang fields Golang module [float] == golang fields [float] == expvar fields expvar *`golang.expvar.cmdline`*:: + -- type: keyword The cmdline of this Go program start with. -- [float] == heap fields The Go program heap information exposed by expvar. *`golang.heap.cmdline`*:: + -- type: keyword The cmdline of this Go program start with. -- [float] == gc fields Garbage collector summary. [float] == total_pause fields Total GC pause duration over lifetime of process. *`golang.heap.gc.total_pause.ns`*:: + -- type: long Duration in Ns. -- *`golang.heap.gc.total_count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of GC was happened. -- *`golang.heap.gc.next_gc_limit`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Next collection will happen when HeapAlloc > this amount. -- *`golang.heap.gc.cpu_fraction`*:: + -- type: float Fraction of CPU time used by GC. -- [float] == pause fields Last GC pause durations during the monitoring period. *`golang.heap.gc.pause.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of GC pause duration during this collect period. -- [float] == sum fields Total GC pause duration during this collect period. *`golang.heap.gc.pause.sum.ns`*:: + -- type: long Duration in Ns. -- [float] == max fields Max GC pause duration during this collect period. *`golang.heap.gc.pause.max.ns`*:: + -- type: long Duration in Ns. -- [float] == avg fields Average GC pause duration during this collect period. *`golang.heap.gc.pause.avg.ns`*:: + -- type: long Duration in Ns. -- [float] == system fields Heap summary,which bytes was obtained from system. *`golang.heap.system.total`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total bytes obtained from system (sum of XxxSys below). -- *`golang.heap.system.obtained`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Via HeapSys, bytes obtained from system. heap_sys = heap_idle + heap_inuse. -- *`golang.heap.system.stack`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes used by stack allocator, and these bytes was obtained from system. -- *`golang.heap.system.released`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes released to the OS. -- [float] == allocations fields Heap allocations summary. *`golang.heap.allocations.mallocs`*:: + -- type: long Number of mallocs. -- *`golang.heap.allocations.frees`*:: + -- type: long Number of frees. -- *`golang.heap.allocations.objects`*:: + -- type: long Total number of allocated objects. -- *`golang.heap.allocations.total`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes allocated (even if freed) throughout the lifetime. -- *`golang.heap.allocations.allocated`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes allocated and not yet freed (same as Alloc above). -- *`golang.heap.allocations.idle`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes in idle spans. -- *`golang.heap.allocations.active`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes in non-idle span. -- [[exported-fields-graphite]] == Graphite fields graphite Module [float] == graphite fields [float] == server fields server *`graphite.server.example`*:: + -- type: keyword Example field -- [[exported-fields-haproxy]] == HAProxy fields HAProxy Module [float] == haproxy fields HAProxy metrics. [float] == info fields General information about HAProxy processes. *`haproxy.info.processes`*:: + -- type: long Number of processes. -- *`haproxy.info.process_num`*:: + -- type: long Process number. -- *`haproxy.info.pid`*:: + -- type: long Process ID. -- *`haproxy.info.run_queue`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.tasks`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.uptime.sec`*:: + -- type: long Current uptime in seconds. -- *`haproxy.info.memory.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Maximum amount of memory usage in bytes (the 'Memmax_MB' value converted to bytes). -- *`haproxy.info.ulimit_n`*:: + -- type: long Maximum number of open files for the process. -- [float] == compress fields [float] == bps fields *`haproxy.info.compress.bps.in`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.compress.bps.out`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.compress.bps.rate_limit`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == connection fields [float] == rate fields *`haproxy.info.connection.rate.value`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.connection.rate.limit`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.connection.rate.max`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.connection.current`*:: + -- type: long Current connections. -- *`haproxy.info.connection.total`*:: + -- type: long Total connections. -- *`haproxy.info.connection.ssl.current`*:: + -- type: long Current SSL connections. -- *`haproxy.info.connection.ssl.total`*:: + -- type: long Total SSL connections. -- *`haproxy.info.connection.ssl.max`*:: + -- type: long Maximum SSL connections. -- *`haproxy.info.connection.max`*:: + -- type: long Maximum connections. -- *`haproxy.info.connection.hard_max`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.requests.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.sockets.max`*:: + -- type: long -- *`haproxy.info.requests.max`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == pipes fields *`haproxy.info.pipes.used`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`haproxy.info.pipes.free`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`haproxy.info.pipes.max`*:: + -- type: integer -- [float] == session fields None *`haproxy.info.session.rate.value`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`haproxy.info.session.rate.limit`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`haproxy.info.session.rate.max`*:: + -- type: integer -- [float] == ssl fields None *`haproxy.info.ssl.rate.value`*:: + -- type: integer None -- *`haproxy.info.ssl.rate.limit`*:: + -- type: integer None -- *`haproxy.info.ssl.rate.max`*:: + -- type: integer None -- [float] == frontend fields None *`haproxy.info.ssl.frontend.key_rate.value`*:: + -- type: integer None -- *`haproxy.info.ssl.frontend.key_rate.max`*:: + -- type: integer None -- *`haproxy.info.ssl.frontend.session_reuse.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent None -- [float] == backend fields None *`haproxy.info.ssl.backend.key_rate.value`*:: + -- type: integer None -- *`haproxy.info.ssl.backend.key_rate.max`*:: + -- type: integer MaxConnRate -- *`haproxy.info.ssl.cached_lookups`*:: + -- type: long None -- *`haproxy.info.ssl.cache_misses`*:: + -- type: long None -- [float] == zlib_mem_usage fields *`haproxy.info.zlib_mem_usage.value`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`haproxy.info.zlib_mem_usage.max`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`haproxy.info.idle.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent -- [float] == stat fields Stats collected from HAProxy processes. *`haproxy.stat.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Status (UP, DOWN, NOLB, MAINT, or MAINT(via)...). -- *`haproxy.stat.weight`*:: + -- type: long Total weight (for backends), or server weight (for servers). -- *`haproxy.stat.downtime`*:: + -- type: long Total downtime (in seconds). For backends, this value is the downtime for the whole backend, not the sum of the downtime for the servers. -- *`haproxy.stat.component_type`*:: + -- type: integer Component type (0=frontend, 1=backend, 2=server, or 3=socket/listener). -- *`haproxy.stat.process_id`*:: + -- type: integer Process ID (0 for first instance, 1 for second, and so on). -- *`haproxy.stat.service_name`*:: + -- type: keyword Service name (FRONTEND for frontend, BACKEND for backend, or any name for server/listener). -- *`haproxy.stat.in.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes in. -- *`haproxy.stat.out.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes out. -- *`haproxy.stat.last_change`*:: + -- type: integer Number of seconds since the last UP->DOWN or DOWN->UP transition. -- *`haproxy.stat.throttle.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Current throttle percentage for the server when slowstart is active, or no value if slowstart is inactive. -- *`haproxy.stat.selected.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of times a server was selected, either for new sessions, or when re-dispatching. For servers, this field reports the the number of times the server was selected. -- *`haproxy.stat.tracked.id`*:: + -- type: long ID of the proxy/server if tracking is enabled. -- *`haproxy.stat.connection.total`*:: + -- type: long Cumulative number of connections. -- *`haproxy.stat.connection.retried`*:: + -- type: long Number of times a connection to a server was retried. -- *`haproxy.stat.connection.time.avg`*:: + -- type: long Average connect time in ms over the last 1024 requests. -- *`haproxy.stat.request.denied`*:: + -- type: long Requests denied because of security concerns. * For TCP this is because of a matched tcp-request content rule. * For HTTP this is because of a matched http-request or tarpit rule. -- *`haproxy.stat.request.queued.current`*:: + -- type: long Current queued requests. For backends, this field reports the number of requests queued without a server assigned. -- *`haproxy.stat.request.queued.max`*:: + -- type: long Maximum value of queued.current. -- *`haproxy.stat.request.errors`*:: + -- type: long Request errors. Some of the possible causes are: * early termination from the client, before the request has been sent * read error from the client * client timeout * client closed connection * various bad requests from the client. * request was tarpitted. -- *`haproxy.stat.request.redispatched`*:: + -- type: long Number of times a request was redispatched to another server. For servers, this field reports the number of times the server was switched away from. -- *`haproxy.stat.request.connection.errors`*:: + -- type: long Number of requests that encountered an error trying to connect to a server. For backends, this field reports the sum of the stat for all backend servers, plus any connection errors not associated with a particular server (such as the backend having no active servers). -- [float] == rate fields *`haproxy.stat.request.rate.value`*:: + -- type: long Number of HTTP requests per second over the last elapsed second. -- *`haproxy.stat.request.rate.max`*:: + -- type: long Maximum number of HTTP requests per second. -- *`haproxy.stat.request.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of HTTP requests received. -- *`haproxy.stat.response.errors`*:: + -- type: long Number of response errors. This value includes the number of data transfers aborted by the server (haproxy.stat.server.aborted). Some other errors are: * write errors on the client socket (won't be counted for the server stat) * failure applying filters to the response -- *`haproxy.stat.response.time.avg`*:: + -- type: long Average response time in ms over the last 1024 requests (0 for TCP). -- *`haproxy.stat.response.denied`*:: + -- type: integer Responses denied because of security concerns. For HTTP this is because of a matched http-request rule, or "option checkcache". -- [float] == http fields *`haproxy.stat.response.http.1xx`*:: + -- type: long HTTP responses with 1xx code. -- *`haproxy.stat.response.http.2xx`*:: + -- type: long HTTP responses with 2xx code. -- *`haproxy.stat.response.http.3xx`*:: + -- type: long HTTP responses with 3xx code. -- *`haproxy.stat.response.http.4xx`*:: + -- type: long HTTP responses with 4xx code. -- *`haproxy.stat.response.http.5xx`*:: + -- type: long HTTP responses with 5xx code. -- *`haproxy.stat.response.http.other`*:: + -- type: long HTTP responses with other codes (protocol error). -- *`haproxy.stat.session.current`*:: + -- type: long Number of current sessions. -- *`haproxy.stat.session.max`*:: + -- type: long Maximum number of sessions. -- *`haproxy.stat.session.limit`*:: + -- type: long Configured session limit. -- *`haproxy.stat.session.rate.value`*:: + -- type: integer Number of sessions per second over the last elapsed second. -- *`haproxy.stat.session.rate.limit`*:: + -- type: integer Configured limit on new sessions per second. -- *`haproxy.stat.session.rate.max`*:: + -- type: integer Maximum number of new sessions per second. -- [float] == check fields *`haproxy.stat.check.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Status of the last health check. One of: UNK -> unknown INI -> initializing SOCKERR -> socket error L4OK -> check passed on layer 4, no upper layers testing enabled L4TOUT -> layer 1-4 timeout L4CON -> layer 1-4 connection problem, for example "Connection refused" (tcp rst) or "No route to host" (icmp) L6OK -> check passed on layer 6 L6TOUT -> layer 6 (SSL) timeout L6RSP -> layer 6 invalid response - protocol error L7OK -> check passed on layer 7 L7OKC -> check conditionally passed on layer 7, for example 404 with disable-on-404 L7TOUT -> layer 7 (HTTP/SMTP) timeout L7RSP -> layer 7 invalid response - protocol error L7STS -> layer 7 response error, for example HTTP 5xx -- *`haproxy.stat.check.code`*:: + -- type: long Layer 5-7 code, if available. -- *`haproxy.stat.check.duration`*:: + -- type: long Time in ms that it took to finish the last health check. -- *`haproxy.stat.check.health.last`*:: + -- type: keyword The result of the last health check. -- *`haproxy.stat.check.health.fail`*:: + -- type: long Number of failed checks. -- *`haproxy.stat.check.agent.last`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`haproxy.stat.check.failed`*:: + -- type: long Number of checks that failed while the server was up. -- *`haproxy.stat.check.down`*:: + -- type: long Number of UP->DOWN transitions. For backends, this value is the number of transitions to the whole backend being down, rather than the sum of the transitions for each server. -- *`haproxy.stat.client.aborted`*:: + -- type: integer Number of data transfers aborted by the client. -- [float] == server fields *`haproxy.stat.server.id`*:: + -- type: integer Server ID (unique inside a proxy). -- *`haproxy.stat.server.aborted`*:: + -- type: integer Number of data transfers aborted by the server. This value is included in haproxy.stat.response.errors. -- *`haproxy.stat.server.active`*:: + -- type: integer Number of backend servers that are active, meaning that they are healthy and can receive requests from the load balancer. -- *`haproxy.stat.server.backup`*:: + -- type: integer Number of backend servers that are backup servers. -- [float] == compressor fields *`haproxy.stat.compressor.in.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Number of HTTP response bytes fed to the compressor. -- *`haproxy.stat.compressor.out.bytes`*:: + -- type: integer format: bytes Number of HTTP response bytes emitted by the compressor. -- *`haproxy.stat.compressor.bypassed.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Number of bytes that bypassed the HTTP compressor (CPU/BW limit). -- *`haproxy.stat.compressor.response.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Number of HTTP responses that were compressed. -- [float] == proxy fields *`haproxy.stat.proxy.id`*:: + -- type: integer Unique proxy ID. -- *`haproxy.stat.proxy.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Proxy name. -- [float] == queue fields *`haproxy.stat.queue.limit`*:: + -- type: integer Configured queue limit (maxqueue) for the server, or nothing if the value of maxqueue is 0 (meaning no limit). -- *`haproxy.stat.queue.time.avg`*:: + -- type: integer The average queue time in ms over the last 1024 requests. -- [[exported-fields-host-processor]] == Host fields Info collected for the host machine. *`host.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Hostname. -- *`host.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Unique host id. -- *`host.architecture`*:: + -- type: keyword Host architecture (e.g. x86_64, arm, ppc, mips). -- *`host.os.platform`*:: + -- type: keyword OS platform (e.g. centos, ubuntu, windows). -- *`host.os.version`*:: + -- type: keyword OS version. -- *`host.os.family`*:: + -- type: keyword OS family (e.g. redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). -- *`host.ip`*:: + -- type: ip List of IP-addresses. -- *`host.mac`*:: + -- type: keyword List of hardware-addresses, usually MAC-addresses. -- [[exported-fields-http]] == HTTP fields HTTP module [float] == http fields [float] == request fields HTTP request information *`http.request.headers`*:: + -- type: object The HTTP headers sent -- *`http.request.method`*:: + -- type: keyword The HTTP method used -- *`http.request.body`*:: + -- type: keyword The HTTP payload sent -- [float] == response fields HTTP response information *`http.response.headers`*:: + -- type: object The HTTP headers received -- *`http.response.code`*:: + -- type: keyword example: 404 The HTTP status code -- *`http.response.phrase`*:: + -- type: keyword example: Not found The HTTP status phrase -- *`http.response.body`*:: + -- type: keyword The HTTP payload received -- [float] == json fields json metricset [float] == server fields server [[exported-fields-jolokia]] == Jolokia fields Jolokia module [float] == jolokia fields jolokia contains metrics exposed via jolokia agent [[exported-fields-kafka]] == Kafka fields Kafka module [float] == kafka fields [float] == broker fields Broker Consumer Group Information have been read from (Broker handling the consumer group). *`kafka.broker.id`*:: + -- type: long Broker id -- *`kafka.broker.address`*:: + -- type: keyword Broker advertised address -- *`kafka.topic.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Topic name -- *`kafka.topic.error.code`*:: + -- type: long Topic error code. -- *`kafka.partition.id`*:: + -- type: long Partition id. -- *`kafka.partition.topic_id`*:: + -- type: keyword Unique id of the partition in the topic. -- *`kafka.partition.topic_broker_id`*:: + -- type: keyword Unique id of the partition in the topic and the broker. -- [float] == consumergroup fields consumergroup [float] == broker fields Broker Consumer Group Information have been read from (Broker handling the consumer group). *`kafka.consumergroup.broker.id`*:: + -- type: long Broker id -- *`kafka.consumergroup.broker.address`*:: + -- type: keyword Broker address -- *`kafka.consumergroup.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Consumer Group ID -- *`kafka.consumergroup.topic`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5] type: keyword Topic name -- *`kafka.consumergroup.partition`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5] type: long Partition ID -- *`kafka.consumergroup.offset`*:: + -- type: long consumer offset into partition being read -- *`kafka.consumergroup.meta`*:: + -- type: text custom consumer meta data string -- *`kafka.consumergroup.error.code`*:: + -- type: long kafka consumer/partition error code. -- [float] == client fields Assigned client reading events from partition *`kafka.consumergroup.client.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Client ID (kafka setting client.id) -- *`kafka.consumergroup.client.host`*:: + -- type: keyword Client host -- *`kafka.consumergroup.client.member_id`*:: + -- type: keyword internal consumer group member ID -- [float] == partition fields partition [float] == offset fields Available offsets of the given partition. *`kafka.partition.offset.newest`*:: + -- type: long Newest offset of the partition. -- *`kafka.partition.offset.oldest`*:: + -- type: long Oldest offset of the partition. -- [float] == partition fields Partition data. *`kafka.partition.partition.id`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5] type: long Partition id. -- *`kafka.partition.partition.leader`*:: + -- type: long Leader id (broker). -- *`kafka.partition.partition.isr`*:: + -- type: array List of isr ids. -- *`kafka.partition.partition.replica`*:: + -- type: long Replica id (broker). -- *`kafka.partition.partition.insync_replica`*:: + -- type: boolean Indicates if replica is included in the in-sync replicate set (ISR). -- *`kafka.partition.partition.is_leader`*:: + -- type: boolean Indicates if replica is the leader -- *`kafka.partition.partition.error.code`*:: + -- type: long Error code from fetching partition. -- *`kafka.partition.topic.error.code`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5] type: long topic error code. -- *`kafka.partition.topic.name`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5] type: keyword Topic name -- *`kafka.partition.broker.id`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5] type: long Broker id -- *`kafka.partition.broker.address`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5] type: keyword Broker address -- [[exported-fields-kibana]] == Kibana fields Kibana module [float] == kibana fields [float] == stats fields Kibana stats and run-time metrics. *`kibana.stats.uuid`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana instance UUID -- *`kibana.stats.name`*:: + -- type: text Kibana instance name -- *`kibana.stats.index`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of Kibana's internal index -- *`kibana.stats.host.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana instance hostname -- *`kibana.stats.transport_address`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana server's hostname and port -- *`kibana.stats.version`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana version -- *`kibana.stats.snapshot`*:: + -- type: boolean Whether the Kibana build is a snapshot build -- *`kibana.stats.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana instance's health status -- *`kibana.stats.concurrent_connections`*:: + -- type: long Number of client connections made to the server. Note that browsers can send multiple simultaneous connections to request multiple server assets at once, and they can re-use established connections. -- [float] == process fields Process metrics *`kibana.stats.process.event_loop_delay.ms`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Event loop delay in milliseconds -- [float] == memory.heap fields Process heap metrics *`kibana.stats.process.memory.heap.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total heap allocated to process in bytes -- *`kibana.stats.process.memory.heap.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Heap used by process in bytes -- *`kibana.stats.process.memory.heap.size_limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Max. old space size allocated to Node.js process, in bytes -- *`kibana.stats.process.memory.heap.uptime.ms`*:: + -- type: long Uptime of process in milliseconds -- [float] == request fields Request count metrics *`kibana.stats.request.disconnects`*:: + -- type: long Number of requests that were disconnected -- *`kibana.stats.request.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of requests -- [float] == response_time fields Response times metrics *`kibana.stats.response_time.avg.ms`*:: + -- type: long Average response time in milliseconds -- *`kibana.stats.response_time.max.ms`*:: + -- type: long Maximum response time in milliseconds -- [float] == status fields Status fields *`kibana.status.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana instance name. -- *`kibana.status.uuid`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana instance uuid. -- *`kibana.status.version.number`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana version number. -- *`kibana.status.status.overall.state`*:: + -- type: keyword Kibana overall state. -- [float] == metrics fields Metrics fields *`kibana.status.metrics.concurrent_connections`*:: + -- type: long Current concurrent connections. -- [float] == requests fields Request statistics. *`kibana.status.metrics.requests.disconnects`*:: + -- type: long Total number of disconnected connections. -- *`kibana.status.metrics.requests.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of connections. -- [[exported-fields-kubernetes-processor]] == Kubernetes fields Kubernetes metadata added by the kubernetes processor *`kubernetes.pod.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes pod name -- *`kubernetes.pod.uid`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes Pod UID -- *`kubernetes.namespace`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes namespace -- *`kubernetes.node.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes node name -- *`kubernetes.labels`*:: + -- type: object Kubernetes labels map -- *`kubernetes.annotations`*:: + -- type: object Kubernetes annotations map -- *`kubernetes.container.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes container name -- *`kubernetes.container.image`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes container image -- [[exported-fields-kubernetes]] == Kubernetes fields Kubernetes metrics [float] == kubernetes fields Information and statistics of pods managed by kubernetes. [float] == apiserver fields Kubernetes API server metrics *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.client`*:: + -- type: keyword Client doing the requests -- *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.resource`*:: + -- type: keyword Requested resource -- *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.subresource`*:: + -- type: keyword Requested subresource -- *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.scope`*:: + -- type: keyword Request scope (cluster, namespace, resource) -- *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.verb`*:: + -- type: keyword Request HTTP verb -- *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of requests -- *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.latency.sum`*:: + -- type: long Requests latency, sum of latencies in microseconds -- *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.latency.count`*:: + -- type: long Request latency, number of requests -- *`kubernetes.apiserver.request.latency.bucket`*:: + -- type: object Request latency histogram buckets -- [float] == container fields kubernetes container metrics *`kubernetes.container.start_time`*:: + -- type: date Start time -- [float] == cpu fields CPU usage metrics *`kubernetes.container.cpu.usage.core.ns`*:: + -- type: long Container CPU Core usage nanoseconds -- *`kubernetes.container.cpu.usage.nanocores`*:: + -- type: long CPU used nanocores -- *`kubernetes.container.cpu.usage.node.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage CPU usage as a percentage of the total node allocatable CPU -- *`kubernetes.container.cpu.usage.limit.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage CPU usage as a percentage of the defined limit for the container (or total node allocatable CPU if unlimited) -- [float] == logs fields Logs info *`kubernetes.container.logs.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Logs available capacity in bytes -- *`kubernetes.container.logs.capacity.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Logs total capacity in bytes -- *`kubernetes.container.logs.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Logs used capacity in bytes -- *`kubernetes.container.logs.inodes.count`*:: + -- type: long Total available inodes -- *`kubernetes.container.logs.inodes.free`*:: + -- type: long Total free inodes -- *`kubernetes.container.logs.inodes.used`*:: + -- type: long Total used inodes -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total available memory -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory usage -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.usage.node.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Memory usage as a percentage of the total node allocatable memory -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.usage.limit.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Memory usage as a percentage of the defined limit for the container (or total node allocatable memory if unlimited) -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.rss.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes RSS memory usage -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.workingset.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Working set memory usage -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.pagefaults`*:: + -- type: long Number of page faults -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.majorpagefaults`*:: + -- type: long Number of major page faults -- *`kubernetes.container.rootfs.capacity.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Root filesystem total capacity in bytes -- *`kubernetes.container.rootfs.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Root filesystem total available in bytes -- *`kubernetes.container.rootfs.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Root filesystem total used in bytes -- *`kubernetes.container.rootfs.inodes.used`*:: + -- type: long Used inodes -- [float] == event fields The Kubernetes events metricset collects events that are generated by objects running inside of Kubernetes *`kubernetes.event.count`*:: + -- type: long Count field records the number of times the particular event has occurred -- *`kubernetes.event.timestamp.first_occurrence`*:: + -- type: date Timestamp of first occurrence of event -- *`kubernetes.event.timestamp.last_occurrence`*:: + -- type: date Timestamp of last occurrence of event -- *`kubernetes.event.message`*:: + -- type: keyword Message recorded for the given event -- *`kubernetes.event.reason`*:: + -- type: keyword Reason recorded for the given event -- *`kubernetes.event.type`*:: + -- type: keyword Type of the given event -- [float] == metadata fields Metadata associated with the given event *`kubernetes.event.metadata.timestamp.created`*:: + -- type: date Timestamp of creation of the given event -- *`kubernetes.event.metadata.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the event -- *`kubernetes.event.metadata.namespace`*:: + -- type: keyword Namespace in which event was generated -- *`kubernetes.event.metadata.resource_version`*:: + -- type: keyword Version of the event resource -- *`kubernetes.event.metadata.uid`*:: + -- type: keyword Unique identifier to the event object -- *`kubernetes.event.metadata.self_link`*:: + -- type: keyword URL representing the event -- [float] == involved_object fields Metadata associated with the given involved object *`kubernetes.event.involved_object.api_version`*:: + -- type: keyword API version of the object -- *`kubernetes.event.involved_object.kind`*:: + -- type: keyword API kind of the object -- *`kubernetes.event.involved_object.name`*:: + -- type: keyword name of the object -- *`kubernetes.event.involved_object.resource_version`*:: + -- type: keyword resource version of the object -- *`kubernetes.event.involved_object.uid`*:: + -- type: keyword UUID version of the object -- [float] == node fields kubernetes node metrics *`kubernetes.node.start_time`*:: + -- type: date Start time -- [float] == cpu fields CPU usage metrics *`kubernetes.node.cpu.usage.core.ns`*:: + -- type: long Node CPU Core usage nanoseconds -- *`kubernetes.node.cpu.usage.nanocores`*:: + -- type: long CPU used nanocores -- *`kubernetes.node.memory.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total available memory -- *`kubernetes.node.memory.usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory usage -- *`kubernetes.node.memory.rss.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes RSS memory usage -- *`kubernetes.node.memory.workingset.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Working set memory usage -- *`kubernetes.node.memory.pagefaults`*:: + -- type: long Number of page faults -- *`kubernetes.node.memory.majorpagefaults`*:: + -- type: long Number of major page faults -- *`kubernetes.node.network.rx.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Received bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.network.rx.errors`*:: + -- type: long Rx errors -- *`kubernetes.node.network.tx.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Transmitted bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.network.tx.errors`*:: + -- type: long Tx errors -- *`kubernetes.node.fs.capacity.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Filesystem total capacity in bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.fs.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Filesystem total available in bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.fs.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Filesystem total used in bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.fs.inodes.used`*:: + -- type: long Number of used inodes -- *`kubernetes.node.fs.inodes.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of inodes -- *`kubernetes.node.fs.inodes.free`*:: + -- type: long Number of free inodes -- *`kubernetes.node.runtime.imagefs.capacity.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Image filesystem total capacity in bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.runtime.imagefs.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Image filesystem total available in bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.runtime.imagefs.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Image filesystem total used in bytes -- [float] == pod fields kubernetes pod metrics *`kubernetes.pod.start_time`*:: + -- type: date Start time -- *`kubernetes.pod.network.rx.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Received bytes -- *`kubernetes.pod.network.rx.errors`*:: + -- type: long Rx errors -- *`kubernetes.pod.network.tx.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Transmitted bytes -- *`kubernetes.pod.network.tx.errors`*:: + -- type: long Tx errors -- [float] == cpu fields CPU usage metrics *`kubernetes.pod.cpu.usage.nanocores`*:: + -- type: long CPU used nanocores -- *`kubernetes.pod.cpu.usage.node.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage CPU usage as a percentage of the total node CPU -- *`kubernetes.pod.cpu.usage.limit.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage CPU usage as a percentage of the defined limit for the pod containers (or total node CPU if unlimited) -- *`kubernetes.pod.memory.usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory usage -- *`kubernetes.pod.memory.usage.node.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Memory usage as a percentage of the total node allocatable memory -- *`kubernetes.pod.memory.usage.limit.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percentage Memory usage as a percentage of the defined limit for the pod containers (or total node allocatable memory if unlimited) -- [float] == container fields kubernetes container metrics *`kubernetes.container.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Container id -- *`kubernetes.container.status.phase`*:: + -- type: keyword Container phase (running, waiting, terminated) -- *`kubernetes.container.status.ready`*:: + -- type: boolean Container ready status -- *`kubernetes.container.status.restarts`*:: + -- type: integer Container restarts count -- *`kubernetes.container.status.reason`*:: + -- type: keyword Waiting (ContainerCreating, CrashLoopBackoff, ErrImagePull, ImagePullBackoff) or termination (Completed, ContainerCannotRun, Error, OOMKilled) reason. -- *`kubernetes.container.cpu.limit.cores`*:: + -- type: long Container CPU cores limit -- *`kubernetes.container.cpu.request.cores`*:: + -- type: long Container CPU requested cores -- *`kubernetes.container.cpu.limit.nanocores`*:: + -- deprecated[6.4] type: long Container CPU nanocores limit -- *`kubernetes.container.cpu.request.nanocores`*:: + -- deprecated[6.4] type: long Container CPU requested nanocores -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Container memory limit in bytes -- *`kubernetes.container.memory.request.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Container requested memory in bytes -- [float] == deployment fields kubernetes deployment metrics *`kubernetes.deployment.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes deployment name -- *`kubernetes.deployment.paused`*:: + -- type: boolean Kubernetes deployment paused status -- [float] == replicas fields Kubernetes deployment replicas info *`kubernetes.deployment.replicas.desired`*:: + -- type: integer Deployment number of desired replicas (spec) -- *`kubernetes.deployment.replicas.available`*:: + -- type: integer Deployment available replicas -- *`kubernetes.deployment.replicas.unavailable`*:: + -- type: integer Deployment unavailable replicas -- *`kubernetes.deployment.replicas.updated`*:: + -- type: integer Deployment updated replicas -- [float] == node fields kubernetes node metrics *`kubernetes.node.status.ready`*:: + -- type: keyword Node ready status (true, false or unknown) -- *`kubernetes.node.status.unschedulable`*:: + -- type: boolean Node unschedulable status -- *`kubernetes.node.cpu.allocatable.cores`*:: + -- type: float Node CPU allocatable cores -- *`kubernetes.node.cpu.capacity.cores`*:: + -- type: long Node CPU capacity cores -- *`kubernetes.node.memory.allocatable.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Node allocatable memory in bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.memory.capacity.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Node memory capacity in bytes -- *`kubernetes.node.pod.allocatable.total`*:: + -- type: long Node allocatable pods -- *`kubernetes.node.pod.capacity.total`*:: + -- type: long Node pod capacity -- [float] == pod fields kubernetes pod metrics *`kubernetes.pod.ip`*:: + -- type: ip Kubernetes pod IP -- *`kubernetes.pod.host_ip`*:: + -- type: ip Kubernetes pod host IP -- [float] == status fields Kubernetes pod status metrics *`kubernetes.pod.status.phase`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes pod phase (Running, Pending...) -- *`kubernetes.pod.status.ready`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes pod ready status (true, false or unknown) -- *`kubernetes.pod.status.scheduled`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes pod scheduled status (true, false, unknown) -- [float] == replicaset fields kubernetes replica set metrics *`kubernetes.replicaset.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes replica set name -- [float] == replicas fields Kubernetes replica set paused status *`kubernetes.replicaset.replicas.available`*:: + -- type: long The number of replicas per ReplicaSet -- *`kubernetes.replicaset.replicas.desired`*:: + -- type: long The number of replicas per ReplicaSet -- *`kubernetes.replicaset.replicas.ready`*:: + -- type: long The number of ready replicas per ReplicaSet -- *`kubernetes.replicaset.replicas.observed`*:: + -- type: long The generation observed by the ReplicaSet controller -- *`kubernetes.replicaset.replicas.labeled`*:: + -- type: long The number of fully labeled replicas per ReplicaSet -- [float] == statefulset fields kubernetes stateful set metrics *`kubernetes.statefulset.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Kubernetes stateful set name -- *`kubernetes.statefulset.created`*:: + -- type: long The creation timestamp (epoch) for StatefulSet -- [float] == replicas fields Kubernetes stateful set replicas status *`kubernetes.statefulset.replicas.observed`*:: + -- type: long The number of observed replicas per StatefulSet -- *`kubernetes.statefulset.replicas.desired`*:: + -- type: long The number of desired replicas per StatefulSet -- [float] == generation fields Kubernetes stateful set generation information *`kubernetes.statefulset.generation.observed`*:: + -- type: long The observed generation per StatefulSet -- *`kubernetes.statefulset.generation.desired`*:: + -- type: long The desired generation per StatefulSet -- [float] == system fields kubernetes system containers metrics *`kubernetes.system.container`*:: + -- type: keyword Container name -- *`kubernetes.system.start_time`*:: + -- type: date Start time -- [float] == cpu fields CPU usage metrics *`kubernetes.system.cpu.usage.core.ns`*:: + -- type: long CPU Core usage nanoseconds -- *`kubernetes.system.cpu.usage.nanocores`*:: + -- type: long CPU used nanocores -- *`kubernetes.system.memory.usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory usage -- *`kubernetes.system.memory.rss.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes RSS memory usage -- *`kubernetes.system.memory.workingset.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Working set memory usage -- *`kubernetes.system.memory.pagefaults`*:: + -- type: long Number of page faults -- *`kubernetes.system.memory.majorpagefaults`*:: + -- type: long Number of major page faults -- [float] == volume fields kubernetes volume metrics *`kubernetes.volume.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Volume name -- *`kubernetes.volume.fs.capacity.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Filesystem total capacity in bytes -- *`kubernetes.volume.fs.available.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Filesystem total available in bytes -- *`kubernetes.volume.fs.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Filesystem total used in bytes -- *`kubernetes.volume.fs.inodes.used`*:: + -- type: long Used inodes -- *`kubernetes.volume.fs.inodes.free`*:: + -- type: long Free inodes -- *`kubernetes.volume.fs.inodes.count`*:: + -- type: long Total inodes -- [[exported-fields-kvm]] == kvm fields experimental[] kvm module [float] == kvm fields [float] == dommemstat fields dommemstat [float] == stat fields Memory stat *`kvm.dommemstat.stat.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Memory stat name -- *`kvm.dommemstat.stat.value`*:: + -- type: long Memory stat value -- *`kvm.dommemstat.id`*:: + -- type: long Domain id -- *`kvm.dommemstat.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Domain name -- [[exported-fields-logstash]] == Logstash fields Logstash module [float] == logstash fields [float] == node fields node *`logstash.node.host`*:: + -- type: keyword Host name -- *`logstash.node.version`*:: + -- type: keyword Logstash Version -- [float] == jvm fields JVM Info *`logstash.node.jvm.version`*:: + -- type: keyword Version -- *`logstash.node.jvm.pid`*:: + -- type: long Pid -- [float] == node.stats fields node_stats metrics. [float] == events fields Events stats *`logstash.node.stats.events.in`*:: + -- type: long Incoming events counter. -- *`logstash.node.stats.events.out`*:: + -- type: long Outgoing events counter. -- *`logstash.node.stats.events.filtered`*:: + -- type: long Filtered events counter. -- [[exported-fields-memcached]] == Memcached fields Memcached module [float] == memcached fields [float] == stats fields stats *`memcached.stats.pid`*:: + -- type: long Current process ID of the Memcached task. -- *`memcached.stats.uptime.sec`*:: + -- type: long Memcached server uptime. -- *`memcached.stats.threads`*:: + -- type: long Number of threads used by the current Memcached server process. -- *`memcached.stats.connections.current`*:: + -- type: long Number of open connections to this Memcached server, should be the same value on all servers during normal operation. -- *`memcached.stats.connections.total`*:: + -- type: long Numer of successful connect attempts to this server since it has been started. -- *`memcached.stats.get.hits`*:: + -- type: long Number of successful "get" commands (cache hits) since startup, divide them by the "cmd_get" value to get the cache hitrate. -- *`memcached.stats.get.misses`*:: + -- type: long Number of failed "get" requests because nothing was cached for this key or the cached value was too old. -- *`memcached.stats.cmd.get`*:: + -- type: long Number of "get" commands received since server startup not counting if they were successful or not. -- *`memcached.stats.cmd.set`*:: + -- type: long Number of "set" commands serviced since startup. -- *`memcached.stats.read.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total number of bytes received from the network by this server. -- *`memcached.stats.written.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total number of bytes send to the network by this server. -- *`memcached.stats.items.current`*:: + -- type: long Number of items currently in this server's cache. -- *`memcached.stats.items.total`*:: + -- type: long Number of items stored ever stored on this server. This is no "maximum item count" value but a counted increased by every new item stored in the cache. -- *`memcached.stats.evictions`*:: + -- type: long Number of objects removed from the cache to free up memory for new items because Memcached reached it's maximum memory setting (limit_maxbytes). -- *`memcached.stats.bytes.current`*:: + -- type: long Number of bytes currently used for caching items. -- *`memcached.stats.bytes.limit`*:: + -- type: long Number of bytes this server is allowed to use for storage. -- [[exported-fields-mongodb]] == MongoDB fields Metrics collected from MongoDB servers. [float] == mongodb fields MongoDB metrics. [float] == collstats fields MongoDB collection statistics metrics. *`mongodb.collstats.db`*:: + -- type: keyword Database name. -- *`mongodb.collstats.collection`*:: + -- type: keyword Collection name. -- *`mongodb.collstats.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Combination of database and collection name. -- *`mongodb.collstats.total.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Total waiting time for locks in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.total.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of lock wait events. -- *`mongodb.collstats.lock.read.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Time waiting for read locks in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.lock.read.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of read lock wait events. -- *`mongodb.collstats.lock.write.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Time waiting for write locks in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.lock.write.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of write lock wait events. -- *`mongodb.collstats.queries.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Time running queries in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.queries.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of queries executed. -- *`mongodb.collstats.getmore.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Time asking for more cursor rows in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.getmore.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of times a cursor asked for more data. -- *`mongodb.collstats.insert.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Time inserting new documents in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.insert.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of document insert events. -- *`mongodb.collstats.update.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Time updating documents in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.update.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of document update events. -- *`mongodb.collstats.remove.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Time deleting documents in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.remove.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of document delete events. -- *`mongodb.collstats.commands.time.us`*:: + -- type: long Time executing database commands in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.collstats.commands.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of database commands executed. -- [float] == dbstats fields dbstats provides an overview of a particular mongo database. This document is most concerned with data volumes of a database. *`mongodb.dbstats.avg_obj_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- *`mongodb.dbstats.collections`*:: + -- type: integer -- *`mongodb.dbstats.data_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- *`mongodb.dbstats.db`*:: + -- type: keyword -- *`mongodb.dbstats.file_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- *`mongodb.dbstats.index_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- *`mongodb.dbstats.indexes`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.dbstats.num_extents`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.dbstats.objects`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.dbstats.storage_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- *`mongodb.dbstats.ns_size_mb.mb`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.dbstats.data_file_version.major`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.dbstats.data_file_version.minor`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.dbstats.extent_free_list.num`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.dbstats.extent_free_list.size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes -- [float] == metrics fields Statistics that reflect the current use and state of a running `mongod` instance for more information, take a look at https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/serverStatus/#serverstatus.metrics [float] == commands fields Reports on the use of database commands. The fields in metrics.commands are the names of database commands and each value is a document that reports the total number of commands executed as well as the number of failed executions. metrics.commands..failed shows the number of times failed on this mongod. metrics.commands..total shows the number of times executed on this mongod. *`mongodb.metrics.commands.is_self.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.is_self.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.aggregate.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.aggregate.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.build_info.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.build_info.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.coll_stats.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.coll_stats.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.connection_pool_stats.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.connection_pool_stats.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.count.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.count.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.db_stats.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.db_stats.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.distinct.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.distinct.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.find.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.find.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_cmd_line_opts.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_cmd_line_opts.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_last_error.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_last_error.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_log.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_log.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_more.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_more.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_parameter.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.get_parameter.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.host_info.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.host_info.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.insert.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.insert.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.is_master.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.is_master.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.last_collections.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.last_collections.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.last_commands.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.last_commands.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.list_databased.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.list_databased.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.list_indexes.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.list_indexes.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.ping.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.ping.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.profile.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.profile.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.replset_get_rbid.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.replset_get_rbid.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.replset_get_status.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.replset_get_status.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.replset_heartbeat.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.replset_heartbeat.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.replset_update_position.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.replset_update_position.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.server_status.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.server_status.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.update.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.update.total`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.whatsmyuri.failed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.commands.whatsmyuri.total`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == cursor fields Contains data regarding cursor state and use. *`mongodb.metrics.cursor.timed_out`*:: + -- type: long The total number of cursors that have timed out since the server process started. -- [float] == open fields Contains data regarding open cursors. *`mongodb.metrics.cursor.open.no_timeout`*:: + -- type: long The number of open cursors with the option DBQuery.Option.noTimeout set to prevent timeout. -- *`mongodb.metrics.cursor.open.pinned`*:: + -- type: long The number of `pinned` open cursors. -- *`mongodb.metrics.cursor.open.total`*:: + -- type: long The number of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients. -- [float] == document fields Reflects document access and modification patterns. *`mongodb.metrics.document.deleted`*:: + -- type: long The total number of documents deleted. -- *`mongodb.metrics.document.inserted`*:: + -- type: long The total number of documents inserted. -- *`mongodb.metrics.document.returned`*:: + -- type: long The total number of documents returned by queries. -- *`mongodb.metrics.document.updated`*:: + -- type: long The total number of documents updated. -- [float] == get_last_error fields Returns the error status of the preceding write operation on the current connection. *`mongodb.metrics.get_last_error.write_wait.ms`*:: + -- type: long The total amount of time in milliseconds that the mongod has spent performing getLastError operations with write concern (i.e. w) greater than 1. -- *`mongodb.metrics.get_last_error.write_wait.count`*:: + -- type: long The total number of getLastError operations with a specified write concern (i.e. w) greater than 1. -- *`mongodb.metrics.get_last_error.write_timeouts`*:: + -- type: long The number of times that write concern operations have timed out as a result of the wtimeout threshold to getLastError. -- [float] == operation fields Holds counters for several types of update and query operations that MongoDB handles using special operation types. *`mongodb.metrics.operation.scan_and_order`*:: + -- type: long The total number of queries that return sorted numbers that cannot perform the sort operation using an index. -- *`mongodb.metrics.operation.write_conflicts`*:: + -- type: long The total number of queries that encountered write conflicts. -- [float] == query_executor fields Reports data from the query execution system. *`mongodb.metrics.query_executor.scanned_indexes`*:: + -- type: long The total number of index items scanned during queries and query-plan evaluation. -- *`mongodb.metrics.query_executor.scanned_documents`*:: + -- type: long The total number of documents scanned during queries and query-plan evaluation. -- [float] == replication fields Reports metrics related to the replication process. metrics.replication appears on all mongod instances, even those that aren't members of replica sets. [float] == executor fields Reports on various statistics for the replication executor. *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.event_created`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.event_wait`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.cancels`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.waits`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.scheduled.netcmd`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.scheduled.dbwork`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.scheduled.exclusive`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.scheduled.work_at`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.scheduled.work`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.counters.scheduled.failures`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.queues.in_progress.network`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.queues.in_progress.dbwork`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.queues.in_progress.exclusive`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.queues.sleepers`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.queues.ready`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.queues.free`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.unsignaled_events`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.event_waiters`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.shutting_down`*:: + -- type: boolean -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.executor.network_interface`*:: + -- type: text -- [float] == apply fields Reports on the application of operations from the replication oplog. *`mongodb.metrics.replication.apply.attempts_to_become_secondary`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == batches fields Reports on the oplog application process on secondaries members of replica sets. *`mongodb.metrics.replication.apply.batches.count`*:: + -- type: long The total number of batches applied across all databases. -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.apply.batches.time.ms`*:: + -- type: long The total amount of time in milliseconds the mongod has spent applying operations from the oplog. -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.apply.ops`*:: + -- type: long The total number of oplog operations applied. -- [float] == buffer fields MongoDB buffers oplog operations from the replication sync source buffer before applying oplog entries in a batch. metrics.replication.buffer provides a way to track the oplog buffer. *`mongodb.metrics.replication.buffer.count`*:: + -- type: long The current number of operations in the oplog buffer. -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.buffer.max_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long The maximum size of the buffer. This value is a constant setting in the mongod, and is not configurable. -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.buffer.size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long The current size of the contents of the oplog buffer. -- [float] == initial_sync fields Report initial sync status *`mongodb.metrics.replication.initial_sync.completed`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.initial_sync.failed_attempts`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.initial_sync.failures`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == network fields Reports network use by the replication process. *`mongodb.metrics.replication.network.bytes`*:: + -- type: long The total amount of data read from the replication sync source. -- [float] == getmores fields Reports on the getmore operations, which are requests for additional results from the oplog cursor as part of the oplog replication process. *`mongodb.metrics.replication.network.getmores.count`*:: + -- type: long The total number of getmore operations -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.network.getmores.time.ms`*:: + -- type: long The total amount of time required to collect data from getmore operations. -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.network.ops`*:: + -- type: long The total number of operations read from the replication source. -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.network.reders_created`*:: + -- type: long The total number of oplog query processes created. -- [float] == preload fields Reports on the `pre-fetch` stage, where MongoDB loads documents and indexes into RAM to improve replication throughput. [float] == docs fields Reports on the documents loaded into memory during the pre-fetch stage. *`mongodb.metrics.replication.preload.docs.count`*:: + -- type: long The total number of documents loaded during the pre-fetch stage of replication. -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.preload.docs.time.ms`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == indexes fields Reports on the index items loaded into memory during the pre-fetch stage of replication. *`mongodb.metrics.replication.preload.indexes.count`*:: + -- type: long The total number of index entries loaded by members before updating documents as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication. -- *`mongodb.metrics.replication.preload.indexes.time.ms`*:: + -- type: long The total amount of time, in milliseconds, spent loading index entries as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication. -- *`mongodb.metrics.storage.free_list.search.bucket_exhausted`*:: + -- type: long The number of times that mongod has checked the free list without finding a suitably large record allocation. -- *`mongodb.metrics.storage.free_list.search.requests`*:: + -- type: long The number of times mongod has searched for available record allocations. -- *`mongodb.metrics.storage.free_list.search.scanned`*:: + -- type: long The number of available record allocations mongod has searched. -- [float] == ttl fields Reports on the operation of the resource use of the ttl index process. *`mongodb.metrics.ttl.deleted_documents`*:: + -- type: long The total number of documents deleted from collections with a ttl index. -- *`mongodb.metrics.ttl.passes`*:: + -- type: long The number of times the background process removes documents from collections with a ttl index. -- [float] == replstatus fields replstatus provides an overview of replica set status. [float] == oplog fields oplog provides an overview of replication oplog status, which is retrieved from db.getReplicationInfo(). *`mongodb.replstatus.oplog.size.allocated`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The total amount of space used by the replstatus in bytes. -- *`mongodb.replstatus.oplog.size.used`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes total amount of space allocated to the replstatus in bytes. -- *`mongodb.replstatus.oplog.first.timestamp`*:: + -- type: long Timestamp of the first (i.e. earliest) operation in the replstatus -- *`mongodb.replstatus.oplog.last.timestamp`*:: + -- type: long Timestamp of the last (i.e. latest) operation in the replstatus -- *`mongodb.replstatus.oplog.window`*:: + -- type: long The difference between the first and last operation in the replstatus. -- *`mongodb.replstatus.set_name`*:: + -- type: keyword The name of the replica set. -- *`mongodb.replstatus.server_date`*:: + -- type: date Reflects the current time according to the server that processed the replSetGetStatus command. -- *`mongodb.replstatus.optimes.last_committed`*:: + -- type: long Information, from the viewpoint of this member, regarding the most recent operation that has been written to a majority of replica set members. -- *`mongodb.replstatus.optimes.applied`*:: + -- type: long Information, from the viewpoint of this member, regarding the most recent operation that has been applied to this member of the replica set. -- *`mongodb.replstatus.optimes.durable`*:: + -- type: long Information, from the viewpoint of this member, regarding the most recent operation that has been written to the journal of this member of the replica set. -- [float] == lag fields Delay between a write operation on the primary and its copy to a secondary *`mongodb.replstatus.lag.max`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Difference between optime of primary and slowest secondary -- *`mongodb.replstatus.lag.min`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Difference between optime of primary and fastest secondary -- [float] == headroom fields Difference between the primary's oplog window and the replication lag of the secondary *`mongodb.replstatus.headroom.max`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Difference between primary's oplog window and the replication lag of the fastest secondary -- *`mongodb.replstatus.headroom.min`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Difference between primary's oplog window and the replication lag of the slowest secondary -- [float] == members fields Provides information about members of replica set grouped by their state *`mongodb.replstatus.members.primary.host`*:: + -- type: keyword Host address of the primary -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.primary.optime`*:: + -- type: keyword Optime of primary -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.secondary.hosts`*:: + -- type: array List of secondary hosts -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.secondary.optimes`*:: + -- type: keyword Optimes of secondaries -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.secondary.count`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.recovering.hosts`*:: + -- type: array List of recovering members hosts -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.recovering.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of members in the `recovering` state -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.unknown.hosts`*:: + -- type: array List of members' hosts in the `unknown` state -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.unknown.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of members with `unknown` state -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.startup2.hosts`*:: + -- type: array List of initializing members hosts -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.startup2.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of members in the `startup2` state -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.arbiter.hosts`*:: + -- type: array List of arbiters hosts -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.arbiter.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of arbiters -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.down.hosts`*:: + -- type: array List of `down` members hosts -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.down.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of `down` members -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.rollback.hosts`*:: + -- type: array List of members in the `rollback` state -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.rollback.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of members in the `rollback` state -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.unhealthy.hosts`*:: + -- type: array List of members' hosts with healthy = false -- *`mongodb.replstatus.members.unhealthy.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of unhealthy members -- [float] == status fields MongoDB server status metrics. *`mongodb.status.version`*:: + -- type: keyword Instance version. -- *`mongodb.status.process`*:: + -- type: keyword The current MongoDB process. Possible values are mongos or mongod. -- *`mongodb.status.uptime.ms`*:: + -- type: long Instance uptime in milliseconds. -- *`mongodb.status.local_time`*:: + -- type: date Local time as reported by the MongoDB instance. -- *`mongodb.status.asserts.regular`*:: + -- type: long Number of regular assertions produced by the server. -- *`mongodb.status.asserts.warning`*:: + -- type: long Number of warning assertions produced by the server. -- *`mongodb.status.asserts.msg`*:: + -- type: long Number of msg assertions produced by the server. -- *`mongodb.status.asserts.user`*:: + -- type: long Number of user assertions produced by the server. -- *`mongodb.status.asserts.rollovers`*:: + -- type: long Number of rollovers assertions produced by the server. -- [float] == connections fields Data regarding the current status of incoming connections and availability of the database server. *`mongodb.status.connections.current`*:: + -- type: long The number of connections to the database server from clients. This number includes the current shell session. Consider the value of `available` to add more context to this datum. -- *`mongodb.status.connections.available`*:: + -- type: long The number of unused available incoming connections the database can provide. -- *`mongodb.status.connections.total_created`*:: + -- type: long A count of all incoming connections created to the server. This number includes connections that have since closed. -- [float] == extra_info fields Platform specific data. *`mongodb.status.extra_info.heap_usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The total size in bytes of heap space used by the database process. Only available on Unix/Linux. -- *`mongodb.status.extra_info.page_faults`*:: + -- type: long The total number of page faults that require disk operations. Page faults refer to operations that require the database server to access data that isn't available in active memory. -- [float] == global_lock fields Reports on lock state of the database. *`mongodb.status.global_lock.total_time.us`*:: + -- type: long The time, in microseconds, since the database last started and created the globalLock. This is roughly equivalent to total server uptime. -- [float] == current_queue fields The number of operations queued because of a lock. *`mongodb.status.global_lock.current_queue.total`*:: + -- type: long The total number of operations queued waiting for the lock (i.e., the sum of current_queue.readers and current_queue.writers). -- *`mongodb.status.global_lock.current_queue.readers`*:: + -- type: long The number of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the read lock. -- *`mongodb.status.global_lock.current_queue.writers`*:: + -- type: long The number of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the write lock. -- [float] == active_clients fields The number of connected clients and the read and write operations performed by these clients. *`mongodb.status.global_lock.active_clients.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of the active client connections performing read or write operations. -- *`mongodb.status.global_lock.active_clients.readers`*:: + -- type: long The number of the active client connections performing read operations. -- *`mongodb.status.global_lock.active_clients.writers`*:: + -- type: long The number of the active client connections performing write operations. -- [float] == locks fields A document that reports for each lock , data on lock s. The possible lock s are global, database, collection, metadata and oplog. The possible s are r, w, R and W which respresent shared, exclusive, intent shared and intent exclusive. locks..acquire.count. shows the number of times the lock was acquired in the specified mode. locks..wait.count. shows the number of times the locks.acquireCount lock acquisitions encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. locks..wait.us. shows the cumulative wait time in microseconds for the lock acquisitions. locks..deadlock.count. shows the number of times the lock acquisitions encountered deadlocks. *`mongodb.status.locks.global.acquire.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.acquire.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.acquire.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.acquire.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.wait.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.wait.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.wait.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.wait.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.wait.us.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.wait.us.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.wait.us.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.wait.us.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.deadlock.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.deadlock.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.deadlock.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.global.deadlock.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.acquire.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.acquire.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.acquire.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.acquire.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.wait.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.wait.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.wait.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.wait.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.wait.us.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.wait.us.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.wait.us.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.wait.us.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.deadlock.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.deadlock.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.deadlock.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.database.deadlock.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.acquire.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.acquire.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.acquire.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.acquire.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.wait.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.wait.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.wait.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.wait.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.wait.us.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.wait.us.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.wait.us.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.wait.us.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.deadlock.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.deadlock.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.deadlock.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.collection.deadlock.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.acquire.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.acquire.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.acquire.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.acquire.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.wait.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.wait.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.wait.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.wait.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.wait.us.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.wait.us.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.wait.us.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.wait.us.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.deadlock.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.deadlock.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.deadlock.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.meta_data.deadlock.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.acquire.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.acquire.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.acquire.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.acquire.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.wait.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.wait.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.wait.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.wait.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.wait.us.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.wait.us.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.wait.us.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.wait.us.W`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.deadlock.count.r`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.deadlock.count.w`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.deadlock.count.R`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mongodb.status.locks.oplog.deadlock.count.W`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == network fields Platform specific data. *`mongodb.status.network.in.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The amount of network traffic, in bytes, received by this database. -- *`mongodb.status.network.out.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The amount of network traffic, in bytes, sent from this database. -- *`mongodb.status.network.requests`*:: + -- type: long The total number of requests received by the server. -- [float] == ops.latencies fields Operation latencies for the database as a whole. Only mongod instances report this metric. *`mongodb.status.ops.latencies.reads.latency`*:: + -- type: long Total combined latency in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.latencies.reads.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of read operations performed on the collection since startup. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.latencies.writes.latency`*:: + -- type: long Total combined latency in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.latencies.writes.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of write operations performed on the collection since startup. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.latencies.commands.latency`*:: + -- type: long Total combined latency in microseconds. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.latencies.commands.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of commands performed on the collection since startup. -- [float] == ops.counters fields An overview of database operations by type. *`mongodb.status.ops.counters.insert`*:: + -- type: long The total number of insert operations received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.counters.query`*:: + -- type: long The total number of queries received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.counters.update`*:: + -- type: long The total number of update operations received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.counters.delete`*:: + -- type: long The total number of delete operations received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.counters.getmore`*:: + -- type: long The total number of getmore operations received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.counters.command`*:: + -- type: long The total number of commands issued to the database since the mongod instance last started. -- [float] == ops.replicated fields An overview of database replication operations by type. *`mongodb.status.ops.replicated.insert`*:: + -- type: long The total number of replicated insert operations received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.replicated.query`*:: + -- type: long The total number of replicated queries received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.replicated.update`*:: + -- type: long The total number of replicated update operations received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.replicated.delete`*:: + -- type: long The total number of replicated delete operations received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.replicated.getmore`*:: + -- type: long The total number of replicated getmore operations received since the mongod instance last started. -- *`mongodb.status.ops.replicated.command`*:: + -- type: long The total number of replicated commands issued to the database since the mongod instance last started. -- [float] == memory fields Data about the current memory usage of the mongod server. *`mongodb.status.memory.bits`*:: + -- type: long Either 64 or 32, depending on which target architecture was specified during the mongod compilation process. -- *`mongodb.status.memory.resident.mb`*:: + -- type: long The amount of RAM, in megabytes (MB), currently used by the database process. -- *`mongodb.status.memory.virtual.mb`*:: + -- type: long The amount, in megabytes (MB), of virtual memory used by the mongod process. -- *`mongodb.status.memory.mapped.mb`*:: + -- type: long The amount of mapped memory, in megabytes (MB), used by the database. Because MongoDB uses memory-mapped files, this value is likely to be to be roughly equivalent to the total size of your database or databases. -- *`mongodb.status.memory.mapped_with_journal.mb`*:: + -- type: long The amount of mapped memory, in megabytes (MB), including the memory used for journaling. -- *`mongodb.status.write_backs_queued`*:: + -- type: boolean True when there are operations from a mongos instance queued for retrying. -- *`mongodb.status.storage_engine.name`*:: + -- type: keyword A string that represents the name of the current storage engine. -- [float] == wired_tiger fields Statistics about the WiredTiger storage engine. [float] == concurrent_transactions fields Statistics about the transactions currently in progress. *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.concurrent_transactions.write.out`*:: + -- type: long Number of concurrent write transaction in progress. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.concurrent_transactions.write.available`*:: + -- type: long Number of concurrent write tickets available. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.concurrent_transactions.write.total_tickets`*:: + -- type: long Number of total write tickets. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.concurrent_transactions.read.out`*:: + -- type: long Number of concurrent read transaction in progress. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.concurrent_transactions.read.available`*:: + -- type: long Number of concurrent read tickets available. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.concurrent_transactions.read.total_tickets`*:: + -- type: long Number of total read tickets. -- [float] == cache fields Statistics about the cache and page evictions from the cache. *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.cache.maximum.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Maximum cache size. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.cache.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Size in byte of the data currently in cache. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.cache.dirty.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Size in bytes of the dirty data in the cache. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.cache.pages.read`*:: + -- type: long Number of pages read into the cache. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.cache.pages.write`*:: + -- type: long Number of pages written from the cache. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.cache.pages.evicted`*:: + -- type: long Number of pages evicted from the cache. -- [float] == log fields Statistics about the write ahead log used by WiredTiger. *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.log.size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total log size in bytes. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.log.write.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Number of bytes written into the log. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.log.max_file_size.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Maximum file size. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.log.flushes`*:: + -- type: long Number of flush operations. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.log.writes`*:: + -- type: long Number of write operations. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.log.scans`*:: + -- type: long Number of scan operations. -- *`mongodb.status.wired_tiger.log.syncs`*:: + -- type: long Number of sync operations. -- [float] == background_flushing fields Data about the process MongoDB uses to write data to disk. This data is only available for instances that use the MMAPv1 storage engine. *`mongodb.status.background_flushing.flushes`*:: + -- type: long A counter that collects the number of times the database has flushed all writes to disk. -- *`mongodb.status.background_flushing.total.ms`*:: + -- type: long The total number of milliseconds (ms) that the mongod processes have spent writing (i.e. flushing) data to disk. Because this is an absolute value, consider the value of `flushes` and `average_ms` to provide better context for this datum. -- *`mongodb.status.background_flushing.average.ms`*:: + -- type: long The average time spent flushing to disk per flush event. -- *`mongodb.status.background_flushing.last.ms`*:: + -- type: long The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the last flush operation took to complete. -- *`mongodb.status.background_flushing.last_finished`*:: + -- type: date A timestamp of the last completed flush operation. -- [float] == journaling fields Data about the journaling-related operations and performance. Journaling information only appears for mongod instances that use the MMAPv1 storage engine and have journaling enabled. *`mongodb.status.journaling.commits`*:: + -- type: long The number of transactions written to the journal during the last journal group commit interval. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.journaled.mb`*:: + -- type: long The amount of data in megabytes (MB) written to journal during the last journal group commit interval. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.write_to_data_files.mb`*:: + -- type: long The amount of data in megabytes (MB) written from journal to the data files during the last journal group commit interval. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.compression`*:: + -- type: long The compression ratio of the data written to the journal. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.commits_in_write_lock`*:: + -- type: long Count of the commits that occurred while a write lock was held. Commits in a write lock indicate a MongoDB node under a heavy write load and call for further diagnosis. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.early_commits`*:: + -- type: long The number of times MongoDB requested a commit before the scheduled journal group commit interval. -- [float] == times fields Information about the performance of the mongod instance during the various phases of journaling in the last journal group commit interval. *`mongodb.status.journaling.times.dt.ms`*:: + -- type: long The amount of time over which MongoDB collected the times data. Use this field to provide context to the other times field values. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.times.prep_log_buffer.ms`*:: + -- type: long The amount of time spent preparing to write to the journal. Smaller values indicate better journal performance. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.times.write_to_journal.ms`*:: + -- type: long The amount of time spent actually writing to the journal. File system speeds and device interfaces can affect performance. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.times.write_to_data_files.ms`*:: + -- type: long The amount of time spent writing to data files after journaling. File system speeds and device interfaces can affect performance. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.times.remap_private_view.ms`*:: + -- type: long The amount of time spent remapping copy-on-write memory mapped views. Smaller values indicate better journal performance. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.times.commits.ms`*:: + -- type: long The amount of time spent for commits. -- *`mongodb.status.journaling.times.commits_in_write_lock.ms`*:: + -- type: long The amount of time spent for commits that occurred while a write lock was held. -- [[exported-fields-munin]] == Munin fields Munin node metrics exporter [float] == munin fields munin contains metrics exposed by a munin node agent [[exported-fields-mysql]] == MySQL fields MySQL server status metrics collected from MySQL. [float] == mysql fields `mysql` contains the metrics that were obtained from MySQL query. [float] == galera_status fields `galera_status` contains the metrics that were obtained by the status SQL query on Galera. [float] == apply fields Apply status fields. *`mysql.galera_status.apply.oooe`*:: + -- type: double How often applier started write-set applying out-of-order (parallelization efficiency). -- *`mysql.galera_status.apply.oool`*:: + -- type: double How often write-set was so slow to apply that write-set with higher seqno's were applied earlier. Values closer to 0 refer to a greater gap between slow and fast write-sets. -- *`mysql.galera_status.apply.window`*:: + -- type: double Average distance between highest and lowest concurrently applied seqno. -- [float] == cert fields Certification status fields. *`mysql.galera_status.cert.deps_distance`*:: + -- type: double Average distance between highest and lowest seqno value that can be possibly applied in parallel (potential degree of parallelization). -- *`mysql.galera_status.cert.index_size`*:: + -- type: long The number of entries in the certification index. -- *`mysql.galera_status.cert.interval`*:: + -- type: double Average number of transactions received while a transaction replicates. -- [float] == cluster fields Cluster status fields. *`mysql.galera_status.cluster.conf_id`*:: + -- type: long Total number of cluster membership changes happened. -- *`mysql.galera_status.cluster.size`*:: + -- type: long Current number of members in the cluster. -- *`mysql.galera_status.cluster.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Status of this cluster component. That is, whether the node is part of a PRIMARY or NON_PRIMARY component. -- [float] == commit fields Commit status fields. *`mysql.galera_status.commit.oooe`*:: + -- type: double How often a transaction was committed out of order. -- *`mysql.galera_status.commit.window`*:: + -- type: long Average distance between highest and lowest concurrently committed seqno. -- *`mysql.galera_status.connected`*:: + -- type: keyword If the value is OFF, the node has not yet connected to any of the cluster components. This may be due to misconfiguration. Check the error log for proper diagnostics. -- [float] == evs fields Evs Fields. *`mysql.galera_status.evs.evict`*:: + -- type: keyword Lists the UUID's of all nodes evicted from the cluster. Evicted nodes cannot rejoin the cluster until you restart their mysqld processes. -- *`mysql.galera_status.evs.state`*:: + -- type: keyword Shows the internal state of the EVS Protocol. -- [float] == flow_ctl fields Flow Control fields. *`mysql.galera_status.flow_ctl.paused`*:: + -- type: double The fraction of time since the last FLUSH STATUS command that replication was paused due to flow control. In other words, how much the slave lag is slowing down the cluster. -- *`mysql.galera_status.flow_ctl.paused_ns`*:: + -- type: long The total time spent in a paused state measured in nanoseconds. -- *`mysql.galera_status.flow_ctl.recv`*:: + -- type: long Returns the number of FC_PAUSE events the node has received, including those the node has sent. Unlike most status variables, the counter for this one does not reset every time you run the query. -- *`mysql.galera_status.flow_ctl.sent`*:: + -- type: long Returns the number of FC_PAUSE events the node has sent. Unlike most status variables, the counter for this one does not reset every time you run the query. -- *`mysql.galera_status.last_committed`*:: + -- type: long The sequence number, or seqno, of the last committed transaction. -- [float] == local fields Node specific Cluster status fields. *`mysql.galera_status.local.bf_aborts`*:: + -- type: long Total number of local transactions that were aborted by slave transactions while in execution. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.cert_failures`*:: + -- type: long Total number of local transactions that failed certification test. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.commits`*:: + -- type: long Total number of local transactions committed. -- [float] == recv fields Node specific recv fields. *`mysql.galera_status.local.recv.queue`*:: + -- type: long Current (instantaneous) length of the recv queue. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.recv.queue_avg`*:: + -- type: double Recv queue length averaged over interval since the last FLUSH STATUS command. Values considerably larger than 0.0 mean that the node cannot apply write-sets as fast as they are received and will generate a lot of replication throttling. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.recv.queue_max`*:: + -- type: long The maximum length of the recv queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.recv.queue_min`*:: + -- type: long The minimum length of the recv queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.replays`*:: + -- type: long Total number of transaction replays due to asymmetric lock granularity. -- [float] == send fields Node specific sent fields. *`mysql.galera_status.local.send.queue`*:: + -- type: long Current (instantaneous) length of the send queue. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.send.queue_avg`*:: + -- type: double Send queue length averaged over time since the last FLUSH STATUS command. Values considerably larger than 0.0 indicate replication throttling or network throughput issue. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.send.queue_max`*:: + -- type: long The maximum length of the send queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.send.queue_min`*:: + -- type: long The minimum length of the send queue since the last FLUSH STATUS command. -- *`mysql.galera_status.local.state`*:: + -- type: keyword Internal Galera Cluster FSM state number. -- *`mysql.galera_status.ready`*:: + -- type: keyword Whether the server is ready to accept queries. -- [float] == received fields Write-Set receive status fields. *`mysql.galera_status.received.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of write-sets received from other nodes. -- *`mysql.galera_status.received.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total size of write-sets received from other nodes. -- [float] == repl fields Replication status fields. *`mysql.galera_status.repl.data_bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total size of data replicated. -- *`mysql.galera_status.repl.keys`*:: + -- type: long Total number of keys replicated. -- *`mysql.galera_status.repl.keys_bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total size of keys replicated. -- *`mysql.galera_status.repl.other_bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total size of other bits replicated. -- *`mysql.galera_status.repl.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of write-sets replicated (sent to other nodes). -- *`mysql.galera_status.repl.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total size of write-sets replicated. -- [float] == status fields `status` contains the metrics that were obtained by the status SQL query. [float] == aborted fields Aborted status fields. *`mysql.status.aborted.clients`*:: + -- type: long The number of connections that were aborted because the client died without closing the connection properly. -- *`mysql.status.aborted.connects`*:: + -- type: long The number of failed attempts to connect to the MySQL server. -- [float] == binlog fields *`mysql.status.binlog.cache.disk_use`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.binlog.cache.use`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == bytes fields Bytes stats. *`mysql.status.bytes.received`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The number of bytes received from all clients. -- *`mysql.status.bytes.sent`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The number of bytes sent to all clients. -- [float] == threads fields Threads stats. *`mysql.status.threads.cached`*:: + -- type: long The number of cached threads. -- *`mysql.status.threads.created`*:: + -- type: long The number of created threads. -- *`mysql.status.threads.connected`*:: + -- type: long The number of connected threads. -- *`mysql.status.threads.running`*:: + -- type: long The number of running threads. -- *`mysql.status.connections`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == created fields *`mysql.status.created.tmp.disk_tables`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.created.tmp.files`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.created.tmp.tables`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == delayed fields *`mysql.status.delayed.errors`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.delayed.insert_threads`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.delayed.writes`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.flush_commands`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.max_used_connections`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == open fields *`mysql.status.open.files`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.open.streams`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.open.tables`*:: + -- type: long -- *`mysql.status.opened_tables`*:: + -- type: long -- [float] == command fields *`mysql.status.command.delete`*:: + -- type: long The number of DELETE queries since startup. -- *`mysql.status.command.insert`*:: + -- type: long The number of INSERT queries since startup. -- *`mysql.status.command.select`*:: + -- type: long The number of SELECT queries since startup. -- *`mysql.status.command.update`*:: + -- type: long The number of UPDATE queries since startup. -- [[exported-fields-nginx]] == Nginx fields Nginx server status metrics collected from various modules. [float] == nginx fields `nginx` contains the metrics that were scraped from nginx. [float] == stubstatus fields `stubstatus` contains the metrics that were scraped from the ngx_http_stub_status_module status page. *`nginx.stubstatus.hostname`*:: + -- type: keyword Nginx hostname. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.active`*:: + -- type: long The current number of active client connections including Waiting connections. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.accepts`*:: + -- type: long The total number of accepted client connections. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.handled`*:: + -- type: long The total number of handled client connections. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.dropped`*:: + -- type: long The total number of dropped client connections. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.requests`*:: + -- type: long The total number of client requests. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.current`*:: + -- type: long The current number of client requests. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.reading`*:: + -- type: long The current number of connections where Nginx is reading the request header. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.writing`*:: + -- type: long The current number of connections where Nginx is writing the response back to the client. -- *`nginx.stubstatus.waiting`*:: + -- type: long The current number of idle client connections waiting for a request. -- [[exported-fields-php_fpm]] == PHP_FPM fields beta[] PHP-FPM server status metrics collected from PHP-FPM. [float] == php_fpm fields `php_fpm` contains the metrics that were obtained from PHP-FPM status page call. [float] == pool fields `pool` contains the metrics that were obtained from the PHP-FPM process pool. *`php_fpm.pool.name`*:: + -- type: keyword The name of the pool. -- [float] == pool fields `pool` contains the metrics that were obtained from the PHP-FPM process pool. *`php_fpm.pool.process_manager`*:: + -- type: keyword Static, dynamic or ondemand. -- [float] == connections fields Connection state specific statistics. *`php_fpm.pool.connections.accepted`*:: + -- type: long The number of incoming requests that the PHP-FPM server has accepted; when a connection is accepted it is removed from the listen queue. -- *`php_fpm.pool.connections.queued`*:: + -- type: long The current number of connections that have been initiated, but not yet accepted. If this value is non-zero it typically means that all the available server processes are currently busy, and there are no processes available to serve the next request. Raising `pm.max_children` (provided the server can handle it) should help keep this number low. This property follows from the fact that PHP-FPM listens via a socket (TCP or file based), and thus inherits some of the characteristics of sockets. -- *`php_fpm.pool.connections.max_listen_queue`*:: + -- type: long The maximum number of requests in the queue of pending connections since FPM has started. -- *`php_fpm.pool.connections.listen_queue_len`*:: + -- type: long The size of the socket queue of pending connections. -- [float] == processes fields Process state specific statistics. *`php_fpm.pool.processes.idle`*:: + -- type: long The number of servers in the `waiting to process` state (i.e. not currently serving a page). This value should fall between the `pm.min_spare_servers` and `pm.max_spare_servers` values when the process manager is `dynamic`. -- *`php_fpm.pool.processes.active`*:: + -- type: long The number of servers current processing a page - the minimum is `1` (so even on a fully idle server, the result will be not read `0`). -- *`php_fpm.pool.processes.total`*:: + -- type: long The number of idle + active processes. -- *`php_fpm.pool.processes.max_active`*:: + -- type: long The maximum number of active processes since FPM has started. -- *`php_fpm.pool.processes.max_children_reached`*:: + -- type: long Number of times, the process limit has been reached, when pm tries to start more children (works only for pm 'dynamic' and 'ondemand'). -- *`php_fpm.pool.slow_requests`*:: + -- type: long The number of times a request execution time has exceeded `request_slowlog_timeout`. -- *`php_fpm.pool.start_since`*:: + -- type: long Number of seconds since FPM has started. -- *`php_fpm.pool.start_time`*:: + -- type: date format: epoch_second The date and time FPM has started. -- [float] == process fields process contains the metrics that were obtained from the PHP-FPM process. *`php_fpm.process.pid`*:: + -- type: integer The PID of the process -- *`php_fpm.process.state`*:: + -- type: keyword The state of the process (Idle, Running, etc) -- *`php_fpm.process.start_time`*:: + -- type: date format: epoch_second The date and time the process has started -- *`php_fpm.process.start_since`*:: + -- type: integer The number of seconds since the process has started -- *`php_fpm.process.requests`*:: + -- type: integer The number of requests the process has served -- *`php_fpm.process.request_duration`*:: + -- type: integer The duration in microseconds (1 million in a second) of the current request (my own definition) -- *`php_fpm.process.request_method`*:: + -- type: keyword The request method (GET, POST, etc) (of the current request) -- *`php_fpm.process.request_uri`*:: + -- type: text The request URI with the query string (of the current request) -- *`php_fpm.process.content_length`*:: + -- type: integer The content length of the request (only with POST) (of the current request) -- *`php_fpm.process.user`*:: + -- type: keyword The user (PHP_AUTH_USER) (or - if not set) (for the current request) -- *`php_fpm.process.script`*:: + -- type: text The main script called (or - if not set) (for the current request) -- *`php_fpm.process.last_request_cpu`*:: + -- type: long The max amount of memory the last request consumed (it is always 0 if the process is not in Idle state because memory calculation is done when the request processing has terminated) -- *`php_fpm.process.last_request_memory`*:: + -- type: integer The content length of the request (only with POST) (of the current request) -- [[exported-fields-postgresql]] == PostgreSQL fields Metrics collected from PostgreSQL servers. [float] == postgresql fields PostgreSQL metrics. [float] == activity fields One document per server process, showing information related to the current activity of that process, such as state and current query. Collected by querying pg_stat_activity. *`postgresql.activity.database.oid`*:: + -- type: long OID of the database this backend is connected to. -- *`postgresql.activity.database.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the database this backend is connected to. -- *`postgresql.activity.pid`*:: + -- type: long Process ID of this backend. -- *`postgresql.activity.user.id`*:: + -- type: long OID of the user logged into this backend. -- *`postgresql.activity.user.name`*:: + -- Name of the user logged into this backend. -- *`postgresql.activity.application_name`*:: + -- Name of the application that is connected to this backend. -- *`postgresql.activity.client.address`*:: + -- IP address of the client connected to this backend. -- *`postgresql.activity.client.hostname`*:: + -- Host name of the connected client, as reported by a reverse DNS lookup of client_addr. -- *`postgresql.activity.client.port`*:: + -- type: long TCP port number that the client is using for communication with this backend, or -1 if a Unix socket is used. -- *`postgresql.activity.backend_start`*:: + -- type: date Time when this process was started, i.e., when the client connected to the server. -- *`postgresql.activity.transaction_start`*:: + -- type: date Time when this process' current transaction was started. -- *`postgresql.activity.query_start`*:: + -- type: date Time when the currently active query was started, or if state is not active, when the last query was started. -- *`postgresql.activity.state_change`*:: + -- type: date Time when the state was last changed. -- *`postgresql.activity.waiting`*:: + -- type: boolean True if this backend is currently waiting on a lock. -- *`postgresql.activity.state`*:: + -- Current overall state of this backend. Possible values are: * active: The backend is executing a query. * idle: The backend is waiting for a new client command. * idle in transaction: The backend is in a transaction, but is not currently executing a query. * idle in transaction (aborted): This state is similar to idle in transaction, except one of the statements in the transaction caused an error. * fastpath function call: The backend is executing a fast-path function. * disabled: This state is reported if track_activities is disabled in this backend. -- *`postgresql.activity.query`*:: + -- Text of this backend's most recent query. If state is active this field shows the currently executing query. In all other states, it shows the last query that was executed. -- [float] == bgwriter fields Statistics about the background writer process's activity. Collected using the pg_stat_bgwriter query. *`postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints.scheduled`*:: + -- type: long Number of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints.requested`*:: + -- type: long Number of requested checkpoints that have been performed. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints.times.write.ms`*:: + -- type: float Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.checkpoints.times.sync.ms`*:: + -- type: float Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk, in milliseconds. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.buffers.checkpoints`*:: + -- type: long Number of buffers written during checkpoints. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.buffers.clean`*:: + -- type: long Number of buffers written by the background writer. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.buffers.clean_full`*:: + -- type: long Number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan because it had written too many buffers. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.buffers.backend`*:: + -- type: long Number of buffers written directly by a backend. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.buffers.backend_fsync`*:: + -- type: long Number of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call (normally the background writer handles those even when the backend does its own write) -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.buffers.allocated`*:: + -- type: long Number of buffers allocated. -- *`postgresql.bgwriter.stats_reset`*:: + -- type: date Time at which these statistics were last reset. -- [float] == database fields One row per database, showing database-wide statistics. Collected by querying pg_stat_database *`postgresql.database.oid`*:: + -- type: long OID of the database this backend is connected to. -- *`postgresql.database.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the database this backend is connected to. -- *`postgresql.database.number_of_backends`*:: + -- type: long Number of backends currently connected to this database. -- *`postgresql.database.transactions.commit`*:: + -- type: long Number of transactions in this database that have been committed. -- *`postgresql.database.transactions.rollback`*:: + -- type: long Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back. -- *`postgresql.database.blocks.read`*:: + -- type: long Number of disk blocks read in this database. -- *`postgresql.database.blocks.hit`*:: + -- type: long Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL buffer cache, not the operating system's file system cache). -- *`postgresql.database.blocks.time.read.ms`*:: + -- type: long Time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. -- *`postgresql.database.blocks.time.write.ms`*:: + -- type: long Time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds. -- *`postgresql.database.rows.returned`*:: + -- type: long Number of rows returned by queries in this database. -- *`postgresql.database.rows.fetched`*:: + -- type: long Number of rows fetched by queries in this database. -- *`postgresql.database.rows.inserted`*:: + -- type: long Number of rows inserted by queries in this database. -- *`postgresql.database.rows.updated`*:: + -- type: long Number of rows updated by queries in this database. -- *`postgresql.database.rows.deleted`*:: + -- type: long Number of rows deleted by queries in this database. -- *`postgresql.database.conflicts`*:: + -- type: long Number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database. -- *`postgresql.database.temporary.files`*:: + -- type: long Number of temporary files created by queries in this database. All temporary files are counted, regardless of why the temporary file was created (e.g., sorting or hashing), and regardless of the log_temp_files setting. -- *`postgresql.database.temporary.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database. All temporary files are counted, regardless of why the temporary file was created, and regardless of the log_temp_files setting. -- *`postgresql.database.deadlocks`*:: + -- type: long Number of deadlocks detected in this database. -- *`postgresql.database.stats_reset`*:: + -- type: date Time at which these statistics were last reset. -- [float] == statement fields One document per query per user per database, showing information related invocation of that query, such as cpu usage and total time. Collected by querying pg_stat_statements. *`postgresql.statement.user.id`*:: + -- type: long OID of the user logged into the backend that ran the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.database.oid`*:: + -- type: long OID of the database the query was run on. -- *`postgresql.statement.query.id`*:: + -- type: long ID of the statement. -- *`postgresql.statement.query.text`*:: + -- Query text -- *`postgresql.statement.query.calls`*:: + -- type: long Number of times the query has been run. -- *`postgresql.statement.query.rows`*:: + -- type: long Total number of rows returned by query. -- *`postgresql.statement.time.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of milliseconds spent running query. -- *`postgresql.statement.time.min`*:: + -- type: long Minimum number of milliseconds spent running query. -- *`postgresql.statement.time.max`*:: + -- type: long Maximum number of milliseconds spent running query. -- *`postgresql.statement.time.mean`*:: + -- type: long Mean number of milliseconds spent running query. -- *`postgresql.statement.time.stddev`*:: + -- type: long Population standard deviation of time spent running query, in milliseconds. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.shared.hit`*:: + -- type: long Total number of shared block cache hits by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.shared.read`*:: + -- type: long Total number of shared block cache read by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.shared.dirtied`*:: + -- type: long Total number of shared block cache dirtied by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.shared.written`*:: + -- type: long Total number of shared block cache written by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.local.hit`*:: + -- type: long Total number of local block cache hits by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.local.read`*:: + -- type: long Total number of local block cache read by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.local.dirtied`*:: + -- type: long Total number of local block cache dirtied by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.local.written`*:: + -- type: long Total number of local block cache written by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.temp.read`*:: + -- type: long Total number of temp block cache read by the query. -- *`postgresql.statement.memory.temp.written`*:: + -- type: long Total number of temp block cache written by the query. -- [[exported-fields-prometheus]] == Prometheus fields Stats collected from Prometheus. [float] == prometheus fields [float] == stats fields Stats about the Prometheus server. [float] == notifications fields Notification stats. *`prometheus.stats.notifications.queue_length`*:: + -- type: long Current queue length. -- *`prometheus.stats.notifications.dropped`*:: + -- type: long Number of dropped queue events. -- *`prometheus.stats.processes.open_fds`*:: + -- type: long Number of open file descriptors. -- *`prometheus.stats.storage.chunks_to_persist`*:: + -- type: long Number of memory chunks that are not yet persisted to disk. -- [[exported-fields-rabbitmq]] == RabbitMQ fields RabbitMQ module [float] == rabbitmq fields [float] == connection fields connection *`rabbitmq.connection.name`*:: + -- type: keyword The name of the connection with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.vhost`*:: + -- type: keyword Virtual host name with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.user`*:: + -- type: keyword User name. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.node`*:: + -- type: keyword Node name. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.channels`*:: + -- type: long The number of channels on the connection. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.channel_max`*:: + -- type: long The maximum number of channels allowed on the connection. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.frame_max`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Maximum permissible size of a frame (in bytes) to negotiate with clients. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.type`*:: + -- type: keyword Type of the connection. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.host`*:: + -- type: keyword Server hostname obtained via reverse DNS, or its IP address if reverse DNS failed or was disabled. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.peer.host`*:: + -- type: keyword Peer hostname obtained via reverse DNS, or its IP address if reverse DNS failed or was not enabled. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.port`*:: + -- type: long Server port. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.peer.port`*:: + -- type: long Peer port. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.packet_count.sent`*:: + -- type: long Number of packets sent on the connection. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.packet_count.received`*:: + -- type: long Number of packets received on the connection. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.packet_count.pending`*:: + -- type: long Number of packets pending on the connection. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.octet_count.sent`*:: + -- type: long Number of octets sent on the connection. -- *`rabbitmq.connection.octet_count.received`*:: + -- type: long Number of octets received on the connection. -- [float] == exchange fields exchange *`rabbitmq.exchange.name`*:: + -- type: keyword The name of the queue with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.vhost`*:: + -- type: keyword Virtual host name with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.durable`*:: + -- type: boolean Whether or not the queue survives server restarts. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.auto_delete`*:: + -- type: boolean Whether the queue will be deleted automatically when no longer used. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.internal`*:: + -- type: boolean Whether the exchange is internal, i.e. cannot be directly published to by a client. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.user`*:: + -- type: keyword User who created the exchange. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.messages.publish_in.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of messages published "in" to an exchange, i.e. not taking account of routing. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.messages.publish_in.details.rate`*:: + -- type: float How much the exchange publish-in count has changed per second in the most recent sampling interval. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.messages.publish_out.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of messages published "out" of an exchange, i.e. taking account of routing. -- *`rabbitmq.exchange.messages.publish_out.details.rate`*:: + -- type: float How much the exchange publish-out count has changed per second in the most recent sampling interval. -- [float] == node fields node *`rabbitmq.node.disk.free.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Disk free space in bytes. -- *`rabbitmq.node.disk.free.limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Point at which the disk alarm will go off. -- *`rabbitmq.node.fd.total`*:: + -- type: long File descriptors available. -- *`rabbitmq.node.fd.used`*:: + -- type: long Used file descriptors. -- *`rabbitmq.node.gc.num.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of GC operations. -- *`rabbitmq.node.gc.reclaimed.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes GC bytes reclaimed. -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.file_handle.open_attempt.avg.ms`*:: + -- type: long File handle open avg time -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.file_handle.open_attempt.count`*:: + -- type: long File handle open attempts -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.read.avg.ms`*:: + -- type: long File handle read avg time -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.read.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Data read in bytes -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.read.count`*:: + -- type: long Data read operations -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.reopen.count`*:: + -- type: long Data reopen operations -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.seek.avg.ms`*:: + -- type: long Data seek avg time -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.seek.count`*:: + -- type: long Data seek operations -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.sync.avg.ms`*:: + -- type: long Data sync avg time -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.sync.count`*:: + -- type: long Data sync operations -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.write.avg.ms`*:: + -- type: long Data write avg time -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.write.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Data write in bytes -- *`rabbitmq.node.io.write.count`*:: + -- type: long Data write operations -- *`rabbitmq.node.mem.limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Point at which the memory alarm will go off. -- *`rabbitmq.node.mem.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Memory used in bytes. -- *`rabbitmq.node.mnesia.disk.tx.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of Mnesia transactions which have been performed that required writes to disk. -- *`rabbitmq.node.mnesia.ram.tx.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of Mnesia transactions which have been performed that did not require writes to disk. -- *`rabbitmq.node.msg.store_read.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of messages which have been read from the message store. -- *`rabbitmq.node.msg.store_write.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of messages which have been written to the message store. -- *`rabbitmq.node.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Node name -- *`rabbitmq.node.proc.total`*:: + -- type: long Maximum number of Erlang processes. -- *`rabbitmq.node.proc.used`*:: + -- type: long Number of Erlang processes in use. -- *`rabbitmq.node.processors`*:: + -- type: long Number of cores detected and usable by Erlang. -- *`rabbitmq.node.queue.index.journal_write.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of records written to the queue index journal. -- *`rabbitmq.node.queue.index.read.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of records read from the queue index. -- *`rabbitmq.node.queue.index.write.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of records written to the queue index. -- *`rabbitmq.node.run.queue`*:: + -- type: long Average number of Erlang processes waiting to run. -- *`rabbitmq.node.socket.total`*:: + -- type: long File descriptors available for use as sockets. -- *`rabbitmq.node.socket.used`*:: + -- type: long File descriptors used as sockets. -- *`rabbitmq.node.type`*:: + -- type: keyword Node type. -- *`rabbitmq.node.uptime`*:: + -- type: long Node uptime. -- [float] == queue fields queue *`rabbitmq.queue.name`*:: + -- type: keyword The name of the queue with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.vhost`*:: + -- type: keyword Virtual host name with non-ASCII characters escaped as in C. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.durable`*:: + -- type: boolean Whether or not the queue survives server restarts. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.auto_delete`*:: + -- type: boolean Whether the queue will be deleted automatically when no longer used. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.exclusive`*:: + -- type: boolean Whether the queue is exclusive (i.e. has owner_pid). -- *`rabbitmq.queue.node`*:: + -- type: keyword Node name. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.state`*:: + -- type: keyword The state of the queue. Normally 'running', but may be "{syncing, MsgCount}" if the queue is synchronising. Queues which are located on cluster nodes that are currently down will be shown with a status of 'down'. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.arguments.max_priority`*:: + -- type: long Maximum number of priority levels for the queue to support. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.consumers.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of consumers. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.consumers.utilisation.pct`*:: + -- type: long format: percentage Fraction of the time (between 0.0 and 1.0) that the queue is able to immediately deliver messages to consumers. This can be less than 1.0 if consumers are limited by network congestion or prefetch count. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.messages.total.count`*:: + -- type: long Sum of ready and unacknowledged messages (queue depth). -- *`rabbitmq.queue.messages.total.details.rate`*:: + -- type: float How much the queue depth has changed per second in the most recent sampling interval. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.messages.ready.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of messages ready to be delivered to clients. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.messages.ready.details.rate`*:: + -- type: float How much the count of messages ready has changed per second in the most recent sampling interval. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.messages.unacknowledged.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of messages delivered to clients but not yet acknowledged. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.messages.unacknowledged.details.rate`*:: + -- type: float How much the count of unacknowledged messages has changed per second in the most recent sampling interval. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.messages.persistent.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of persistent messages in the queue (will always be 0 for transient queues). -- *`rabbitmq.queue.memory.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes of memory consumed by the Erlang process associated with the queue, including stack, heap and internal structures. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.disk.reads.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of times messages have been read from disk by this queue since it started. -- *`rabbitmq.queue.disk.writes.count`*:: + -- type: long Total number of times messages have been written to disk by this queue since it started. -- [[exported-fields-redis]] == Redis fields Redis metrics collected from Redis. [float] == redis fields `redis` contains the information and statistics from Redis. [float] == info fields `info` contains the information and statistics returned by the `INFO` command. [float] == clients fields Redis client stats. *`redis.info.clients.connected`*:: + -- type: long Number of client connections (excluding connections from slaves). -- *`redis.info.clients.longest_output_list`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5.0] type: long Longest output list among current client connections (replaced by max_output_buffer). -- *`redis.info.clients.max_output_buffer`*:: + -- type: long Longest output list among current client connections. -- *`redis.info.clients.biggest_input_buf`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5.0] type: long Biggest input buffer among current client connections (replaced by max_input_buffer). -- *`redis.info.clients.max_input_buffer`*:: + -- type: long Biggest input buffer among current client connections (on redis 5.0). -- *`redis.info.clients.blocked`*:: + -- type: long Number of clients pending on a blocking call (BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH). -- [float] == cluster fields Redis cluster information. *`redis.info.cluster.enabled`*:: + -- type: boolean Indicates that the Redis cluster is enabled. -- [float] == cpu fields Redis CPU stats *`redis.info.cpu.used.sys`*:: + -- type: scaled_float System CPU consumed by the Redis server. -- *`redis.info.cpu.used.sys_children`*:: + -- type: scaled_float User CPU consumed by the Redis server. -- *`redis.info.cpu.used.user`*:: + -- type: scaled_float System CPU consumed by the background processes. -- *`redis.info.cpu.used.user_children`*:: + -- type: scaled_float User CPU consumed by the background processes. -- [float] == memory fields Redis memory stats. *`redis.info.memory.used.value`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of bytes allocated by Redis. -- *`redis.info.memory.used.rss`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Number of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system (a.k.a resident set size). -- *`redis.info.memory.used.peak`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Peak memory consumed by Redis. -- *`redis.info.memory.used.lua`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used memory by the Lua engine. -- *`redis.info.memory.used.dataset`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The size in bytes of the dataset -- *`redis.info.memory.max.value`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Memory limit. -- *`redis.info.memory.max.policy`*:: + -- type: keyword Eviction policy to use when memory limit is reached. -- *`redis.info.memory.fragmentation.ratio`*:: + -- type: float Ratio between used_memory_rss and used_memory -- *`redis.info.memory.fragmentation.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Bytes between used_memory_rss and used_memory -- *`redis.info.memory.active_defrag.is_running`*:: + -- type: boolean Flag indicating if active defragmentation is active -- *`redis.info.memory.allocator`*:: + -- type: keyword Memory allocator. -- *`redis.info.memory.allocator_stats.allocated`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Allocated memory -- *`redis.info.memory.allocator_stats.active`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Active memeory -- *`redis.info.memory.allocator_stats.resident`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Resident memory -- *`redis.info.memory.allocator_stats.fragmentation.ratio`*:: + -- type: float Fragmentation ratio -- *`redis.info.memory.allocator_stats.fragmentation.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Fragmented bytes -- *`redis.info.memory.allocator_stats.rss.ratio`*:: + -- type: float Resident ratio -- *`redis.info.memory.allocator_stats.rss.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Resident bytes -- [float] == persistence fields Redis CPU stats. *`redis.info.persistence.loading`*:: + -- type: boolean Flag indicating if the load of a dump file is on-going -- [float] == rdb fields Provides information about RDB persistence *`redis.info.persistence.rdb.last_save.changes_since`*:: + -- type: long Number of changes since the last dump -- *`redis.info.persistence.rdb.last_save.time`*:: + -- type: long Epoch-based timestamp of last successful RDB save -- *`redis.info.persistence.rdb.bgsave.in_progress`*:: + -- type: boolean Flag indicating a RDB save is on-going -- *`redis.info.persistence.rdb.bgsave.last_status`*:: + -- type: keyword Status of the last RDB save operation -- *`redis.info.persistence.rdb.bgsave.last_time.sec`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Duration of the last RDB save operation in seconds -- *`redis.info.persistence.rdb.bgsave.current_time.sec`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Duration of the on-going RDB save operation if any -- *`redis.info.persistence.rdb.copy_on_write.last_size`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last RBD save operation -- [float] == aof fields Provides information about AOF persitence *`redis.info.persistence.aof.enabled`*:: + -- type: boolean Flag indicating AOF logging is activated -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.rewrite.in_progress`*:: + -- type: boolean Flag indicating a AOF rewrite operation is on-going -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.rewrite.scheduled`*:: + -- type: boolean Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete. -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.rewrite.last_time.sec`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Duration of the last AOF rewrite operation in seconds -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.rewrite.current_time.sec`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Duration of the on-going AOF rewrite operation if any -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.rewrite.buffer.size`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Size of the AOF rewrite buffer -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.bgrewrite.last_status`*:: + -- type: keyword Status of the last AOF rewrite operatio -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.write.last_status`*:: + -- type: keyword Status of the last write operation to the AOF -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.copy_on_write.last_size`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last RBD save operation -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.buffer.size`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Size of the AOF buffer -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.size.current`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes AOF current file size -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.size.base`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes AOF file size on latest startup or rewrite -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.fsync.pending`*:: + -- type: long Number of fsync pending jobs in background I/O queue -- *`redis.info.persistence.aof.fsync.delayed`*:: + -- type: long Delayed fsync counter -- [float] == replication fields Replication *`redis.info.replication.role`*:: + -- type: keyword Role of the instance (can be "master", or "slave"). -- *`redis.info.replication.connected_slaves`*:: + -- type: long Number of connected slaves -- *`redis.info.replication.master_offset`*:: + -- deprecated[6.5] type: long The server's current replication offset -- *`redis.info.replication.backlog.active`*:: + -- type: long Flag indicating replication backlog is active -- *`redis.info.replication.backlog.size`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total size in bytes of the replication backlog buffer -- *`redis.info.replication.backlog.first_byte_offset`*:: + -- type: long The master offset of the replication backlog buffer -- *`redis.info.replication.backlog.histlen`*:: + -- type: long Size in bytes of the data in the replication backlog buffer -- *`redis.info.replication.master.offset`*:: + -- type: long The server's current replication offset -- *`redis.info.replication.master.second_offset`*:: + -- type: long The offset up to which replication IDs are accepted -- *`redis.info.replication.master.link_status`*:: + -- type: keyword Status of the link (up/down) -- *`redis.info.replication.master.last_io_seconds_ago`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Number of seconds since the last interaction with master -- *`redis.info.replication.master.sync.in_progress`*:: + -- type: boolean Indicate the master is syncing to the slave -- *`redis.info.replication.master.sync.left_bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Number of bytes left before syncing is complete -- *`redis.info.replication.master.sync.last_io_seconds_ago`*:: + -- type: long format: duration Number of seconds since last transfer I/O during a SYNC operation -- *`redis.info.replication.slave.offset`*:: + -- type: long The replication offset of the slave instance -- *`redis.info.replication.slave.priority`*:: + -- type: long The priority of the instance as a candidate for failover -- *`redis.info.replication.slave.is_readonly`*:: + -- type: boolean Flag indicating if the slave is read-only -- [float] == server fields Server info *`redis.info.server.version`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.git_sha1`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.git_dirty`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.build_id`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.mode`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.os`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.arch_bits`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.multiplexing_api`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.gcc_version`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.process_id`*:: + -- type: long None -- *`redis.info.server.run_id`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- *`redis.info.server.tcp_port`*:: + -- type: long None -- *`redis.info.server.uptime`*:: + -- type: long None -- *`redis.info.server.hz`*:: + -- type: long None -- *`redis.info.server.lru_clock`*:: + -- type: long None -- *`redis.info.server.config_file`*:: + -- type: keyword None -- [float] == stats fields Redis stats. *`redis.info.stats.connections.received`*:: + -- type: long Total number of connections received. -- *`redis.info.stats.connections.rejected`*:: + -- type: long Total number of connections rejected. -- *`redis.info.stats.commands_processed`*:: + -- type: long Total number of commands processed. -- *`redis.info.stats.net.input.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total network input in bytes. -- *`redis.info.stats.net.output.bytes`*:: + -- type: long Total network output in bytes. -- *`redis.info.stats.instantaneous.ops_per_sec`*:: + -- type: long Number of commands processed per second -- *`redis.info.stats.instantaneous.input_kbps`*:: + -- type: scaled_float The network's read rate per second in KB/sec -- *`redis.info.stats.instantaneous.output_kbps`*:: + -- type: scaled_float The network's write rate per second in KB/sec -- *`redis.info.stats.sync.full`*:: + -- type: long The number of full resyncs with slaves -- *`redis.info.stats.sync.partial.ok`*:: + -- type: long The number of accepted partial resync requests -- *`redis.info.stats.sync.partial.err`*:: + -- type: long The number of denied partial resync requests -- *`redis.info.stats.keys.expired`*:: + -- type: long Total number of key expiration events -- *`redis.info.stats.keys.evicted`*:: + -- type: long Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit -- *`redis.info.stats.keyspace.hits`*:: + -- type: long Number of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary -- *`redis.info.stats.keyspace.misses`*:: + -- type: long Number of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary -- *`redis.info.stats.pubsub.channels`*:: + -- type: long Global number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions -- *`redis.info.stats.pubsub.patterns`*:: + -- type: long Global number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions -- *`redis.info.stats.latest_fork_usec`*:: + -- type: long Duration of the latest fork operation in microseconds -- *`redis.info.stats.migrate_cached_sockets`*:: + -- type: long The number of sockets open for MIGRATE purposes -- *`redis.info.stats.slave_expires_tracked_keys`*:: + -- type: long The number of keys tracked for expiry purposes (applicable only to writable slaves) -- *`redis.info.stats.active_defrag.hits`*:: + -- type: long Number of value reallocations performed by active the defragmentation process -- *`redis.info.stats.active_defrag.misses`*:: + -- type: long Number of aborted value reallocations started by the active defragmentation process -- *`redis.info.stats.active_defrag.key_hits`*:: + -- type: long Number of keys that were actively defragmented -- *`redis.info.stats.active_defrag.key_misses`*:: + -- type: long Number of keys that were skipped by the active defragmentation process -- *`redis.info.slowlog.count`*:: + -- type: long Count of slow operations -- [float] == keyspace fields `keyspace` contains the information about the keyspaces returned by the `INFO` command. *`redis.keyspace.id`*:: + -- type: keyword Keyspace identifier. -- *`redis.keyspace.avg_ttl`*:: + -- type: long Average ttl. -- *`redis.keyspace.keys`*:: + -- type: long Number of keys in the keyspace. -- *`redis.keyspace.expires`*:: + -- type: long -- [[exported-fields-system]] == System fields System status metrics, like CPU and memory usage, that are collected from the operating system. [float] == system fields `system` contains local system metrics. [float] == core fields `system-core` contains CPU metrics for a single core of a multi-core system. *`system.core.id`*:: + -- type: long CPU Core number. -- *`system.core.user.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in user space. -- *`system.core.user.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent in user space. -- *`system.core.system.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in kernel space. -- *`system.core.system.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent in kernel space. -- *`system.core.nice.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent on low-priority processes. -- *`system.core.nice.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent on low-priority processes. -- *`system.core.idle.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent idle. -- *`system.core.idle.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent idle. -- *`system.core.iowait.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in wait (on disk). -- *`system.core.iowait.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent in wait (on disk). -- *`system.core.irq.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent servicing and handling hardware interrupts. -- *`system.core.irq.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent servicing and handling hardware interrupts. -- *`system.core.softirq.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent servicing and handling software interrupts. -- *`system.core.softirq.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent servicing and handling software interrupts. -- *`system.core.steal.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU while the hypervisor was servicing another processor. Available only on Unix. -- *`system.core.steal.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU while the hypervisor was servicing another processor. Available only on Unix. -- [float] == cpu fields `cpu` contains local CPU stats. *`system.cpu.cores`*:: + -- type: long The number of CPU cores present on the host. The non-normalized percentages will have a maximum value of `100% * cores`. The normalized percentages already take this value into account and have a maximum value of 100%. -- *`system.cpu.user.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in user space. On multi-core systems, you can have percentages that are greater than 100%. For example, if 3 cores are at 60% use, then the `system.cpu.user.pct` will be 180%. -- *`system.cpu.system.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in kernel space. -- *`system.cpu.nice.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent on low-priority processes. -- *`system.cpu.idle.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent idle. -- *`system.cpu.iowait.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in wait (on disk). -- *`system.cpu.irq.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent servicing and handling hardware interrupts. -- *`system.cpu.softirq.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent servicing and handling software interrupts. -- *`system.cpu.steal.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU while the hypervisor was servicing another processor. Available only on Unix. -- *`system.cpu.total.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in states other than Idle and IOWait. -- *`system.cpu.user.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in user space. -- *`system.cpu.system.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in kernel space. -- *`system.cpu.nice.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent on low-priority processes. -- *`system.cpu.idle.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent idle. -- *`system.cpu.iowait.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in wait (on disk). -- *`system.cpu.irq.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent servicing and handling hardware interrupts. -- *`system.cpu.softirq.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent servicing and handling software interrupts. -- *`system.cpu.steal.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU while the hypervisor was servicing another processor. Available only on Unix. -- *`system.cpu.total.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time in states other than Idle and IOWait, normalised by the number of cores. -- *`system.cpu.user.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent in user space. -- *`system.cpu.system.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent in kernel space. -- *`system.cpu.nice.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent on low-priority processes. -- *`system.cpu.idle.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent idle. -- *`system.cpu.iowait.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent in wait (on disk). -- *`system.cpu.irq.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent servicing and handling hardware interrupts. -- *`system.cpu.softirq.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent servicing and handling software interrupts. -- *`system.cpu.steal.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU while the hypervisor was servicing another processor. Available only on Unix. -- [float] == diskio fields `disk` contains disk IO metrics collected from the operating system. *`system.diskio.name`*:: + -- type: keyword example: sda1 The disk name. -- *`system.diskio.serial_number`*:: + -- type: keyword The disk's serial number. This may not be provided by all operating systems. -- *`system.diskio.read.count`*:: + -- type: long The total number of reads completed successfully. -- *`system.diskio.write.count`*:: + -- type: long The total number of writes completed successfully. -- *`system.diskio.read.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The total number of bytes read successfully. On Linux this is the number of sectors read multiplied by an assumed sector size of 512. -- *`system.diskio.write.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The total number of bytes written successfully. On Linux this is the number of sectors written multiplied by an assumed sector size of 512. -- *`system.diskio.read.time`*:: + -- type: long The total number of milliseconds spent by all reads. -- *`system.diskio.write.time`*:: + -- type: long The total number of milliseconds spent by all writes. -- *`system.diskio.io.time`*:: + -- type: long The total number of of milliseconds spent doing I/Os. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.read.request.merges_per_sec`*:: + -- type: float The number of read requests merged per second that were queued to the device. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.write.request.merges_per_sec`*:: + -- type: float The number of write requests merged per second that were queued to the device. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.read.request.per_sec`*:: + -- type: float The number of read requests that were issued to the device per second -- *`system.diskio.iostat.write.request.per_sec`*:: + -- type: float The number of write requests that were issued to the device per second -- *`system.diskio.iostat.read.per_sec.bytes`*:: + -- type: float format: bytes The number of Bytes read from the device per second. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.read.await`*:: + -- type: float The average time spent for read requests issued to the device to be served. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.write.per_sec.bytes`*:: + -- type: float format: bytes The number of Bytes write from the device per second. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.write.await`*:: + -- type: float The average time spent for write requests issued to the device to be served. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.request.avg_size`*:: + -- type: float The average size (in sectors) of the requests that were issued to the device. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.queue.avg_size`*:: + -- type: float The average queue length of the requests that were issued to the device. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.await`*:: + -- type: float The average time spent for requests issued to the device to be served. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.service_time`*:: + -- type: float The average service time (in milliseconds) for I/O requests that were issued to the device. -- *`system.diskio.iostat.busy`*:: + -- type: float Percentage of CPU time during which I/O requests were issued to the device (bandwidth utilization for the device). Device saturation occurs when this value is close to 100%. -- [float] == filesystem fields `filesystem` contains local filesystem stats. *`system.filesystem.available`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The disk space available to an unprivileged user in bytes. -- *`system.filesystem.device_name`*:: + -- type: keyword The disk name. For example: `/dev/disk1` -- *`system.filesystem.type`*:: + -- type: keyword The disk type. For example: `ext4` -- *`system.filesystem.mount_point`*:: + -- type: keyword The mounting point. For example: `/` -- *`system.filesystem.files`*:: + -- type: long The total number of file nodes in the file system. -- *`system.filesystem.free`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The disk space available in bytes. -- *`system.filesystem.free_files`*:: + -- type: long The number of free file nodes in the file system. -- *`system.filesystem.total`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The total disk space in bytes. -- *`system.filesystem.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The used disk space in bytes. -- *`system.filesystem.used.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of used disk space. -- [float] == fsstat fields `system.fsstat` contains filesystem metrics aggregated from all mounted filesystems. *`system.fsstat.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of file systems found. -- *`system.fsstat.total_files`*:: + -- type: long Total number of files. -- [float] == total_size fields Nested file system docs. *`system.fsstat.total_size.free`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total free space. -- *`system.fsstat.total_size.used`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total used space. -- *`system.fsstat.total_size.total`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total space (used plus free). -- [float] == load fields CPU load averages. *`system.load.1`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load average for the last minute. -- *`system.load.5`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load average for the last 5 minutes. -- *`system.load.15`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load average for the last 15 minutes. -- *`system.load.norm.1`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load for the last minute divided by the number of cores. -- *`system.load.norm.5`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load for the last 5 minutes divided by the number of cores. -- *`system.load.norm.15`*:: + -- type: scaled_float Load for the last 15 minutes divided by the number of cores. -- *`system.load.cores`*:: + -- type: long The number of CPU cores present on the host. -- [float] == memory fields `memory` contains local memory stats. *`system.memory.total`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory. -- *`system.memory.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used memory. -- *`system.memory.free`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The total amount of free memory in bytes. This value does not include memory consumed by system caches and buffers (see system.memory.actual.free). -- *`system.memory.used.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of used memory. -- [float] == actual fields Actual memory used and free. *`system.memory.actual.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Actual used memory in bytes. It represents the difference between the total and the available memory. The available memory depends on the OS. For more details, please check `system.actual.free`. -- *`system.memory.actual.free`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Actual free memory in bytes. It is calculated based on the OS. On Linux it consists of the free memory plus caches and buffers. On OSX it is a sum of free memory and the inactive memory. On Windows, it is equal to `system.memory.free`. -- *`system.memory.actual.used.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of actual used memory. -- [float] == swap fields This group contains statistics related to the swap memory usage on the system. *`system.memory.swap.total`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total swap memory. -- *`system.memory.swap.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used swap memory. -- *`system.memory.swap.free`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Available swap memory. -- *`system.memory.swap.used.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of used swap memory. -- [float] == hugepages fields This group contains statistics related to huge pages usage on the system. *`system.memory.hugepages.total`*:: + -- type: long format: number Number of huge pages in the pool. -- *`system.memory.hugepages.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Memory used in allocated huge pages. -- *`system.memory.hugepages.used.pct`*:: + -- type: long format: percent Percentage of huge pages used. -- *`system.memory.hugepages.free`*:: + -- type: long format: number Number of available huge pages in the pool. -- *`system.memory.hugepages.reserved`*:: + -- type: long format: number Number of reserved but not allocated huge pages in the pool. -- *`system.memory.hugepages.surplus`*:: + -- type: long format: number Number of overcommited huge pages. -- *`system.memory.hugepages.default_size`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Default size for huge pages. -- [float] == network fields `network` contains network IO metrics for a single network interface. *`system.network.name`*:: + -- type: keyword example: eth0 The network interface name. -- *`system.network.out.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The number of bytes sent. -- *`system.network.in.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The number of bytes received. -- *`system.network.out.packets`*:: + -- type: long The number of packets sent. -- *`system.network.in.packets`*:: + -- type: long The number or packets received. -- *`system.network.in.errors`*:: + -- type: long The number of errors while receiving. -- *`system.network.out.errors`*:: + -- type: long The number of errors while sending. -- *`system.network.in.dropped`*:: + -- type: long The number of incoming packets that were dropped. -- *`system.network.out.dropped`*:: + -- type: long The number of outgoing packets that were dropped. This value is always 0 on Darwin and BSD because it is not reported by the operating system. -- [float] == process fields `process` contains process metadata, CPU metrics, and memory metrics. *`system.process.name`*:: + -- type: keyword The process name. -- *`system.process.state`*:: + -- type: keyword The process state. For example: "running". -- *`system.process.pid`*:: + -- type: long The process pid. -- *`system.process.ppid`*:: + -- type: long The process parent pid. -- *`system.process.pgid`*:: + -- type: long The process group id. -- *`system.process.cmdline`*:: + -- type: keyword The full command-line used to start the process, including the arguments separated by space. -- *`system.process.username`*:: + -- type: keyword The username of the user that created the process. If the username cannot be determined, the field will contain the user's numeric identifier (UID). On Windows, this field includes the user's domain and is formatted as `domain\username`. -- *`system.process.cwd`*:: + -- type: keyword The current working directory of the process. This field is only available on Linux. -- *`system.process.env`*:: + -- type: object The environment variables used to start the process. The data is available on FreeBSD, Linux, and OS X. -- [float] == cpu fields CPU-specific statistics per process. *`system.process.cpu.user.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time the process spent in user space. -- *`system.process.cpu.total.value`*:: + -- type: long The value of CPU usage since starting the process. -- *`system.process.cpu.total.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent by the process since the last update. Its value is similar to the %CPU value of the process displayed by the top command on Unix systems. -- *`system.process.cpu.total.norm.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of CPU time spent by the process since the last event. This value is normalized by the number of CPU cores and it ranges from 0 to 100%. -- *`system.process.cpu.system.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The amount of CPU time the process spent in kernel space. -- *`system.process.cpu.total.ticks`*:: + -- type: long The total CPU time spent by the process. -- *`system.process.cpu.start_time`*:: + -- type: date The time when the process was started. -- [float] == memory fields Memory-specific statistics per process. *`system.process.memory.size`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The total virtual memory the process has. -- *`system.process.memory.rss.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The Resident Set Size. The amount of memory the process occupied in main memory (RAM). -- *`system.process.memory.rss.pct`*:: + -- type: scaled_float format: percent The percentage of memory the process occupied in main memory (RAM). -- *`system.process.memory.share`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The shared memory the process uses. -- [float] == fd fields File descriptor usage metrics. This set of metrics is available for Linux and FreeBSD. *`system.process.fd.open`*:: + -- type: long The number of file descriptors open by the process. -- *`system.process.fd.limit.soft`*:: + -- type: long The soft limit on the number of file descriptors opened by the process. The soft limit can be changed by the process at any time. -- *`system.process.fd.limit.hard`*:: + -- type: long The hard limit on the number of file descriptors opened by the process. The hard limit can only be raised by root. -- [float] == cgroup fields Metrics and limits from the cgroup of which the task is a member. cgroup metrics are reported when the process has membership in a non-root cgroup. These metrics are only available on Linux. *`system.process.cgroup.id`*:: + -- type: keyword The ID common to all cgroups associated with this task. If there isn't a common ID used by all cgroups this field will be absent. -- *`system.process.cgroup.path`*:: + -- type: keyword The path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystem's mountpoint. If there isn't a common path used by all cgroups this field will be absent. -- [float] == cpu fields The cpu subsystem schedules CPU access for tasks in the cgroup. Access can be controlled by two separate schedulers, CFS and RT. CFS stands for completely fair scheduler which proportionally divides the CPU time between cgroups based on weight. RT stands for real time scheduler which sets a maximum amount of CPU time that processes in the cgroup can consume during a given period. *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.id`*:: + -- type: keyword ID of the cgroup. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.path`*:: + -- type: keyword Path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystem's mountpoint. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.cfs.period.us`*:: + -- type: long Period of time in microseconds for how regularly a cgroup's access to CPU resources should be reallocated. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.cfs.quota.us`*:: + -- type: long Total amount of time in microseconds for which all tasks in a cgroup can run during one period (as defined by cfs.period.us). -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.cfs.shares`*:: + -- type: long An integer value that specifies a relative share of CPU time available to the tasks in a cgroup. The value specified in the cpu.shares file must be 2 or higher. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.rt.period.us`*:: + -- type: long Period of time in microseconds for how regularly a cgroup's access to CPU resources is reallocated. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.rt.runtime.us`*:: + -- type: long Period of time in microseconds for the longest continuous period in which the tasks in a cgroup have access to CPU resources. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.stats.periods`*:: + -- type: long Number of period intervals (as specified in cpu.cfs.period.us) that have elapsed. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.stats.throttled.periods`*:: + -- type: long Number of times tasks in a cgroup have been throttled (that is, not allowed to run because they have exhausted all of the available time as specified by their quota). -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpu.stats.throttled.ns`*:: + -- type: long The total time duration (in nanoseconds) for which tasks in a cgroup have been throttled. -- [float] == cpuacct fields CPU accounting metrics. *`system.process.cgroup.cpuacct.id`*:: + -- type: keyword ID of the cgroup. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpuacct.path`*:: + -- type: keyword Path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystem's mountpoint. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpuacct.total.ns`*:: + -- type: long Total CPU time in nanoseconds consumed by all tasks in the cgroup. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpuacct.stats.user.ns`*:: + -- type: long CPU time consumed by tasks in user mode. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpuacct.stats.system.ns`*:: + -- type: long CPU time consumed by tasks in user (kernel) mode. -- *`system.process.cgroup.cpuacct.percpu`*:: + -- type: object CPU time (in nanoseconds) consumed on each CPU by all tasks in this cgroup. -- [float] == memory fields Memory limits and metrics. *`system.process.cgroup.memory.id`*:: + -- type: keyword ID of the cgroup. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.path`*:: + -- type: keyword Path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystem's mountpoint. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.mem.usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory usage by processes in the cgroup (in bytes). -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.mem.usage.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The maximum memory used by processes in the cgroup (in bytes). -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.mem.limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The maximum amount of user memory in bytes (including file cache) that tasks in the cgroup are allowed to use. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.mem.failures`*:: + -- type: long The number of times that the memory limit (mem.limit.bytes) was reached. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.memsw.usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The sum of current memory usage plus swap space used by processes in the cgroup (in bytes). -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.memsw.usage.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The maximum amount of memory and swap space used by processes in the cgroup (in bytes). -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.memsw.limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The maximum amount for the sum of memory and swap usage that tasks in the cgroup are allowed to use. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.memsw.failures`*:: + -- type: long The number of times that the memory plus swap space limit (memsw.limit.bytes) was reached. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.kmem.usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total kernel memory usage by processes in the cgroup (in bytes). -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.kmem.usage.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The maximum kernel memory used by processes in the cgroup (in bytes). -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.kmem.limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The maximum amount of kernel memory that tasks in the cgroup are allowed to use. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.kmem.failures`*:: + -- type: long The number of times that the memory limit (kmem.limit.bytes) was reached. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.kmem_tcp.usage.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total memory usage for TCP buffers in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.kmem_tcp.usage.max.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The maximum memory used for TCP buffers by processes in the cgroup (in bytes). -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.kmem_tcp.limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes The maximum amount of memory for TCP buffers that tasks in the cgroup are allowed to use. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.kmem_tcp.failures`*:: + -- type: long The number of times that the memory limit (kmem_tcp.limit.bytes) was reached. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.active_anon.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Anonymous and swap cache on active least-recently-used (LRU) list, including tmpfs (shmem), in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.active_file.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes File-backed memory on active LRU list, in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.cache.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Page cache, including tmpfs (shmem), in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.hierarchical_memory_limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Memory limit for the hierarchy that contains the memory cgroup, in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.hierarchical_memsw_limit.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Memory plus swap limit for the hierarchy that contains the memory cgroup, in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.inactive_anon.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Anonymous and swap cache on inactive LRU list, including tmpfs (shmem), in bytes -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.inactive_file.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes File-backed memory on inactive LRU list, in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.mapped_file.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Size of memory-mapped mapped files, including tmpfs (shmem), in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.page_faults`*:: + -- type: long Number of times that a process in the cgroup triggered a page fault. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.major_page_faults`*:: + -- type: long Number of times that a process in the cgroup triggered a major fault. "Major" faults happen when the kernel actually has to read the data from disk. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.pages_in`*:: + -- type: long Number of pages paged into memory. This is a counter. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.pages_out`*:: + -- type: long Number of pages paged out of memory. This is a counter. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.rss.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Anonymous and swap cache (includes transparent hugepages), not including tmpfs (shmem), in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.rss_huge.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Number of bytes of anonymous transparent hugepages. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.swap.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Swap usage, in bytes. -- *`system.process.cgroup.memory.stats.unevictable.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Memory that cannot be reclaimed, in bytes. -- [float] == blkio fields Block IO metrics. *`system.process.cgroup.blkio.id`*:: + -- type: keyword ID of the cgroup. -- *`system.process.cgroup.blkio.path`*:: + -- type: keyword Path to the cgroup relative to the cgroup subsystems mountpoint. -- *`system.process.cgroup.blkio.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total number of bytes transferred to and from all block devices by processes in the cgroup. -- *`system.process.cgroup.blkio.total.ios`*:: + -- type: long Total number of I/O operations performed on all devices by processes in the cgroup as seen by the throttling policy. -- [float] == process.summary fields Summary metrics for the processes running on the host. *`system.process.summary.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of processes on this host. -- *`system.process.summary.running`*:: + -- type: long Number of running processes on this host. -- *`system.process.summary.idle`*:: + -- type: long Number of idle processes on this host. -- *`system.process.summary.sleeping`*:: + -- type: long Number of sleeping processes on this host. -- *`system.process.summary.stopped`*:: + -- type: long Number of stopped processes on this host. -- *`system.process.summary.zombie`*:: + -- type: long Number of zombie processes on this host. -- *`system.process.summary.dead`*:: + -- type: long Number of dead processes on this host. It's very unlikely that it will appear but in some special situations it may happen. -- *`system.process.summary.unknown`*:: + -- type: long Number of processes for which the state couldn't be retrieved or is unknown. -- [float] == raid fields raid *`system.raid.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the device. -- *`system.raid.activity_state`*:: + -- type: keyword activity-state of the device. -- *`system.raid.disks.active`*:: + -- type: long Number of active disks. -- *`system.raid.disks.total`*:: + -- type: long Total number of disks the device consists of. -- *`system.raid.blocks.total`*:: + -- type: long Number of blocks the device holds. -- *`system.raid.blocks.synced`*:: + -- type: long Number of blocks on the device that are in sync. -- [float] == socket fields TCP sockets that are active. *`system.socket.direction`*:: + -- type: keyword example: incoming How the socket was initiated. Possible values are incoming, outgoing, or listening. -- *`system.socket.family`*:: + -- type: keyword example: ipv4 Address family. -- *`system.socket.local.ip`*:: + -- type: ip example: or 2001:0DB8:ABED:8536::1 Local IP address. This can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. -- *`system.socket.local.port`*:: + -- type: long example: 22 Local port. -- *`system.socket.remote.ip`*:: + -- type: ip example: or 2001:0DB8:ABED:8536::1 Remote IP address. This can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. -- *`system.socket.remote.port`*:: + -- type: long example: 22 Remote port. -- *`system.socket.remote.host`*:: + -- type: keyword example: 76-211-117-36.nw.example.com. PTR record associated with the remote IP. It is obtained via reverse IP lookup. -- *`system.socket.remote.etld_plus_one`*:: + -- type: keyword example: example.com. The effective top-level domain (eTLD) of the remote host plus one more label. For example, the eTLD+1 for "foo.bar.golang.org." is "golang.org.". The data for determining the eTLD comes from an embedded copy of the data from http://publicsuffix.org. -- *`system.socket.remote.host_error`*:: + -- type: keyword Error describing the cause of the reverse lookup failure. -- *`system.socket.process.pid`*:: + -- type: long ID of the process that opened the socket. -- *`system.socket.process.command`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the command (limited to 20 chars by the OS). -- *`system.socket.process.cmdline`*:: + -- type: keyword -- *`system.socket.process.exe`*:: + -- type: keyword Absolute path to the executable. -- *`system.socket.user.id`*:: + -- type: long UID of the user running the process. -- *`system.socket.user.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Name of the user running the process. -- [float] == socket.summary fields Summary metrics of open sockets in the host system [float] == all fields All connections *`system.socket.summary.all.count`*:: + -- type: integer All open connections -- *`system.socket.summary.all.listening`*:: + -- type: integer All listening ports -- [float] == tcp fields All TCP connections [float] == all fields All TCP connections *`system.socket.summary.tcp.all.count`*:: + -- type: integer All open TCP connections -- *`system.socket.summary.tcp.all.listening`*:: + -- type: integer All TCP listening ports -- [float] == udp fields All UDP connections [float] == all fields All UDP connections *`system.socket.summary.udp.all.count`*:: + -- type: integer All open TCP connections -- [float] == uptime fields `uptime` contains the operating system uptime metric. *`system.uptime.duration.ms`*:: + -- type: long format: duration The OS uptime in milliseconds. -- [[exported-fields-traefik]] == traefik fields Traefik reverse proxy / load balancer metrics [float] == traefik fields Traefik reverse proxy / load balancer metrics [float] == health fields Metrics obtained from Traefik's health API endpoint *`traefik.health.uptime.sec`*:: + -- type: long Uptime of Traefik instance in seconds -- [float] == response fields Response metrics *`traefik.health.response.count`*:: + -- type: long Number of responses -- *`traefik.health.response.avg_time.us`*:: + -- type: long Average response time in microseconds -- *`traefik.health.response.status_code`*:: + -- type: object Number of responses per status code -- [[exported-fields-uwsgi]] == uwsgi fields uwsgi module [float] == uwsgi fields [float] == status fields uwsgi.status metricset fields *`uwsgi.status.total.requests`*:: + -- type: long Total requests handled -- *`uwsgi.status.total.exceptions`*:: + -- type: long Total exceptions -- *`uwsgi.status.total.write_errors`*:: + -- type: long Total requests write errors -- *`uwsgi.status.total.read_errors`*:: + -- type: long Total read errors -- *`uwsgi.status.total.pid`*:: + -- type: long Process id -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.id`*:: + -- type: long Worker id -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.pid`*:: + -- type: long Worker process id -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.accepting`*:: + -- type: long State of worker, 1 if still accepting new requests otherwise 0 -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.requests`*:: + -- type: long Number of requests served by this worker -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.delta_requests`*:: + -- type: long Number of requests served by this worker after worker is reloaded when reached MAX_REQUESTS -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.exceptions`*:: + -- type: long Exceptions raised -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.harakiri_count`*:: + -- type: long Dropped requests by timeout -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.signals`*:: + -- type: long Emitted signals count -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.signal_queue`*:: + -- type: long Number of signals waiting to be handled -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.status`*:: + -- type: keyword Worker status (cheap, pause, sig, busy, idle) -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.rss`*:: + -- type: keyword Resident Set Size. memory currently used by a process. if always zero try `--memory-report` option of uwsgi -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.vsz`*:: + -- type: long Virtual Set Size. memory size assigned to a process. if always zero try `--memory-report` option of uwsgi -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.running_time`*:: + -- type: long Process running time -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.respawn_count`*:: + -- type: long Respawn count -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.tx`*:: + -- type: long Transmitted size -- *`uwsgi.status.worker.avg_rt`*:: + -- type: long Average response time -- *`uwsgi.status.core.id`*:: + -- type: long worker ID -- *`uwsgi.status.core.worker_pid`*:: + -- type: long Parent worker PID -- *`uwsgi.status.core.requests.total`*:: + -- type: long Number of total requests served -- *`uwsgi.status.core.requests.static`*:: + -- type: long Number of static file serves -- *`uwsgi.status.core.requests.routed`*:: + -- type: long Routed requests -- *`uwsgi.status.core.requests.offloaded`*:: + -- type: long Offloaded requests -- *`uwsgi.status.core.write_errors`*:: + -- type: long Number of failed writes -- *`uwsgi.status.core.read_errors`*:: + -- type: long Number of failed reads -- [[exported-fields-vsphere]] == vSphere fields vSphere module [float] == vsphere fields [float] == datastore fields datastore *`vsphere.datastore.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Datastore name -- *`vsphere.datastore.fstype`*:: + -- type: keyword Filesystem type -- *`vsphere.datastore.capacity.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total bytes of the datastore -- *`vsphere.datastore.capacity.free.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Free bytes of the datastore -- *`vsphere.datastore.capacity.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used bytes of the datastore -- *`vsphere.datastore.capacity.used.pct`*:: + -- type: long format: percent Used percent of the datastore -- [float] == host fields host *`vsphere.host.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Host name -- *`vsphere.host.cpu.used.mhz`*:: + -- type: long Used CPU in Mhz -- *`vsphere.host.cpu.total.mhz`*:: + -- type: long Total CPU in Mhz -- *`vsphere.host.cpu.free.mhz`*:: + -- type: long Free CPU in Mhz -- *`vsphere.host.memory.used.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used Memory in bytes -- *`vsphere.host.memory.total.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total Memory in bytes -- *`vsphere.host.memory.free.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Free Memory in bytes -- *`vsphere.host.network_names`*:: + -- type: keyword Network names -- [float] == virtualmachine fields virtualmachine *`vsphere.virtualmachine.host`*:: + -- type: keyword Host name -- *`vsphere.virtualmachine.name`*:: + -- type: keyword Virtual Machine name -- *`vsphere.virtualmachine.cpu.used.mhz`*:: + -- type: long Used CPU in Mhz -- *`vsphere.virtualmachine.memory.used.guest.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used Memory of Guest in bytes -- *`vsphere.virtualmachine.memory.used.host.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Used Memory of Host in bytes -- *`vsphere.virtualmachine.memory.total.guest.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Total Memory of Guest in bytes -- *`vsphere.virtualmachine.memory.free.guest.bytes`*:: + -- type: long format: bytes Free Memory of Guest in bytes -- *`vsphere.virtualmachine.custom_fields`*:: + -- type: object Custom fields -- *`vsphere.virtualmachine.network_names`*:: + -- type: keyword Network names -- [[exported-fields-windows]] == Windows fields beta[] Module for Windows [float] == windows fields [float] == service fields `service` contains the status for Windows services. *`windows.service.id`*:: + -- type: keyword example: hW3NJFc1Ap A unique ID for the service. It is a hash of the machine's GUID and the service name. -- *`windows.service.name`*:: + -- type: keyword example: Wecsvc The service name. -- *`windows.service.display_name`*:: + -- type: keyword example: Windows Event Collector The display name of the service. -- *`windows.service.start_type`*:: + -- type: keyword The startup type of the service. The possible values are `Automatic`, `Boot`, `Disabled`, `Manual`, and `System`. -- *`windows.service.state`*:: + -- type: keyword The actual state of the service. The possible values are `Continuing`, `Pausing`, `Paused`, `Running`, `Starting`, `Stopping`, and `Stopped`. -- *`windows.service.exit_code`*:: + -- type: keyword For `Stopped` services this is the error code that service reports when starting to stopping. This will be the generic Windows service error code unless the service provides a service-specific error code. -- *`windows.service.pid`*:: + -- type: long example: 1092 For `Running` services this is the associated process PID. -- *`windows.service.uptime.ms`*:: + -- type: long format: duration The service's uptime specified in milliseconds. -- [[exported-fields-zookeeper]] == ZooKeeper fields ZooKeeper metrics collected by the four-letter monitoring commands. [float] == zookeeper fields `zookeeper` contains the metrics reported by ZooKeeper commands. [float] == mntr fields `mntr` contains the metrics reported by the four-letter `mntr` command. *`zookeeper.mntr.hostname`*:: + -- type: keyword ZooKeeper hostname. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.approximate_data_size`*:: + -- type: long Approximate size of ZooKeeper data. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.latency.avg`*:: + -- type: long Average latency between ensemble hosts in milliseconds. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.ephemerals_count`*:: + -- type: long Number of ephemeral znodes. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.followers`*:: + -- type: long Number of followers seen by the current host. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.max_file_descriptor_count`*:: + -- type: long Maximum number of file descriptors allowed for the ZooKeeper process. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.latency.max`*:: + -- type: long Maximum latency in milliseconds. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.latency.min`*:: + -- type: long Minimum latency in milliseconds. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.num_alive_connections`*:: + -- type: long Number of connections to ZooKeeper that are currently alive. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.open_file_descriptor_count`*:: + -- type: long Number of file descriptors open by the ZooKeeper process. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.outstanding_requests`*:: + -- type: long Number of outstanding requests that need to be processed by the cluster. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.packets.received`*:: + -- type: long Number of ZooKeeper network packets received. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.packets.sent`*:: + -- type: long Number of ZooKeeper network packets sent. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.pending_syncs`*:: + -- type: long Number of pending syncs to carry out to ZooKeeper ensemble followers. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.server_state`*:: + -- type: keyword Role in the ZooKeeper ensemble. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.synced_followers`*:: + -- type: long Number of synced followers reported when a node server_state is leader. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.version`*:: + -- type: keyword ZooKeeper version and build string reported. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.watch_count`*:: + -- type: long Number of watches currently set on the local ZooKeeper process. -- *`zookeeper.mntr.znode_count`*:: + -- type: long Number of znodes reported by the local ZooKeeper process. --