sudo: required dist: trusty services: - docker language: go # Make sure project can also be built on travis for clones of the repo go_import_path: env: global: # Cross-compile for amd64 only to speed up testing. - GOX_FLAGS="-arch amd64" - DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=1.11.1 - GO_VERSION="$(cat .go-version)" # Newer versions of minikube fail on travis, see: - TRAVIS_MINIKUBE_VERSION=v0.25.2 jobs: include: # General checks - os: linux env: TARGETS="check" go: $GO_VERSION stage: check # Filebeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C filebeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: osx env: TARGETS="TEST_ENVIRONMENT=0 -C filebeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Heartbeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C heartbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: osx env: TARGETS="TEST_ENVIRONMENT=0 -C heartbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Auditbeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C auditbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: osx env: TARGETS="TEST_ENVIRONMENT=0 -C auditbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C auditbeat crosscompile" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Libbeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C libbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C libbeat crosscompile" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: linux env: STRESS_TEST_OPTIONS="-timeout=20m -race -v -parallel 1" TARGETS="-C libbeat stress-tests" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Metricbeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C metricbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: osx env: TARGETS="TEST_ENVIRONMENT=0 -C metricbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C metricbeat crosscompile" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Packetbeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C packetbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Winlogbeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C winlogbeat crosscompile" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Journalbeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C journalbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Functionbeat - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C x-pack/functionbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: osx env: TARGETS="TEST_ENVIRONMENT=0 -C x-pack/functionbeat testsuite" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Generators - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C generator/metricbeat test" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test - os: linux env: TARGETS="-C generator/beat test" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Docs - os: linux env: TARGETS="docs" go: $GO_VERSION stage: test # Kubernetes - os: linux install: deploy/kubernetes/.travis/ env: - TARGETS="-C deploy/kubernetes test" - TRAVIS_K8S_VERSION=v1.8.0 stage: test - os: linux install: deploy/kubernetes/.travis/ env: - TARGETS="-C deploy/kubernetes test" - TRAVIS_K8S_VERSION=v1.9.4 stage: test - os: linux install: deploy/kubernetes/.travis/ env: - TARGETS="-C deploy/kubernetes test" - TRAVIS_K8S_VERSION=v1.10.0 stage: test # TODO include 1.11 once minikube supports it #- os: linux # install: deploy/kubernetes/.travis/ # env: # - TARGETS="-C deploy/kubernetes test" # - TRAVIS_K8S_VERSION=v1.11.0 # stage: test addons: apt: update: true packages: - python-virtualenv - libpcap-dev - xsltproc - libxml2-utils - libsystemd-journal-dev before_install: - python --version - umask 022 - chmod -R go-w $GOPATH/src/ # Docker-compose installation - sudo rm /usr/local/bin/docker-compose || true - curl -L${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION}/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` > docker-compose - chmod +x docker-compose - sudo mv docker-compose /usr/local/bin - if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = osx ]; then pip install virtualenv; fi # Skips installations step install: true script: - make $TARGETS notifications: slack: on_success: change on_failure: always on_pull_requests: false rooms: secure: "e25J5puEA31dOooTI4T+K+zrTs8XeWIGq2cgmiPt9u/g7eqWeQj1UJnVsr8GOu1RPDyuJZJHXqfrvuOYJTdHzXbwjD0JTbwwVVZMkkZW2SWZHG46HCXPiucjWXEr3hXJKBJDDpIx6VxrN7r17dejv1biQ8QuEFZfiB1H8kbH/ho=" after_success: # Copy full.cov to coverage.txt because requires this file - test -f auditbeat/build/coverage/full.cov && bash <(curl -s -f auditbeat/build/coverage/full.cov - test -f filebeat/build/coverage/full.cov && bash <(curl -s -f filebeat/build/coverage/full.cov - test -f heartbeat/build/coverage/full.cov && bash <(curl -s -f heartbeat/build/coverage/full.cov - test -f libbeat/build/coverage/full.cov && bash <(curl -s -f libbeat/build/coverage/full.cov - test -f metricbeat/build/coverage/full.cov && bash <(curl -s -f metricbeat/build/coverage/full.cov - test -f packetbeat/build/coverage/full.cov && bash <(curl -s -f packetbeat/build/coverage/full.cov