import re import sys import metricbeat import unittest @unittest.skipUnless(re.match("(?i)win|linux|darwin|freebsd", sys.platform), "os") class Test(metricbeat.BaseTest): def test_drop_fields(self): self.render_config_template( modules=[{ "name": "system", "metricsets": ["cpu"], "period": "1s" }], processors=[{ "drop_fields": { "when": " 0.1", "fields": ["system.cpu.load"], }, }] ) proc = self.start_beat() self.wait_until(lambda: self.output_lines() > 0) proc.check_kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output_json() self.assertEqual(len(output), 1) evt = output[0] self.assert_fields_are_documented(evt) print(evt) print(evt.keys()) self.assertItemsEqual(self.de_dot([ 'beat', '@timestamp', 'system', 'metricset.module', 'metricset.rtt', '', 'host' ]), evt.keys()) cpu = evt["system"]["cpu"] print(cpu.keys()) self.assertItemsEqual(self.de_dot([ "system", "cores", "user", "softirq", "iowait", "idle", "irq", "steal", "nice", "total" ]), cpu.keys()) def test_dropfields_with_condition(self): """ Check drop_fields action works when a condition is associated. """ self.render_config_template( modules=[{ "name": "system", "metricsets": ["process"], "period": "1s" }], processors=[{ "drop_fields": { "fields": ["system.process.memory"], "when": " 0.5", }, }] ) metricbeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until( lambda: self.output_count(lambda x: x >= 1), max_timeout=15) metricbeat.kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output( required_fields=["@timestamp"], ) for event in output: if float(event[""]) < 0.5: assert "system.process.memory.size" not in event else: assert "system.process.memory.size" in event def test_dropevent_with_condition(self): """ Check drop_event action works when a condition is associated. """ self.render_config_template( modules=[{ "name": "system", "metricsets": ["process"], "period": "1s" }], processors=[{ "drop_event": { "when": " 0.001", }, }] ) metricbeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until( lambda: self.output_count(lambda x: x >= 1), max_timeout=15) metricbeat.kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output( required_fields=["@timestamp"], ) for event in output: assert float(event[""]) >= 0.001 def test_dropevent_with_complex_condition(self): """ Check drop_event action works when a complex condition is associated. """ self.render_config_template( modules=[{ "name": "system", "metricsets": ["process"], "period": "1s" }], processors=[{ "drop_event": { "when.not": "contains.system.process.cmdline: metricbeat.test", }, }] ) metricbeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until( lambda: self.output_count(lambda x: x >= 1), max_timeout=15) metricbeat.kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output( required_fields=["@timestamp"], ) assert len(output) >= 1 def test_include_fields(self): """ Check include_fields filtering action """ self.render_config_template( modules=[{ "name": "system", "metricsets": ["process"], "period": "1s" }], processors=[{ "include_fields": {"fields": ["system.process.cpu", "system.process.memory"]}, }] ) metricbeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until( lambda: self.output_count(lambda x: x >= 1), max_timeout=15) metricbeat.kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output( required_fields=["@timestamp"], )[0] print(output) for key in [ "system.process.cpu.start_time", "", "system.process.memory.size", "system.process.memory.rss.bytes", "system.process.memory.rss.pct" ]: assert key in output for key in [ "", "", ]: assert key not in output def test_multiple_actions(self): """ Check the result when configuring two actions: include_fields and drop_fields. """ self.render_config_template( modules=[{ "name": "system", "metricsets": ["process"], "period": "1s" }], processors=[{ "include_fields": {"fields": ["system.process"]}, }, { "drop_fields": {"fields": ["system.process.memory"]}, }] ) metricbeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until( lambda: self.output_count(lambda x: x >= 1), max_timeout=15) metricbeat.kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output( required_fields=["@timestamp"], )[0] for key in [ "system.process.cpu.start_time", "", "", "", ]: assert key in output for key in [ "system.process.memory.size", "system.process.memory.rss.bytes", "system.process.memory.rss.pct" ]: assert key not in output def test_contradictory_multiple_actions(self): """ Check the behaviour of a contradictory multiple actions """ self.render_config_template( modules=[{ "name": "system", "metricsets": ["process"], "period": "1s" }], processors=[{ "include_fields": { "fields": ["system.process.memory.size", "proc.memory.rss.pct"], }, }, { "drop_fields": { "fields": ["system.process.memory.size", "proc.memory.rss.pct"], }, }] ) metricbeat = self.start_beat() self.wait_until( lambda: self.output_count(lambda x: x >= 1), max_timeout=15) metricbeat.kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output( required_fields=["@timestamp"], )[0] for key in [ "system.process.memory.size", "system.process.memory.rss", "system.process.cpu.start_time", "", "", "", "system.process.memory.rss.pct" ]: assert key not in output def test_rename_field(self): self.render_config_template( modules=[{ "name": "system", "metricsets": ["cpu"], "period": "1s" }], processors=[{ "rename": { "fields": [{"from": "", "to": ""}], }, }] ) proc = self.start_beat() self.wait_until(lambda: self.output_lines() > 0) proc.check_kill_and_wait() output = self.read_output_json() self.assertEqual(len(output), 1) evt = output[0] print(evt) print(evt.keys()) assert "name" not in output[0]["metricset"] assert "cpu" in output[0]["hello"]["world"]