# Testing using GOVCSIM. To test the vsphere module without a real Vmware SDK URL you can use the following setup. Govcsim is a vCenter Server and ESXi API based simulator written using govmomi. It creates a vCenter Server model with a datacenter, hosts, cluster, resource pools, networks and a datastore. Requirements: - golang 1.7+ installed on a system - git installed on a system 1. Set the GOPATH where govcsim will be installed ``` export GOPATH=/directory/code ``` 2. Install Govcsim ``` go get -u github.com/vmware/vic/cmd/vcsim ``` 3. Run Govcsim ``` $GOPATH/bin/vcsim ``` Now setup your metricbeat config to connect to Govcsim: ``` - module: vsphere metricsets: - datastore - host - virtualmachine enabled: true period: 5s hosts: [""] username: "user" password: "pass" insecure: true ```