- name: socket type: group description: > TCP sockets that are active. release: ga fields: - name: direction type: keyword example: incoming description: > How the socket was initiated. Possible values are incoming, outgoing, or listening. - name: family type: keyword example: ipv4 description: > Address family. - name: local.ip type: ip example: or 2001:0DB8:ABED:8536::1 description: > Local IP address. This can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. - name: local.port type: long example: 22 description: > Local port. - name: remote.ip type: ip example: or 2001:0DB8:ABED:8536::1 description: > Remote IP address. This can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address. - name: remote.port type: long example: 22 description: > Remote port. - name: remote.host type: keyword example: 76-211-117-36.nw.example.com. description: > PTR record associated with the remote IP. It is obtained via reverse IP lookup. - name: remote.etld_plus_one type: keyword example: example.com. description: > The effective top-level domain (eTLD) of the remote host plus one more label. For example, the eTLD+1 for "foo.bar.golang.org." is "golang.org.". The data for determining the eTLD comes from an embedded copy of the data from http://publicsuffix.org. - name: remote.host_error type: keyword description: > Error describing the cause of the reverse lookup failure. - name: process.pid type: long description: > ID of the process that opened the socket. - name: process.command type: keyword description: > Name of the command (limited to 20 chars by the OS). - name: process.cmdline type: keyword description: > - name: process.exe type: keyword description: > Absolute path to the executable. - name: user.id type: long description: > UID of the user running the process. - name: user.name type: keyword description: > Name of the user running the process.