- name: load type: group description: > CPU load averages. release: ga fields: - name: "1" type: scaled_float scaling_factor: 100 description: > Load average for the last minute. - name: "5" type: scaled_float scaling_factor: 100 description: > Load average for the last 5 minutes. - name: "15" type: scaled_float scaling_factor: 100 description: > Load average for the last 15 minutes. - name: "norm.1" type: scaled_float scaling_factor: 100 description: > Load for the last minute divided by the number of cores. - name: "norm.5" type: scaled_float scaling_factor: 100 description: > Load for the last 5 minutes divided by the number of cores. - name: "norm.15" type: scaled_float scaling_factor: 100 description: > Load for the last 15 minutes divided by the number of cores. - name: "cores" type: long description: > The number of CPU cores present on the host.