- name: info type: group description: > `info` contains the information and statistics returned by the `INFO` command. release: ga fields: - name: clients type: group description: > Redis client stats. fields: - name: connected type: long description: > Number of client connections (excluding connections from slaves). - name: longest_output_list type: long deprecated: "6.5.0" description: > Longest output list among current client connections (replaced by max_output_buffer). - name: max_output_buffer type: long description: > Longest output list among current client connections. - name: biggest_input_buf type: long deprecated: "6.5.0" description: > Biggest input buffer among current client connections (replaced by max_input_buffer). - name: max_input_buffer type: long description: > Biggest input buffer among current client connections (on redis 5.0). - name: blocked type: long description: > Number of clients pending on a blocking call (BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH). - name: cluster type: group description: > Redis cluster information. fields: - name: enabled type: boolean description: > Indicates that the Redis cluster is enabled. - name: cpu type: group description: > Redis CPU stats fields: - name: used.sys type: scaled_float description: > System CPU consumed by the Redis server. - name: used.sys_children type: scaled_float description: > User CPU consumed by the Redis server. - name: used.user type: scaled_float description: > System CPU consumed by the background processes. - name: used.user_children type: scaled_float description: > User CPU consumed by the background processes. - name: memory type: group description: > Redis memory stats. fields: - name: used.value type: long description: > format: bytes Total number of bytes allocated by Redis. - name: used.rss type: long format: bytes description: > Number of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system (a.k.a resident set size). - name: used.peak type: long format: bytes description: > Peak memory consumed by Redis. - name: used.lua type: long format: bytes description: > Used memory by the Lua engine. - name: used.dataset type: long format: bytes description: > The size in bytes of the dataset - name: max.value type: long format: bytes description: > Memory limit. - name: max.policy type: keyword description: > Eviction policy to use when memory limit is reached. - name: fragmentation.ratio type: float description: > Ratio between used_memory_rss and used_memory - name: fragmentation.bytes type: long format: bytes description: > Bytes between used_memory_rss and used_memory - name: active_defrag.is_running type: boolean description: > Flag indicating if active defragmentation is active - name: allocator type: keyword description: > Memory allocator. - name: allocator_stats type: group fields: - name: allocated type: long format: bytes description: > Allocated memory - name: active type: long format: bytes description: > Active memeory - name: resident type: long format: bytes description: > Resident memory - name: fragmentation.ratio type: float description: > Fragmentation ratio - name: fragmentation.bytes type: long format: bytes description: > Fragmented bytes - name: rss.ratio type: float description: > Resident ratio - name: rss.bytes type: long format: bytes description: > Resident bytes - name: persistence type: group description: > Redis CPU stats. fields: - name: loading type: boolean description: > Flag indicating if the load of a dump file is on-going # ToDo move `loading` to `loading.enabled` and add other loading stats beside that (start time, total bytes, loaded bytes, ...) - name: rdb type: group description: > Provides information about RDB persistence fields: - name: last_save.changes_since type: long description: > Number of changes since the last dump - name: last_save.time type: long description: > Epoch-based timestamp of last successful RDB save - name: bgsave.in_progress type: boolean description: > Flag indicating a RDB save is on-going - name: bgsave.last_status type: keyword description: > Status of the last RDB save operation - name: bgsave.last_time.sec type: long format: duration description: > Duration of the last RDB save operation in seconds - name: bgsave.current_time.sec type: long format: duration description: > Duration of the on-going RDB save operation if any - name: copy_on_write.last_size type: long format: bytes description: > The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last RBD save operation - name: aof type: group description: > Provides information about AOF persitence fields: - name: enabled type: boolean description: > Flag indicating AOF logging is activated - name: rewrite.in_progress type: boolean description: > Flag indicating a AOF rewrite operation is on-going - name: rewrite.scheduled type: boolean description: > Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete. - name: rewrite.last_time.sec type: long format: duration description: > Duration of the last AOF rewrite operation in seconds - name: rewrite.current_time.sec type: long format: duration description: > Duration of the on-going AOF rewrite operation if any - name: rewrite.buffer.size type: long format: bytes description: > Size of the AOF rewrite buffer - name: bgrewrite.last_status type: keyword description: > Status of the last AOF rewrite operatio - name: write.last_status type: keyword description: > Status of the last write operation to the AOF - name: copy_on_write.last_size type: long format: bytes description: > The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last RBD save operation - name: buffer.size type: long format: bytes description: > Size of the AOF buffer - name: size.current type: long format: bytes description: > AOF current file size - name: size.base type: long format: bytes description: > AOF file size on latest startup or rewrite - name: fsync.pending type: long description: > Number of fsync pending jobs in background I/O queue - name: fsync.delayed type: long description: > Delayed fsync counter - name: replication type: group description: > Replication fields: - name: role type: keyword description: > Role of the instance (can be "master", or "slave"). - name: connected_slaves type: long description: > Number of connected slaves - name: master_offset type: long deprecated: 6.5 description: > The server's current replication offset - name: backlog.active type: long description: > Flag indicating replication backlog is active - name: backlog.size type: long format: bytes description: > Total size in bytes of the replication backlog buffer - name: backlog.first_byte_offset type: long description: > The master offset of the replication backlog buffer - name: backlog.histlen type: long description: > Size in bytes of the data in the replication backlog buffer - name: master.offset type: long description: > The server's current replication offset - name: master.second_offset type: long description: > The offset up to which replication IDs are accepted - name: master.link_status type: keyword description: > Status of the link (up/down) - name: master.last_io_seconds_ago type: long format: duration description: > Number of seconds since the last interaction with master - name: master.sync.in_progress type: boolean description: > Indicate the master is syncing to the slave - name: master.sync.left_bytes type: long format: bytes description: > Number of bytes left before syncing is complete - name: master.sync.last_io_seconds_ago type: long format: duration description: > Number of seconds since last transfer I/O during a SYNC operation - name: slave.offset type: long description: > The replication offset of the slave instance - name: slave.priority type: long description: > The priority of the instance as a candidate for failover - name: slave.is_readonly type: boolean description: > Flag indicating if the slave is read-only - name: server type: group description: > Server info fields: - name: version type: keyword description: - name: git_sha1 type: keyword description: - name: git_dirty type: keyword description: - name: build_id type: keyword description: - name: mode type: keyword description: - name: os type: keyword description: - name: arch_bits type: keyword description: - name: multiplexing_api type: keyword description: - name: gcc_version type: keyword description: - name: process_id type: long description: - name: run_id type: keyword description: - name: tcp_port type: long description: - name: uptime type: long description: - name: hz type: long description: - name: lru_clock type: long description: - name: config_file type: keyword description: - name: stats type: group description: > Redis stats. fields: - name: connections.received type: long description: Total number of connections received. - name: connections.rejected type: long description: Total number of connections rejected. - name: commands_processed type: long description: Total number of commands processed. - name: net.input.bytes type: long description: Total network input in bytes. - name: net.output.bytes type: long description: Total network output in bytes. - name: instantaneous.ops_per_sec type: long description: > Number of commands processed per second - name: instantaneous.input_kbps type: scaled_float description: > The network's read rate per second in KB/sec - name: instantaneous.output_kbps type: scaled_float description: > The network's write rate per second in KB/sec - name: sync.full type: long description: > The number of full resyncs with slaves - name: sync.partial.ok type: long description: > The number of accepted partial resync requests - name: sync.partial.err type: long description: > The number of denied partial resync requests - name: keys.expired type: long description: > Total number of key expiration events - name: keys.evicted type: long description: > Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit - name: keyspace.hits type: long description: > Number of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary - name: keyspace.misses type: long description: > Number of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary - name: pubsub.channels type: long description: > Global number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions - name: pubsub.patterns type: long description: > Global number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions - name: latest_fork_usec type: long description: > Duration of the latest fork operation in microseconds - name: migrate_cached_sockets type: long description: > The number of sockets open for MIGRATE purposes - name: slave_expires_tracked_keys type: long description: > The number of keys tracked for expiry purposes (applicable only to writable slaves) - name: active_defrag.hits type: long description: > Number of value reallocations performed by active the defragmentation process - name: active_defrag.misses type: long description: > Number of aborted value reallocations started by the active defragmentation process - name: active_defrag.key_hits type: long description: > Number of keys that were actively defragmented - name: active_defrag.key_misses type: long description: > Number of keys that were skipped by the active defragmentation process - name: slowlog.count type: long description: > Count of slow operations