- name: process type: group description: > process contains the metrics that were obtained from the PHP-FPM process. release: beta fields: - name: pid type: integer description: > The PID of the process - name: state type: keyword description: > The state of the process (Idle, Running, etc) - name: start_time type: date format: epoch_second description: > The date and time the process has started - name: start_since type: integer description: > The number of seconds since the process has started - name: requests type: integer description: > The number of requests the process has served - name: request_duration type: integer description: > The duration in microseconds (1 million in a second) of the current request (my own definition) - name: request_method type: keyword description: > The request method (GET, POST, etc) (of the current request) - name: request_uri type: text description: > The request URI with the query string (of the current request) - name: content_length type: integer description: > The content length of the request (only with POST) (of the current request) - name: user type: keyword description: > The user (PHP_AUTH_USER) (or - if not set) (for the current request) - name: script type: text description: > The main script called (or - if not set) (for the current request) - name: last_request_cpu type: long description: > The max amount of memory the last request consumed (it is always 0 if the process is not in Idle state because memory calculation is done when the request processing has terminated) - name: last_request_memory type: integer description: > The content length of the request (only with POST) (of the current request)