- name: event type: group description: > The Kubernetes events metricset collects events that are generated by objects running inside of Kubernetes release: beta fields: - name: count type: long description: > Count field records the number of times the particular event has occurred - name: timestamp type: group fields: - name: first_occurrence type: date description: > Timestamp of first occurrence of event - name: last_occurrence type: date description: > Timestamp of last occurrence of event - name: message type: keyword description: > Message recorded for the given event - name: reason type: keyword description: > Reason recorded for the given event - name: type type: keyword description: > Type of the given event - name: metadata type: group description: > Metadata associated with the given event fields: - name: timestamp type: group fields: - name: created type: date description: > Timestamp of creation of the given event - name: name type: keyword description: > Name of the event - name: namespace type: keyword description: > Namespace in which event was generated - name: resource_version type: keyword description: > Version of the event resource - name: uid type: keyword description: > Unique identifier to the event object - name: self_link type: keyword description: > URL representing the event - name: involved_object type: group description: > Metadata associated with the given involved object fields: - name: api_version type: keyword description: > API version of the object - name: kind type: keyword description: > API kind of the object - name: name type: keyword description: > name of the object - name: resource_version type: keyword description: > resource version of the object - name: uid type: keyword description: > UUID version of the object