This is the `json` metricset of the HTTP module. [float] === Features and Configuration The JSON structure returned by the HTTP endpoint will be added to the provided `namespace` field as shown in the following example: [source,json] ---- { "@timestamp": "2017-05-01T13:00:24.745Z", "beat": { "hostname": "mbp", "name": "mbp", "version": "6.0.0-alpha1" }, "http": { "http_json_namespace": { "date": "05-01-2017", "milliseconds_since_epoch": 1493643625474.000000, "time": "01:00:25 PM" } }, "metricset": { "host": "", "module": "http", "name": "json", "namespace": "http_json_namespace", "rtt": 238397 }, "type": "metricsets" } ---- Here the response from `` is returned in the configured `http_json_namespace` namespace: [source,json] ---- { "date": "05-01-2017", "milliseconds_since_epoch": 1493643625474.000000, "time": "01:00:25 PM" } ---- It is required to set a namespace in the general module config section. [float] ==== request.enabled With this configuration enabled additional information about the request are included. This includes the following information: * HTTP Header * HTTP Method * Body/Payload Example: [source,json] ---- { "@timestamp": "2017-05-01T13:00:24.745Z", "beat": { "hostname": "mbp", "name": "mbp", "version": "6.0.0-alpha1" }, "http": { "http_json_namespace": { "date": "05-01-2017", "milliseconds_since_epoch": 1493643625474.000000, "time": "01:00:25 PM" }, "request": { "body": "", "headers": { "Accept": "application/json" }, "method": "GET" } }, "metricset": { "host": "", "module": "http", "name": "json", "namespace": "http_json_namespace", "rtt": 238397 }, "type": "metricsets" } ---- [float] ==== response.enabled With this configuration enabled additional information about the response are included. This includes the following information: * HTTP Header * HTTP Status Code Example: [source,json] ---- { "@timestamp": "2017-05-01T13:00:24.745Z", "beat": { "hostname": "mbp", "name": "mbp", "version": "6.0.0-alpha1" }, "http": { "http_json_namespace": { "date": "05-01-2017", "milliseconds_since_epoch": 1493643625474.000000, "time": "01:00:25 PM" }, "response": { "headers": { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Content-Length": "100", "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1", "Date": "Mon, 01 May 2017 13:08:38 GMT", "Server": "Google Frontend", "X-Cloud-Trace-Context": "3f532d170112fc5b2a0b94fcbd6493b3" }, "code": 200 } }, "metricset": { "host": "", "module": "http", "name": "json", "namespace": "http_json_namespace", "rtt": 238397 }, "type": "metricsets" } ---- [float] ==== dedot.enabled With this configuration enabled dots in json field names are replaced with `_` character, Example: [source,json] ---- { "@timestamp": "2017-05-01T13:00:24.745Z", "beat": { "hostname": "mbp", "name": "mbp", "version": "6.0.0-alpha1" }, "http": { "http_json_namespace": { "date": "05-01-2017", "milliseconds_since_epoch": 1493643625474.000000, "time": "01:00:25 PM" }, "response": { "headers": { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*", "Content-Length": "100", "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=ISO-8859-1", "Date": "Mon, 01 May 2017 13:08:38 GMT", "Server": "Google Frontend", "X-Cloud-Trace-Context": "3f532d170112fc5b2a0b94fcbd6493b3" }, "code": 200 } }, "metricset": { "host": "", "module": "http", "name": "json", "namespace": "http_json_namespace", "rtt": 238397 }, "type": "metricsets" } ---- [float] === Exposed fields, Dashboards, Indexes, etc. Since this is a general purpose module that can be tailored for any application that exposes a JSON structure, it comes with no exposed fields description, dashboards or index patterns.