from base import BaseTest import os import os.path import subprocess from nose.plugins.attrib import attr import unittest from unittest import SkipTest import requests import semver INTEGRATION_TESTS = os.environ.get('INTEGRATION_TESTS', False) class Test(BaseTest): @unittest.skipUnless(INTEGRATION_TESTS, "integration test") @attr('integration') def test_load_without_dashboard(self): """ Test loading without dashboards """ self.render_config_template() beat = self.start_beat( logging_args=["-e", "-d", "*"], extra_args=["setup", "--dashboards", "-E", "setup.dashboards.file=" + os.path.join(self.beat_path, "tests", "files", ""), "-E", "setup.dashboards.beat=testbeat", "-E", "setup.kibana.protocol=http", "-E", "" + self.get_kibana_host(), "-E", "setup.kibana.port=" + self.get_kibana_port(), "-E", "output.elasticsearch.hosts=['" + self.get_host() + "']", "-E", "output.file.enabled=false"] ) beat.check_wait(exit_code=0) assert self.log_contains("Skipping loading dashboards") @unittest.skipUnless(INTEGRATION_TESTS, "integration test") @attr('integration') def test_load_dashboard(self): """ Test loading dashboards """ self.render_config_template() beat = self.start_beat( logging_args=["-e", "-d", "*"], extra_args=["setup", "--dashboards", "-E", "setup.dashboards.file=" + os.path.join(self.beat_path, "tests", "files", ""), "-E", "setup.dashboards.beat=testbeat", "-E", "setup.kibana.protocol=http", "-E", "" + self.get_kibana_host(), "-E", "setup.kibana.port=" + self.get_kibana_port(), "-E", "output.elasticsearch.hosts=['" + self.get_host() + "']", "-E", "output.file.enabled=false"] ) beat.check_wait(exit_code=0) assert self.log_contains("Kibana dashboards successfully loaded") is True @unittest.skipUnless(INTEGRATION_TESTS, "integration test") @attr('integration') def test_load_dashboard_into_space(self, create_space=True): """ Test loading dashboards into Kibana space """ version = self.get_version() if, "6.5.0") == -1: # Skip for Kibana versions < 6.5.0 as Kibana Spaces not available raise SkipTest self.render_config_template() if create_space: self.create_kibana_space() beat = self.start_beat( logging_args=["-e", "-d", "*"], extra_args=["setup", "--dashboards", "-E", "setup.dashboards.file=" + os.path.join(self.beat_path, "tests", "files", ""), "-E", "setup.dashboards.beat=testbeat", "-E", "setup.kibana.protocol=http", "-E", "" + self.get_kibana_host(), "-E", "setup.kibana.port=" + self.get_kibana_port(), "-E", "", "-E", "output.elasticsearch.hosts=['" + self.get_host() + "']", "-E", "output.file.enabled=false"] ) beat.check_wait(exit_code=0) assert self.log_contains("Kibana dashboards successfully loaded") is True @unittest.skipUnless(INTEGRATION_TESTS, "integration test") @attr('integration') def test_load_only_index_patterns(self): """ Test loading dashboards """ self.render_config_template() beat = self.start_beat( logging_args=["-e", "-d", "*"], extra_args=["setup", "--dashboards", "-E", "setup.dashboards.file=" + os.path.join(self.beat_path, "tests", "files", ""), "-E", "setup.dashboards.beat=testbeat", "-E", "setup.dashboards.only_index=true", "-E", "setup.kibana.protocol=http", "-E", "" + self.get_kibana_host(), "-E", "setup.kibana.port=" + self.get_kibana_port(), "-E", "output.elasticsearch.hosts=['" + self.get_host() + "']", "-E", "output.file.enabled=false"] ) beat.check_wait(exit_code=0) assert self.log_contains("Kibana dashboards successfully loaded") is True @unittest.skipUnless(INTEGRATION_TESTS, "integration test") @attr('integration') def test_export_dashboard(self): """ Test export dashboards and remove unsupported characters """ self.test_load_dashboard() path = os.path.normpath(self.beat_path + "/../dev-tools/cmd/dashboards/export_dashboards.go") command = path + " -kibana http://" + self.get_kibana_host() + ":" + self.get_kibana_port() command = "go run " + command + " -dashboard Metricbeat-system-overview" p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) content, err = p.communicate() assert p.returncode == 0 assert os.path.isfile("output.json") is True with open('output.json') as f: content = assert "Metricbeat-system-overview" in content os.remove("output.json") @unittest.skipUnless(INTEGRATION_TESTS, "integration test") @attr('integration') def test_export_dashboard_from_space(self): """ Test export dashboards from Kibana space and remove unsupported characters """ version = self.get_version() if, "6.5.0") == -1: # Skip for Kibana versions < 6.5.0 as Kibana Spaces not available raise SkipTest self.test_load_dashboard_into_space(False) path = os.path.normpath(self.beat_path + "/../dev-tools/cmd/dashboards/export_dashboards.go") command = path + " -kibana http://" + self.get_kibana_host() + ":" + self.get_kibana_port() command = "go run " + command + " -dashboard Metricbeat-system-overview -space-id foo-bar" p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) content, err = p.communicate() assert p.returncode == 0 assert os.path.isfile("output.json") is True with open('output.json') as f: content = assert "Metricbeat-system-overview" in content os.remove("output.json") def get_host(self): return os.getenv('ES_HOST', 'localhost') + ':' + os.getenv('ES_PORT', '9200') def get_kibana_host(self): return os.getenv('KIBANA_HOST', 'localhost') def get_kibana_port(self): return os.getenv('KIBANA_PORT', '5601') def create_kibana_space(self): url = "http://" + self.get_kibana_host() + ":" + self.get_kibana_port() + \ "/api/spaces/space" data = { "id": "foo-bar", "name": "Foo bar space" } headers = { "kbn-xsrf": "1" } r =, json=data, headers=headers) assert r.status_code == 200 def get_version(self): url = "http://" + self.get_kibana_host() + ":" + self.get_kibana_port() + \ "/api/status" r = requests.get(url) body = r.json() version = body["version"]["number"] return version