#================================ General ===================================== # The name of the shipper that publishes the network data. It can be used to group # all the transactions sent by a single shipper in the web interface. # If this options is not defined, the hostname is used. name: {{shipper_name}} # The tags of the shipper are included in their own field with each # transaction published. Tags make it easy to group servers by different # logical properties. tags: [ {%- if agent_tags -%} {%- for tag in agent_tags -%} "{{ tag }}" {%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- endif -%} ] {% if setup_template_name %} setup.template.name: "{{setup_template_name}}" setup.template.pattern: "{{setup_template_pattern}}" {%- endif %} #================================ Processors ===================================== {%- if processors %} processors: {%- for processor in processors %} {%- for name, settings in processor.items() %} - {{name}}: {%- if settings %} {%- for k, v in settings.items() %} {{k}}: {{v | default([])}} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} {%- endif %} #================================ Queue ===================================== queue.mem: events: 4096 flush.min_events: {{ flush_min_events|default(8) }} flush.timeout: 0.1s {% if kibana -%} setup.kibana.host: "{{ kibana.host }}" {%- endif %} #================================ Outputs ===================================== # Configure what outputs to use when sending the data collected by the beat. # Multiple outputs may be used. {% if elasticsearch -%} output: elasticsearch: hosts: ["{{ elasticsearch.host }}"] {% if elasticsearch.pipeline %} pipeline: {{elasticsearch.pipeline}} {% endif %} {% if elasticsearch.index %} index: {{elasticsearch.index}} {% endif %} {%- endif %} {% if logstash %} output.logstash: hosts: ["{{ logstash.host }}"] {%- endif %} {% if not (console or elasticsearch or logstash) -%} output.file: path: {{ output_file_path|default(beat.working_dir + "/output") }} filename: "{{ output_file_filename|default(beat.beat_name) }}" rotate_every_kb: {{ rotate_every_kb | default(1000) }} #number_of_files: 7 {%- endif %} {% if path_data %} #================================ Paths ===================================== path: data: {{path_data}} {%endif%} {% if keystore_path %} #================================ keystore ===================================== keystore.path: {{keystore_path}} {% endif %}