ifndef::has_module_steps[] . Configure the output. {beatname_uc} supports a variety of <>, but typically you'll either send events directly to {es}, or to {ls} for additional processing. + To send output directly to {es} (without using {ls}), set the location of the {es} installation: + -- endif::[] * If you're running our https://www.elastic.co/cloud/elasticsearch-service[hosted {es} Service] on Elastic Cloud, specify your <>. For example: + [source,yaml] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cloud.id: "staging:dXMtZWFzdC0xLmF3cy5mb3VuZC5pbyRjZWM2ZjI2MWE3NGJmMjRjZTMzYmI4ODExYjg0Mjk0ZiRjNmMyY2E2ZDA0MjI0OWFmMGNjN2Q3YTllOTYyNTc0Mw==" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * If you're running {es} on your own hardware, set the host and port where {beatname_uc} can find the {es} installation. For example: + [source,yaml] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- output.elasticsearch: hosts: ["myEShost:9200"] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ifndef::has_module_steps[] -- + ifeval::["{beatname_lc}"!="filebeat" and "{beatname_lc}"!="winlogbeat"] To send output to {ls}, <> instead. For all other outputs, see <>. endif::[] ifeval::[("{beatname_lc}"=="filebeat") or ("{beatname_lc}"=="winlogbeat")] To send output to {ls}, make sure you configure the Logstash output in <>. For all other outputs, see <>. endif::[] endif::[]