*Before you begin*: If you haven't installed the {stack}, do that now. See {stack-gs}/get-started-elastic-stack.html[Getting started with the {stack}]. ifndef::no-docker[] To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your system (<> for Debian/Ubuntu, <> for Redhat/Centos/Fedora, <> for OS X, <> for any Docker platform, and <> for Windows). endif::[] ifdef::no-docker[] To download and install {beatname_uc}, use the commands that work with your system (<> for Debian/Ubuntu, <> for Redhat/Centos/Fedora, <> for OS X, and <> for Windows). endif::[] [NOTE] ================================================== If you use Apt or Yum, you can <> to update to the newest version more easily. See our https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/{beatname_lc}[download page] for other installation options, such as 32-bit images. ==================================================