ifndef::no-docker[] To configure {beatname_uc}, you edit the configuration file. For rpm and deb, you'll find the configuration file at +/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml+. Under Docker, it's located at +/usr/share/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml+. For mac and win, look in the archive that you just extracted. endif::[] ifdef::no-docker[] To configure {beatname_uc}, you edit the configuration file. For rpm and deb, you'll find the configuration file at +/etc/{beatname_lc}/{beatname_lc}.yml+. For mac and win, look in the archive that you just extracted. endif::[] ifeval::["{beatname_lc}"!="apm-server"] There’s also a full example configuration file called +{beatname_lc}.reference.yml+ that shows all non-deprecated options. endif::[] TIP: See the {libbeat}/config-file-format.html[Config File Format] section of the _Beats Platform Reference_ for more about the structure of the config file.