[role="xpack"] [[securing-beats]] == Configure {beatname_uc} to use {security} ++++ Use {security} ++++ If you want {beatname_uc} to connect to a cluster that has {securitydoc}/xpack-security.html[{security}] enabled, there are extra configuration steps: . <>. + ifeval::["{beatname_lc}"=="filebeat"] To send data to a secured cluster through the `elasticsearch` output, {beatname_uc} needs to authenticate as a user who can manage index templates, monitor the cluster, create indices, read and write to the indices it creates, and manage ingest pipelines. endif::[] ifeval::["{beatname_lc}"!="filebeat"] To send data to a secured cluster through the `elasticsearch` output, {beatname_uc} needs to authenticate as a user who can manage index templates, monitor the cluster, create indices, and read and write to the indices it creates. endif::[] . <>. + To search the indexed {beatname_uc} data and visualize it in {kib}, users need access to the indices {beatname_uc} creates. . <>. + If encryption is enabled on the cluster, you need to enable HTTPS in the {beatname_uc} configuration. . <>. + {beatname_uc} uses the +{beat_monitoring_user}+ user to send monitoring data to {es}. If you plan to monitor {beatname_uc} in {kib} and have not yet set up the password, set it up now. For more information about {security}, see {xpack-ref}/xpack-security.html[Securing the {stack}]. [float] === {beatname_uc} features that require authorization After securing {beatname_uc}, make sure your users have the roles (or associated privileges) required to use these {beatname_uc} features. You must create the ++{beat_default_index_prefix}_writer++ and ++{beat_default_index_prefix}_reader++ roles (see <> and <>). ifdef::has_ml_jobs[] The `machine_learning_admin` and `kibana_user` roles are {xpack-ref}/built-in-roles.html[built-in]. endif::[] ifndef::has_ml_jobs[] The `kibana_user` role is {xpack-ref}/built-in-roles.html[built-in]. endif::[] [options="header"] |======= |Feature | Role |Send data to a secured cluster | ++{beat_default_index_prefix}_writer++ ifeval::["{beatname_lc}"=="filebeat"] |Run Filebeat modules | ++{beat_default_index_prefix}_writer++ endif::[] |Load index templates | ++{beat_default_index_prefix}_writer++ and `kibana_user` |Load {beatname_uc} dashboards into {kib} | ++{beat_default_index_prefix}_writer++ and `kibana_user` ifdef::has_ml_jobs[] |Load machine learning jobs | `machine_learning_admin` endif::[] |Read indices created by {beatname_uc} | ++{beat_default_index_prefix}_reader++ |View {beatname_uc} dashboards in {kib} | `kibana_user` |======= include::basic-auth.asciidoc[] include::user-access.asciidoc[] include::tls.asciidoc[] include::beats-system.asciidoc[]