////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// This content is shared by all Elastic Beats. Make sure you keep the //// descriptions here generic enough to work for all Beats that include //// this file. When using cross references, make sure that the cross //// references resolve correctly for any files that include this one. //// Use the appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to //// resolve Beat names: beatname_uc and beatname_lc. //// Use the following include to pull this content into a doc file: //// include::../../libbeat/docs/monitoring/configuring.asciidoc[] //// Make sure this content appears below a level 2 heading. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [[configuration-monitor]] == Monitoring configuration options ++++ Configuration options ++++ You can specify the following options in the `xpack.monitoring` section of the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ config file: [float] === `enabled` The `enabled` config is a boolean setting to enable or disable {monitoring}. If set to `true`, monitoring is enabled. The default value is `false`. [float] === `elasticsearch` The {es} instances that you want to ship your {beatname_uc} metrics to. This configuration option contains the following fields: [float] ==== `bulk_max_size` The maximum number of metrics to bulk in a single {es} bulk API index request. The default is `50`. For more information, see <>. [float] ==== `backoff.init` The number of seconds to wait before trying to reconnect to Elasticsearch after a network error. After waiting `backoff.init` seconds, {beatname_uc} tries to reconnect. If the attempt fails, the backoff timer is increased exponentially up to `backoff.max`. After a successful connection, the backoff timer is reset. The default is 1s. [float] ===== `backoff.max` The maximum number of seconds to wait before attempting to connect to Elasticsearch after a network error. The default is 60s. [float] ==== `compression_level` The gzip compression level. Setting this value to `0` disables compression. The compression level must be in the range of `1` (best speed) to `9` (best compression). The default value is `0`. Increasing the compression level reduces the network usage but increases the CPU usage. [float] ==== `headers` Custom HTTP headers to add to each request. For more information, see <>. [float] ==== `hosts` The list of {es} nodes to connect to. Monitoring metrics are distributed to these nodes in round robin order. For more information, see <>. [float] ==== `max_retries` The number of times to retry sending the monitoring metrics after a failure. After the specified number of retries, the metrics are typically dropped. The default value is `3`. For more information, see <>. [float] ==== `parameters` Dictionary of HTTP parameters to pass within the url with index operations. [float] ==== `password` The password that {beatname_uc} uses to authenticate with the {es} instances for shipping monitoring data. [float] ==== `metrics.period` The time interval (in seconds) when metrics are sent to the {es} cluster. A new snapshot of {beatname_uc} metrics is generated and scheduled for publishing each period. The default value is 10 * time.Second. [float] ==== `state.period` The time interval (in seconds) when state information are sent to the {es} cluster. A new snapshot of {beatname_uc} state is generated and scheduled for publishing each period. The default value is 60 * time.Second. [float] ==== `protocol` The name of the protocol to use when connecting to the {es} cluster. The options are: `http` or `https`. The default is `http`. If you specify a URL for `hosts`, however, the value of protocol is overridden by the scheme you specify in the URL. [float] ==== `proxy_url` The URL of the proxy to use when connecting to the {es} cluster. For more information, see <>. [float] ==== `timeout` The HTTP request timeout in seconds for the {es} request. The default is `90`. [float] ==== `ssl` Configuration options for Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) parameters like the certificate authority (CA) to use for HTTPS-based connections. If the `ssl` section is missing, the host CAs are used for HTTPS connections to {es}. For more information, see <>. [float] ==== `username` The user ID that {beatname_uc} uses to authenticate with the {es} instances for shipping monitoring data.