////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// This content is shared by all Elastic Beats. Make sure you keep the //// descriptions here generic enough to work for all Beats that include //// this file. When using cross references, make sure that the cross //// references resolve correctly for any files that include this one. //// Use the appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to //// resolve Beat names: beatname_uc and beatname_lc. //// Use the following include to pull this content into a doc file: //// include::../../libbeat/docs/monitoring/configuring.asciidoc[] //// Make sure this content appears below a level 2 heading. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [role="xpack"] [[monitoring]] = Monitoring {beatname_uc} [partintro] -- NOTE: {monitoring} for {beatname_uc} requires {es} {beat_monitoring_version} or later. {monitoring} enables you to easily monitor {beatname_uc} from {kib}. For more information, see {xpack-ref}/xpack-monitoring.html[Monitoring the Elastic Stack] and {kibana-ref}/beats-page.html[Beats Monitoring Metrics]. To configure {beatname_uc} to collect and send monitoring metrics: . Create a user that has appropriate authority to send system-level monitoring data to {es}. For example, you can use the built-in +{beat_monitoring_user}+ user or assign the built-in +{beat_monitoring_user}+ role to another user. For more information, see {xpack-ref}/setting-up-authentication.html[Setting Up User Authentication] and {xpack-ref}/built-in-roles.html[Built-in Roles]. . Add the `xpack.monitoring` settings in the {beatname_uc} configuration file. If you configured {es} output, specify the following minimal configuration: + -- [source, yml] -------------------- xpack.monitoring.enabled: true -------------------- If you configured a different output, such as {ls}, you must specify additional configuration options. For example: ["source","yml",subs="attributes"] -------------------- xpack.monitoring: enabled: true elasticsearch: hosts: ["https://example.com:9200", "https://example2.com:9200"] username: {beat_monitoring_user} password: somepassword -------------------- NOTE: Currently you must send monitoring data to the same cluster as all other events. If you configured {es} output, do not specify additional hosts in the monitoring configuration. -- . {kibana-ref}/monitoring-xpack-kibana.html[Configure monitoring in {kib}]. . To verify your monitoring configuration, point your web browser at your {kib} host, and select Monitoring from the side navigation. Metrics reported from {beatname_uc} should be visible in the Beats section. When {security} is enabled, to view the monitoring dashboards you must log in to {kib} as a user who has the `kibana_user` and `monitoring_user` roles. -- include::shared-monitor-config.asciidoc[]