/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * Contains some contributions under the Thrift Software License. * Please see doc/old-thrift-license.txt in the Thrift distribution for * details. */ namespace c_glib TTest namespace java thrift.test namespace cpp thrift.test namespace rb Thrift.Test namespace perl ThriftTest namespace csharp Thrift.Test namespace js ThriftTest namespace st ThriftTest namespace py ThriftTest namespace py.twisted ThriftTest namespace go ThriftTest namespace php ThriftTest namespace delphi Thrift.Test namespace cocoa ThriftTest // Presence of namespaces and sub-namespaces for which there is // no generator should compile with warnings only namespace noexist ThriftTest namespace cpp.noexist ThriftTest /** * Docstring! */ enum Numberz { ONE = 1, TWO, THREE, FIVE = 5, SIX, EIGHT = 8 } // const Numberz myNumberz = Numberz.ONE; // the following is expected to fail: // const Numberz urNumberz = ONE; typedef i64 UserId struct Bonk { 1: string message, 2: i32 type } typedef map MapType struct Bools { 1: bool im_true, 2: bool im_false, } struct Xtruct { 1: string string_thing, 4: byte byte_thing, 9: i32 i32_thing, 11: i64 i64_thing } struct Xtruct2 { 1: byte byte_thing, 2: Xtruct struct_thing, 3: i32 i32_thing } struct Xtruct3 { 1: string string_thing, 4: i32 changed, 9: i32 i32_thing, 11: i64 i64_thing } struct Insanity { 1: map userMap, 2: list xtructs } struct CrazyNesting { 1: string string_field, 2: optional set set_field, 3: required list< map,map>>>>> list_field, 4: binary binary_field } exception Xception { 1: i32 errorCode, 2: string message } exception Xception2 { 1: i32 errorCode, 2: Xtruct struct_thing } struct EmptyStruct {} struct OneField { 1: EmptyStruct field } service ThriftTest { /** * Prints "testVoid()" and returns nothing. */ void testVoid(), /** * Prints 'testString("%s")' with thing as '%s' * @param string thing - the string to print * @return string - returns the string 'thing' */ string testString(1: string thing), /** * Prints 'testByte("%d")' with thing as '%d' * @param byte thing - the byte to print * @return byte - returns the byte 'thing' */ byte testByte(1: byte thing), /** * Prints 'testI32("%d")' with thing as '%d' * @param i32 thing - the i32 to print * @return i32 - returns the i32 'thing' */ i32 testI32(1: i32 thing), /** * Prints 'testI64("%d")' with thing as '%d' * @param i64 thing - the i64 to print * @return i64 - returns the i64 'thing' */ i64 testI64(1: i64 thing), /** * Prints 'testDouble("%f")' with thing as '%f' * @param double thing - the double to print * @return double - returns the double 'thing' */ double testDouble(1: double thing), /** * Prints 'testStruct("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of comma separated values * @param Xtruct thing - the Xtruct to print * @return Xtruct - returns the Xtruct 'thing' */ Xtruct testStruct(1: Xtruct thing), /** * Prints 'testNest("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of the nested struct * @param Xtruct2 thing - the Xtruct2 to print * @return Xtruct2 - returns the Xtruct2 'thing' */ Xtruct2 testNest(1: Xtruct2 thing), /** * Prints 'testMap("{%s")' where thing has been formatted into a string of 'key => value' pairs * separated by commas and new lines * @param map thing - the map to print * @return map - returns the map 'thing' */ map testMap(1: map thing), /** * Prints 'testStringMap("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of 'key => value' pairs * separated by commas and new lines * @param map thing - the map to print * @return map - returns the map 'thing' */ map testStringMap(1: map thing), /** * Prints 'testSet("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of values * separated by commas and new lines * @param set thing - the set to print * @return set - returns the set 'thing' */ set testSet(1: set thing), /** * Prints 'testList("{%s}")' where thing has been formatted into a string of values * separated by commas and new lines * @param list thing - the list to print * @return list - returns the list 'thing' */ list testList(1: list thing), /** * Prints 'testEnum("%d")' where thing has been formatted into it's numeric value * @param Numberz thing - the Numberz to print * @return Numberz - returns the Numberz 'thing' */ Numberz testEnum(1: Numberz thing), /** * Prints 'testTypedef("%d")' with thing as '%d' * @param UserId thing - the UserId to print * @return UserId - returns the UserId 'thing' */ UserId testTypedef(1: UserId thing), /** * Prints 'testMapMap("%d")' with hello as '%d' * @param i32 hello - the i32 to print * @return map> - returns a dictionary with these values: * {-4 => {-4 => -4, -3 => -3, -2 => -2, -1 => -1, }, 4 => {1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, }, } */ map> testMapMap(1: i32 hello), /** * So you think you've got this all worked, out eh? * * Creates a the returned map with these values and prints it out: * { 1 => { 2 => argument, * 3 => argument, * }, * 2 => { 6 => , }, * } * @return map> - a map with the above values */ map> testInsanity(1: Insanity argument), /** * Prints 'testMulti()' * @param byte arg0 - * @param i32 arg1 - * @param i64 arg2 - * @param map arg3 - * @param Numberz arg4 - * @param UserId arg5 - * @return Xtruct - returns an Xtruct with string_thing = "Hello2, byte_thing = arg0, i32_thing = arg1 * and i64_thing = arg2 */ Xtruct testMulti(1: byte arg0, 2: i32 arg1, 3: i64 arg2, 4: map arg3, 5: Numberz arg4, 6: UserId arg5), /** * Print 'testException(%s)' with arg as '%s' * @param string arg - a string indication what type of exception to throw * if arg == "Xception" throw Xception with errorCode = 1001 and message = arg * elsen if arg == "TException" throw TException * else do not throw anything */ void testException(1: string arg) throws(1: Xception err1), /** * Print 'testMultiException(%s, %s)' with arg0 as '%s' and arg1 as '%s' * @param string arg - a string indication what type of exception to throw * if arg0 == "Xception" throw Xception with errorCode = 1001 and message = "This is an Xception" * elsen if arg0 == "Xception2" throw Xception2 with errorCode = 2002 and message = "This is an Xception2" * else do not throw anything * @return Xtruct - an Xtruct with string_thing = arg1 */ Xtruct testMultiException(1: string arg0, 2: string arg1) throws(1: Xception err1, 2: Xception2 err2) /** * Print 'testOneway(%d): Sleeping...' with secondsToSleep as '%d' * sleep 'secondsToSleep' * Print 'testOneway(%d): done sleeping!' with secondsToSleep as '%d' * @param i32 secondsToSleep - the number of seconds to sleep */ oneway void testOneway(1:i32 secondsToSleep) } service SecondService { void blahBlah() } struct VersioningTestV1 { 1: i32 begin_in_both, 3: string old_string, 12: i32 end_in_both } struct VersioningTestV2 { 1: i32 begin_in_both, 2: i32 newint, 3: byte newbyte, 4: i16 newshort, 5: i64 newlong, 6: double newdouble 7: Bonk newstruct, 8: list newlist, 9: set newset, 10: map newmap, 11: string newstring, 12: i32 end_in_both } struct ListTypeVersioningV1 { 1: list myints; 2: string hello; } struct ListTypeVersioningV2 { 1: list strings; 2: string hello; } struct GuessProtocolStruct { 7: map map_field, } struct LargeDeltas { 1: Bools b1, 10: Bools b10, 100: Bools b100, 500: bool check_true, 1000: Bools b1000, 1500: bool check_false, 2000: VersioningTestV2 vertwo2000, 2500: set a_set2500, 3000: VersioningTestV2 vertwo3000, 4000: list big_numbers } struct NestedListsI32x2 { 1: list> integerlist } struct NestedListsI32x3 { 1: list>> integerlist } struct NestedMixedx2 { 1: list> int_set_list 2: map> map_int_strset 3: list>> map_int_strset_list } struct ListBonks { 1: list bonk } struct NestedListsBonk { 1: list>> bonk } struct BoolTest { 1: optional bool b = true; 2: optional string s = "true"; } struct StructA { 1: required string s; } struct StructB { 1: optional StructA aa; 2: required StructA ab; }