from base import BaseTest import json import os import shutil import subprocess class Test(BaseTest): def test_base(self): """ Basic test with exiting Mockbeat normally """ self.render_config_template( ) proc = self.start_beat() self.wait_until(lambda: self.log_contains("mockbeat start running.")) proc.check_kill_and_wait() def test_no_config(self): """ Tests starting without a config """ exit_code = self.run_beat() assert exit_code == 1 assert self.log_contains("error loading config file") is True def test_invalid_config(self): """ Checks stop on invalid config """ shutil.copy(self.beat_path + "/tests/files/invalid.yml", os.path.join(self.working_dir, "invalid.yml")) exit_code = self.run_beat(config="invalid.yml") assert exit_code == 1 assert self.log_contains("error loading config file") is True def test_invalid_config_cli_param(self): """ Checks CLI overwrite actually overwrites some config variable by writing an invalid value. """ self.render_config_template( console={"pretty": "false"} ) # first run with default config, validating config being # actually correct. proc = self.start_beat() self.wait_until(lambda: self.log_contains("mockbeat start running.")) proc.check_kill_and_wait() # start beat with invalid config setting on command line exit_code = self.run_beat( extra_args=["-d", "config", "-E", "output.console=invalid"]) assert exit_code == 1 assert self.log_contains("error unpacking config data") is True def test_config_test(self): """ Checks if -configtest works as expected """ shutil.copy(self.beat_path + "/_meta/config.yml", os.path.join(self.working_dir, "libbeat.yml")) with open(self.working_dir + "/mockbeat.template.json", "w") as f: f.write('{"template": true}') with open(self.working_dir + "/mockbeat.template-es2x.json", "w") as f: f.write('{"template": true}') exit_code = self.run_beat( config="libbeat.yml", extra_args=["-configtest", "-path.config", self.working_dir]) assert exit_code == 0 assert self.log_contains("Config OK") is True def test_invalid_config_with_removed_settings(self): """ Checks if libbeat fails to load if removed settings have been used: """ self.render_config_template(console={"pretty": "false"}) exit_code = self.run_beat(extra_args=[ "-E", "queue_size=2048", "-E", "bulk_queue_size=1", ]) assert exit_code == 1 assert self.log_contains("setting 'queue_size' has been removed") assert self.log_contains("setting 'bulk_queue_size' has been removed") def test_version_simple(self): """ Tests -version prints a version and exits. """ self.start_beat(extra_args=["-version"]).check_wait() assert self.log_contains("beat version") is True def test_version(self): """ Checks if version param works """ args = [self.beat_path + "/libbeat.test"] args.extend(["-version", "-e", "-systemTest", "-v", "-d", "*", "-test.coverprofile", os.path.join(self.working_dir, "coverage.cov") ]) assert self.log_contains("error loading config file") is False with open(os.path.join(self.working_dir, "mockbeat.log"), "wb") \ as outputfile: proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=outputfile, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) exit_code = proc.wait() assert exit_code == 0 assert self.log_contains("mockbeat") is True assert self.log_contains("version") is True assert self.log_contains("9.9.9") is True def test_console_output_timed_flush(self): """ outputs/console - timed flush """ self.render_config_template( console={"pretty": "false"} ) proc = self.start_beat(logging_args=["-e"]) self.wait_until(lambda: self.log_contains("Mockbeat is alive"), max_timeout=2) proc.check_kill_and_wait() def test_console_output_size_flush(self): """ outputs/console - size based flush """ self.render_config_template( console={ "pretty": "false", "bulk_max_size": 1, } ) proc = self.start_beat(logging_args=["-e"]) self.wait_until(lambda: self.log_contains("Mockbeat is alive"), max_timeout=2) proc.check_kill_and_wait() def test_logging_metrics(self): self.render_config_template( metrics_period="0.1s" ) proc = self.start_beat(logging_args=["-e"]) self.wait_until( lambda: self.log_contains("Non-zero metrics in the last 100ms"), max_timeout=2) proc.check_kill_and_wait() self.wait_until( lambda: self.log_contains("Total non-zero metrics"), max_timeout=2) def test_persistent_uuid(self): self.render_config_template() # run starts and kills the beat, reading the meta file while # the beat is alive def run(): proc = self.start_beat(extra_args=["-path.home", self.working_dir]) self.wait_until(lambda: self.log_contains("Mockbeat is alive"), max_timeout=2) # open meta file before killing the beat, checking the file being # available right after startup metaFile = os.path.join(self.working_dir, "data", "meta.json") with open(metaFile) as f: meta = json.loads( proc.check_kill_and_wait() return meta meta0 = run() assert self.log_contains("Beat UUID: {}".format(meta0["uuid"])) # remove log, restart beat and check meta file did not change # and same UUID is used in log output. os.remove(os.path.join(self.working_dir, "mockbeat.log")) meta1 = run() assert self.log_contains("Beat UUID: {}".format(meta1["uuid"])) # check meta file did not change between restarts assert meta0 == meta1