[[filebeat-modules-overview]] == Modules overview {beatname_uc} modules simplify the collection, parsing, and visualization of common log formats. A typical module (say, for the Nginx logs) is composed of one or more filesets (in the case of Nginx, `access` and `error`). A fileset contains the following: * {beatname_uc} input configurations, which contain the default paths where to look or the log files. These default paths depend on the operating system. The {beatname_uc} configuration is also responsible with stitching together multiline events when needed. * Elasticsearch {elasticsearch}/ingest.html[Ingest Node] pipeline definition, which is used to parse the log lines. * Fields definitions, which are used to configure Elasticsearch with the correct types for each field. They also contain short descriptions for each of the fields. * Sample Kibana dashboards, when available, that can be used to visualize the log files. {beatname_uc} automatically adjusts these configurations based on your environment and loads them to the respective Elastic stack components. NOTE: At the moment, {beatname_uc} modules require using the Elasticsearch {elasticsearch}/ingest.html[Ingest Node]. In the future, {beatname_uc} modules will be able to also configure Logstash as a more powerful alternative to Ingest Node. For now, if you want to use Logstash, you can follow the steps described in the section called {logstashdoc}/filebeat-modules.html[Working with {beatname_uc} Modules] in the Logstash Reference. {beatname_uc} modules require Elasticsearch 5.2 or later. [float] === Get started To learn how to configure and run {beatname_uc} modules: * Get started by reading <>. * Learn about the different ways to enable modules in <>. * Dive into the documentation for each module.