[[auditbeat-breaking-changes]] == Breaking changes in 6.2 As a general rule, we strive to keep backwards compatibility between minor versions (e.g. 6.x to 6.y) so you can upgrade without any configuration file changes, but there are breaking changes between the earlier beta releases and the 6.2 GA release. There are changes that affect both the configuration and the event schema. [float] === Configuration Changes The audit module has been renamed and is now two separate modules: the <> and the <>. You must update your configuration to use these modules. The `kernel` metricset has become the <>. .Old Config [source,yaml] ---- - module: audit metricsets: ["kernel"] kernel.resolve_ids: true kernel.failure_mode: silent kernel.backlog_limit: 8196 kernel.rate_limit: 0 kernel.include_raw_message: false kernel.include_warnings: false kernel.audit_rules: | # Rules ---- .New Config [source,yaml] ---- - module: auditd resolve_ids: true failure_mode: silent backlog_limit: 8196 rate_limit: 0 include_raw_message: false include_warnings: false audit_rules: | # Rules ---- The `file` metricset has become the <>. .Old Config [source,yaml] ---- - module: audit metricsets: [file] file.paths: - /bin - /usr/bin - /sbin - /usr/sbin - /etc file.scan_at_start: true file.scan_rate_per_sec: 50 MiB file.max_file_size: 100 MiB file.hash_types: [sha1] ---- .New Config [source,yaml] ---- - module: file_integrity paths: - /bin - /usr/bin - /sbin - /usr/sbin - /etc scan_at_start: true scan_rate_per_sec: 50 MiB max_file_size: 100 MiB hash_types: [sha1] recursive: false <1> ---- <1> `recursive` is a new option in 6.2 and is disabled by default. Set the value to true to watch for changes in all sub-directories. [float] === Event Schema Changes Most field names were changed in 6.2. We wanted to rename the modules and use common field names for similar data types across all the modules. The table below provides a summary of the field changes. In Kibana you need to <> the latest dashboards that work with the new event format. The new dashboards will not work with data produced by older versions of Auditbeat. .Renamed Fields [frame="topbot",options="header"] |====================== |Old Field|New Field |`metricset.module` |`event.module` |`metricset.name` |_Removed_ |`audit.kernel.action` |`event.action` |`audit.kernel.category` |`event.category` |`audit.kernel.record_type`|`event.type` |`audit.kernel.key` |`tags` |`audit.kernel.actor.attrs`|`user` |`audit.kernel.actor` |`auditd.summary.actor` |`audit.kernel.thing` |`auditd.summary.object` |`audit.kernel.how` |`auditd.summary.how` |`audit.kernel.socket` |`auditd.data.socket`, `source`, `destination` footnote:[Based on the syscall type either the `source` or `destination` may also be populated.] |`audit.kernel.data.*` |`process.*` footnote:[Fields related to a process will be moved under the `process` namespace.] |`audit.kernel.data.*` |`file.*` footnote:[Fields related to a file will be moved under the `file` namespace.] |`audit.kernel.data` |`auditd.data` |`audit.file.action` |`event.action` |`audit.file.hash` |`hash` |`audit.file` |`file` |======================