:type: redis

=== Redis input



Use the `redis` input to read entries from Redis slowlogs.

Example configuration:

- type: redis
  hosts: ["localhost:6379"]
  password: "$\{redis_pwd\}"

==== Configuration options

The `redis` input supports the following configuration options plus the
<<{beatname_lc}-input-{type}-common-options>> described later.

===== `hosts`

The list of Redis hosts to connect to.

===== `password`

The password to use when connecting to Redis.

===== `scan_frequency`

How often {beatname_uc} reads entries from Redis slowlogs. Specify `1s` to scan
Redis as frequently as possible without causing {beatname_uc} to scan too
frequently. Do not set this value to less than `1s`.

The default is `10s`.

IMPORTANT: Redis slowlogs are not permanent. To ensure that all slowlog entries
are collected, set `scan_frequency` to a value that allows {beatname_uc}
sufficient time to connect to Redis, query the logs, and buffer them to the
output within the specified interval.

===== `timeout`

How long to wait for a response from Redis before the input returns an error.
The default is `1s`.

===== `network`

The network type to use for the Redis connection. Valid settings include: `tcp`,
`tcp4`, `tcp6`, and `unix`. The default is `tcp`.

===== `maxconn`

The maximum number of concurrent connections. The default is `10`.

