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2018-11-18 11:08:38 +01:00
== Load the Elasticsearch index template
The `setup.template` section of the +{beatname_lc}.yml+ config file specifies
the {elasticsearch}/indices-templates.html[index template] to use for setting
mappings in Elasticsearch. If template loading is enabled (the default),
{beatname_uc} loads the index template automatically after successfully
connecting to Elasticsearch.
NOTE: A connection to Elasticsearch is required to load the index template. If
the output is Logstash, you must <<load-template-manually,load the template
You can adjust the following settings to load your own template or overwrite an
existing one.
*`setup.template.enabled`*:: Set to false to disable template loading. If set this to false,
you must <<load-template-manually,load the template manually>>.
*``*:: The name of the template. The default is
+{beatname_lc}+. The {beatname_uc} version is always appended to the given
name, so the final name is +{beatname_lc}-%\{[beat.version]\}+.
// Maintainers: a backslash character is required to escape curly braces and
// asterisks in inline code examples that contain asciidoc attributes. You'll
// note that a backslash does not appear before the asterisk
// in +{beatname_lc}-%\{[beat.version]\}-*+. This is intentional and formats
// the example as expected.
*`setup.template.pattern`*:: The template pattern to apply to the default index
settings. The default pattern is +{beat_default_index_prefix}-\*+. The {beatname_uc} version is always
included in the pattern, so the final pattern is
+{beat_default_index_prefix}-%\{[beat.version]\}-*+. The wildcard character `-*` is used to
match all daily indices.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- "{beatname_lc}"
setup.template.pattern: "{beat_default_index_prefix}-*"
*`setup.template.fields`*:: The path to the YAML file describing the fields. The default is +fields.yml+. If a
relative path is set, it is considered relative to the config path. See the <<directory-layout>>
section for details.
*`setup.template.overwrite`*:: A boolean that specifies whether to overwrite the existing template. The default
is false.
*`setup.template.settings`*:: A dictionary of settings to place into the `settings.index` dictionary of the
Elasticsearch template. For more details about the available Elasticsearch mapping options, please
see the Elasticsearch {elasticsearch}/mapping.html[mapping reference].
---------------------------------------------------------------------- "{beatname_lc}"
setup.template.fields: "fields.yml"
setup.template.overwrite: false
index.number_of_shards: 1
index.number_of_replicas: 1
*`setup.template.settings._source`*:: A dictionary of settings for the `_source` field. For the available settings,
please see the Elasticsearch {elasticsearch}/mapping-source-field.html[reference].
---------------------------------------------------------------------- "{beatname_lc}"
setup.template.fields: "fields.yml"
setup.template.overwrite: false
_source.enabled: false
*`setup.template.append_fields`* experimental[]:: A list of fields to be added
to the template and {kib} index pattern. This setting adds new fields. It does
not overwrite or change existing fields.
This setting is useful when your data contains fields that {beatname_uc} doesn't
know about in advance.
For example, you might want to append fields to the template when you're using
a metricset, such as the <<metricbeat-metricset-http-json>>, and the full data
structure is not known in advance.
If `append_fields` is specified along with `overwrite: true`, {beatname_uc}
overwrites the existing template and applies the new template when creating new
indices. Existing indices are not affected. If you're running multiple
instances of {beatname_uc} with different `append_fields` settings, the last one
writing the template takes precedence.
Any changes to this setting also affect the {kib} index pattern.
Example config:
setup.template.overwrite: true
- name:
type: keyword
- name: test.hostname
type: long
*`setup.template.json.enabled`*:: Set to `true` to load a
JSON-based template file. Specify the path to your {es} index template file and
set the name of the template.
setup.template.json.enabled: true
setup.template.json.path: "template.json" "template-name
NOTE: If the JSON template is used, the `fields.yml` is skipped for the template