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2018-11-18 11:08:38 +01:00
== Use Linux Secure Computing Mode (seccomp)
On Linux 3.17 and later, {beatname_uc} can take advantage of secure computing
mode, also known as seccomp. Seccomp restricts the system calls that a process
can issue. Specifically {beatname_uc} can load a seccomp BPF filter at process
start-up that drops the privileges to invoke specific system calls. Once a
filter is loaded by the process it cannot be removed.
The kernel exposes a large number of system calls that are not used by
{beatname_uc}. By installing a seccomp filter, you can limit the total kernel
surface exposed to {beatname_uc} (principle of least privilege). This minimizes
the impact of unknown vulnerabilities that might be found in the process.
The filter is expressed as a Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) program. The BPF
program is generated based on a policy defined by {beatname_uc}. The policy
can be customized through configuration as well.
A seccomp policy is architecture specific due to the fact that system calls vary
by architecture. {beatname_uc} includes a whitelist seccomp policy for the
amd64 and 386 architectures. You can view those policies{doc-branch}/libbeat/common/seccomp[here].
=== Seccomp Policy Configuration
The seccomp policy can be customized through the configuration policy. This is
an example blacklist policy that prohibits `execve`, `execveat`, `fork`, and
`vfork` syscalls.
default_action: allow <1>
- action: errno <2>
names: <3>
- execve
- execveat
- fork
- vfork
<1> If the system call being invoked by the process does not match one of the
names below then it will be allowed.
<2> If the system call being invoked matches one of the names below then an
error will be returned to caller. This is known as a blacklist policy.
<3> These are system calls being prohibited.
These are the configuration options for a seccomp policy.
*`enabled`*:: On Linux, this option is enabled by default. To disable seccomp
filter loading, set this option to `false`.
*`default_action`*:: The default action to take when none of the defined system
calls match. See <<seccomp-policy-config-action,action>> for the full list of
values. This is required.
*`syscalls`*:: Each object in this list must contain an `action` and a list of
system call `names`. The list must contain at least one item.
*`names`*:: A list of system call names. The system call name must exist for
the runtime architecture, otherwise an error will be logged and the filter will
not be installed. At least one system call must be defined.
*`action`*:: The action to take when any of the system calls listed in `names`
is executed. This is required. These are the available action values. The
actions that are available depend on the kernel version.
- `errno` - The system call will return `EPERM` (permission denied) to the
- `trace` - The kernel will notify a `ptrace` tracer. If no tracer is present
then the system call fails with `ENOSYS` (function not implemented).
- `trap` - The kernel will send a `SIGSYS` signal to the calling thread and not
execute the system call. The Go runtime will exit.
- `kill_thread` - The kernel will immediately terminate the thread. Other
threads will continue to execute.
- `kill_process` - The kernel will terminate the process. Available in Linux
4.14 and later.
- `log` - The kernel will log the system call before executing it. Available in
Linux 4.14 and later. (This does not go to the Beat's log.)
- `allow` - The kernel will allow the system call to execute.
=== Auditbeat Reports Seccomp Violations
You can use Auditbeat to report any seccomp violations that occur on the system.
The kernel generates an event for each violation and Auditbeat reports the
event. The `event.action` value will be `violated-seccomp-policy` and the event
will contain information about the process and system call.