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== Getting started with Packetbeat
The best way to understand the value of a network packet analytics system like
Packetbeat is to try it on your own traffic.
* <<packetbeat-installation>>
* <<packetbeat-configuration>>
* <<packetbeat-template>>
* <<load-kibana-dashboards>>
* <<packetbeat-starting>>
* <<view-kibana-dashboards>>
* <<setup-repositories>>
=== Step 1: Install Packetbeat
Version {stack-version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
sudo apt-get install libpcap0.8
curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/packetbeat/packetbeat-{version}-amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i packetbeat-{version}-amd64.deb
Version {stack-version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
sudo yum install libpcap
curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/packetbeat/packetbeat-{version}-x86_64.rpm
sudo rpm -vi packetbeat-{version}-x86_64.rpm
Version {stack-version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
["source", "shell", subs="attributes"]
docker pull {dockerimage}
Version {stack-version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
curl -L -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/packetbeat/packetbeat-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
tar xzvf packetbeat-{version}-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz
Version {stack-version} of {beatname_uc} has not yet been released.
. Download and install WinPcap from this
http://www.winpcap.org/install/default.htm[page]. WinPcap is a library that uses
a driver to enable packet capturing.
. Download the Packetbeat Windows zip file from the
https://www.elastic.co/downloads/beats/packetbeat[downloads page].
. Extract the contents of the zip file into `C:\Program Files`.
. Rename the `packetbeat-<version>-windows` directory to `Packetbeat`.
. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon and select *Run As Administrator*).
. From the PowerShell prompt, run the following commands to install Packetbeat as a Windows service:
PS > cd 'C:\Program Files\Packetbeat'
PS C:\Program Files\Packetbeat> .\install-service-packetbeat.ps1
NOTE: If script execution is disabled on your system, you need to set the execution policy for the current session to allow the script to run. For example: `PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy UnRestricted -File .\install-service-packetbeat.ps1`.
Before starting Packetbeat, you should look at the configuration options in the
configuration file, for example `C:\Program Files\Packetbeat\packetbeat.yml` or `/etc/packetbeat/packetbeat.yml`. For
more information about these options, see <<configuring-howto-packetbeat>>.
=== Step 2: Configure Packetbeat
To configure Packetbeat:
. Select the network interface from which to capture the traffic.
* On
Linux: Packetbeat supports capturing all messages sent or received by the
server on which Packetbeat is installed. For this, use `any` as the device:
packetbeat.interfaces.device: any
* On OS X, capturing from the `any` device doesn't work. You would
typically use either `lo0` or `en0` depending on which traffic you want to
* On Windows, run the following command to list the available network interfaces:
PS C:\Program Files\Packetbeat> .\packetbeat.exe devices
0: \Device\NPF_{113535AD-934A-452E-8D5F-3004797DE286} (Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Desktop Adapter)
In this example, there's only one network card, with the index 0, installed on the system. If
there are multiple network cards, remember the index of the device you want to use for
capturing the traffic.
Modify the `device` line to point to the index of the device:
packetbeat.interfaces.device: 0
. In the protocols section, configure the ports on which Packetbeat can find each
protocol. If you use any non-standard ports, add them here. Otherwise, the
default values should do just fine.
- type: dhcpv4
ports: [67, 68]
- type: dns
ports: [53]
include_authorities: true
include_additionals: true
- type: http
ports: [80, 8080, 8081, 5000, 8002]
- type: memcache
ports: [11211]
- type: mysql
ports: [3306]
- type: pgsql
ports: [5432]
- type: redis
ports: [6379]
- type: thrift
ports: [9090]
- type: mongodb
ports: [27017]
- type: cassandra
ports: [9042]
- type: tls
ports: [443]
:requires-sudo: yes
=== Step 3: Load the index template in Elasticsearch
:requires-sudo: yes
=== Step 4: Set up the Kibana dashboards
:requires-sudo: yes
=== Step 5: Start Packetbeat
Run Packetbeat by issuing the command that is appropriate for your platform. If
you are accessing a secured Elasticsearch cluster, make sure you've configured
credentials as described in <<{beatname_lc}-configuration>>.
NOTE: If you use an init.d script to start Packetbeat on deb or rpm, you can't
specify command line flags (see <<command-line-options>>). To specify flags,
start Packetbeat in the foreground.
sudo service {beatname_lc} start
sudo service {beatname_lc} start
docker run {dockerimage}
sudo chown root packetbeat.yml <1>
sudo ./packetbeat -e -c packetbeat.yml -d "publish"
<1> You'll be running Packetbeat as root, so you need to change ownership of the
configuration file, or run Packetbeat with `--strict.perms=false` specified. See
{libbeat}/config-file-permissions.html[Config File Ownership and Permissions]in
the _Beats Platform Reference_.
PS C:\Program Files\Packetbeat> Start-Service packetbeat
By default the log files are stored in `C:\ProgramData\packetbeat\Logs`.
==== Test the Packetbeat installation
Packetbeat is now ready to capture data from your network traffic. You can test
that it works by creating a simple HTTP request. For example:
curl http://www.elastic.co/ > /dev/null
Now verify that the data is present in Elasticsearch by issuing the following command:
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/packetbeat-*/_search?pretty'
Make sure that you replace `localhost:9200` with the address of your Elasticsearch
instance. The command should return data about the HTTP transaction you just created.
=== Step 6: View the sample Kibana dashboards
To make it easier for you to get application performance insights
from packet data, we have created example {beatname_uc} dashboards. You loaded
the dashboards earlier when you ran the `setup` command.
The dashboards are provided as examples. We recommend that you
{kibana-ref}/dashboard.html[customize] them to meet your needs.
image:./images/packetbeat-statistics.png[Packetbeat statistics]