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2018-11-18 11:08:38 +01:00
## Readme
Code generator for packetbeat tcp based protocol analyzers.
In order to create a new protocol analyzer, run inside your GOPATH where you
want to create the protocol analyzer (stand-alone, within packetbeat based
project or packetbeat itself):
python ${GOPATH}/src/
Note: If you have multiple go paths use `${GOPATH%%:*}`instead of `${GOPATH}`.
This requires [python]( to be installed.
## Tutorial (TODO):
### 1. Implement protocol analyzer for simple echo server based protocol:
- client: Send request to echo server. All requests must start with `>`
character and end with newline character `\n`
- server: Send echo response upon receiving a message. Echo response begins
with `<` character. Errors responses begin with `!` character. An error message
will be returned for any received request not starting with `>`.
- Echo Server sample code:
package main
Echo protocol test server listening on port 3030
First character in message indicates message type:
'>': request
'<': response
'!': error response
Sample test run:
$ nc localhost 3030
> 123456
< 123456
import (
func main() {
bind := ":3030"
server, err := net.Listen("tcp", bind)
if server == nil {
panic("couldn't start listening: " + err.Error())
for {
client, err := server.Accept()
if err != nil {
panic("failed accepting new client: " + err.Error())
go echo(client)
func echo(sock net.Conn) {
defer sock.Close()
in := bufio.NewReader(sock)
for {
line, err := in.ReadBytes('\n')
if err != nil {
if len(line) == 0 {
if line[0] == '>' {
line[0] = '<'
} else {
### 2.1 Add protocol analyzer (echo) to packetbeat:
Create analyzer skeleton from code generator template.
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/
$ python ${GOPATH}/src/
Load plugin into packetbeat by running `make update`. Or add `_
""` to the import list in
### 2.2 Standalone beat with protocol analyzer (echo):
Use packetbeat as framework to build custom beat (e.g. for testing) with
selected protocol plugins only. A protocol plugin can still be added to
packetbeat later by copying the final plugin to
`$GOPATH/src/` and importing module in
Create custom beat (e.g.<username>/pb_echo):
$ mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/<username>/pb_echo
$ cd ${GOPATH}/src/<username>/pb_echo
Add main.go importing packetbeat + new protocol (to be added to pb_echo/proto)
package main
import (
// import supported protocol modules
_ ""
var Name = "pb_echo"
// Setups and Runs Packetbeat
func main() {
if err := beat.Run(Name, "", beater.New); err != nil {
Create protocol analyzer module (use name echo for new protocol):
$ mkdir proto
$ cd proto
$ python ${GOPATH}/src/
### 3 Implement application layer analyzer
Protocol analyzer structure for `echo` module.
- `config.go`: protocol analyzer configuration options + validation
- `echo.go`: protocol analyzer module keeping track of state in TCP context
- `parser.go`: message parser implementation.
- `trans.go`: correlate messages into transactions. Simple implementation with
support for pipelining already provided.
- `pub.go`: create+publish events. Generic event fields are already set
Protocol analyzers to receive raw TCP payloads from packetbeat and must combine
and parse them into messages `parser.go`. The parser state is stored in
`connection`-struct in `echo.go`. Parsed messages are forwarded for merging with
previously parsed messages in same direction (for example if responses consist
of multiple messages being streamed) and correlation of requests and responses
(See `trans.go`). Some simple message correlation with pipelining support is
already provided. Once messages have been correlated a transaction event created
in `createEvent` (file `pub.go`) is published. Common event fields are already
populated by generated code. Do not remove these common event fields.
### 3.1 Add parser
Add code to parse message from network stream to `func (*parser) parse(...)`:
type message struct {
failed bool
content common.NetString
func (p *parser) parse() (*message, error) {
// wait for message being complete
buf, err := p.buf.CollectUntil([]byte{'\n'})
if err == streambuf.ErrNoMoreBytes {
return nil, nil
msg := p.message
msg.Size = uint64(p.buf.BufferConsumed())
isRequest := true
dir := applayer.NetOriginalDirection
if len(buf) > 0 {
c := buf[0]
isRequest = !(c == '<' || c == '!')
if !isRequest {
msg.failed = c == '!'
dir = applayer.NetReverseDirection
buf = buf[1:]
msg.content = common.NetString(buf)
msg.IsRequest = isRequest
msg.Direction = dir
return msg, nil
If possible you can use third-party libraries for parsing messages. This might require some more changes to the parser struct.
### 3.2 Add additional fields to transaction event
func (pub *transPub) createEvent(requ, resp *message) beat.Event {
status := common.OK_STATUS
if resp.failed {
status = common.ERROR_STATUS
// resp_time in milliseconds
responseTime := int32(resp.Ts.Sub(requ.Ts).Nanoseconds() / 1e6)
src := &common.Endpoint{
IP: requ.Tuple.SrcIP.String(),
Port: requ.Tuple.SrcPort,
Proc: string(requ.CmdlineTuple.Src),
dst := &common.Endpoint{
IP: requ.Tuple.DstIP.String(),
Port: requ.Tuple.DstPort,
Proc: string(requ.CmdlineTuple.Dst),
fields := common.MapStr{
"type": "echo",
"status": status,
"responsetime": responseTime,
"bytes_in": requ.Size,
"bytes_out": resp.Size,
"src": src,
"dst": dst,
// add processing notes/errors to event
if len(requ.Notes)+len(resp.Notes) > 0 {
fields["notes"] = append(requ.Notes, resp.Notes...)
if pub.sendRequest {
fields["request"] = requ.content
if pub.sendResponse {
fields["response"] = requ.content
return beat.Event{
Timestamp: requ.Ts,
Fields: fields,
### 4 (TODO) Add protocol analyzer module to config files
### 5 (TODO) Build kibana dashboard
### 6 Tips
- Prepare pcap (with tcpdump) for testing protocol analyzer during development
- At least add tests using pcaps to system/test.