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2018-11-18 11:08:38 +01:00
This file is generated! See _meta/fields.yml and scripts/
= Exported fields
This document describes the fields that are exported by Packetbeat. They are
grouped in the following categories:
* <<exported-fields-amqp>>
* <<exported-fields-beat>>
* <<exported-fields-cassandra>>
* <<exported-fields-cloud>>
* <<exported-fields-common>>
* <<exported-fields-dhcpv4>>
* <<exported-fields-dns>>
* <<exported-fields-docker-processor>>
* <<exported-fields-flows_event>>
* <<exported-fields-host-processor>>
* <<exported-fields-http>>
* <<exported-fields-icmp>>
* <<exported-fields-kubernetes-processor>>
* <<exported-fields-memcache>>
* <<exported-fields-mongodb>>
* <<exported-fields-mysql>>
* <<exported-fields-nfs>>
* <<exported-fields-pgsql>>
* <<exported-fields-raw>>
* <<exported-fields-redis>>
* <<exported-fields-thrift>>
* <<exported-fields-tls>>
* <<exported-fields-trans_event>>
* <<exported-fields-trans_measurements>>
== AMQP fields
AMQP specific event fields.
type: long
example: 404
AMQP reply code to an error, similar to http reply-code
type: keyword
Text explaining the error.
type: long
Failing method class.
type: long
Failing method ID.
type: keyword
Name of the exchange.
type: keyword
example: fanout
Exchange type.
type: boolean
If set, do not create exchange/queue.
type: boolean
If set, request a durable exchange/queue.
type: boolean
If set, request an exclusive queue.
type: boolean
If set, auto-delete queue when unused.
type: boolean
If set, the server will not respond to the method.
Identifier for the consumer, valid within the current channel.
type: long
The server-assigned and channel-specific delivery tag.
type: long
The number of messages in the queue, which will be zero for newly-declared queues.
type: long
The number of consumers of a queue.
type: keyword
Message routing key.
type: boolean
If set, the server does not expect acknowledgements for messages.
type: boolean
If set, the server will not send messages to the connection that published them.
type: boolean
Delete only if unused.
type: boolean
Delete only if empty.
type: keyword
The queue name identifies the queue within the vhost.
type: boolean
Indicates that the message has been previously delivered to this or another client.
type: boolean
Acknowledge multiple messages.
type: object
Optional additional arguments passed to some methods. Can be of various types.
type: boolean
Indicates mandatory routing.
type: boolean
Request immediate delivery.
type: keyword
example: text/plain
MIME content type.
type: keyword
MIME content encoding.
type: object
Message header field table.
type: keyword
Non-persistent (1) or persistent (2).
type: long
Message priority, 0 to 9.
type: keyword
Application correlation identifier.
type: keyword
Address to reply to.
type: keyword
Message expiration specification.
type: keyword
Application message identifier.
type: keyword
Message timestamp.
type: keyword
Message type name.
type: keyword
Creating user id.
type: keyword
Creating application id.
== Beat fields
Contains common beat fields available in all event types.
The name of the Beat sending the log messages. If the Beat name is set in the configuration file, then that value is used. If it is not set, the hostname is used. To set the Beat name, use the `name` option in the configuration file.
The hostname as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running.
The timezone as returned by the operating system on which the Beat is running.
The version of the beat that generated this event.
type: date
example: August 26th 2016, 12:35:53.332
format: date
required: True
The timestamp when the event log record was generated.
Arbitrary tags that can be set per Beat and per transaction type.
type: object
Contains user configurable fields.
== error fields
Error fields containing additional info in case of errors.
type: text
Error message.
type: long
Error code.
type: keyword
Error type.
== Cassandra fields
Cassandra v4/3 specific event fields.
== cassandra fields
Information about the Cassandra request and response.
== request fields
Cassandra request.
== headers fields
Cassandra request headers.
type: long
The version of the protocol.
type: keyword
Flags applying to this frame.
type: keyword
A frame has a stream id. If a client sends a request message with the stream id X, it is guaranteed that the stream id of the response to that message will be X.
type: keyword
An operation type that distinguishes the actual message.
type: long
A integer representing the length of the body of the frame (a frame is limited to 256MB in length).
type: keyword
The CQL query which client send to cassandra.
== response fields
Cassandra response.
== headers fields
Cassandra response headers, the structure is as same as request's header.
type: long
The version of the protocol.
type: keyword
Flags applying to this frame.
type: keyword
A frame has a stream id. If a client sends a request message with the stream id X, it is guaranteed that the stream id of the response to that message will be X.
type: keyword
An operation type that distinguishes the actual message.
type: long
A integer representing the length of the body of the frame (a frame is limited to 256MB in length).
== result fields
Details about the returned result.
type: keyword
Cassandra result type.
== rows fields
Details about the rows.
type: long
Representing the number of rows present in this result.
== meta fields
Composed of result metadata.
type: keyword
Only present after set Global_tables_spec, the keyspace name.
type: keyword
Only present after set Global_tables_spec, the table name.
type: keyword
Provides information on the formatting of the remaining information.
type: long
Representing the number of columns selected by the query that produced this result.
type: long
Representing the PK columns index and counts.
type: keyword
The paging_state is a bytes value that should be used in QUERY/EXECUTE to continue paging and retrieve the remainder of the result for this query.
type: keyword
Indicating the name of the keyspace that has been set.
== schema_change fields
The result to a schema_change message.
type: keyword
Representing the type of changed involved.
type: keyword
This describes which keyspace has changed.
type: keyword
This describes which table has changed.
type: keyword
This describes the name of said affected object (either the table, user type, function, or aggregate name).
type: keyword
Target could be "FUNCTION" or "AGGREGATE", multiple arguments.
type: keyword
The function/aggregate name.
type: keyword
One string for each argument type (as CQL type).
== prepared fields
The result to a PREPARE message.
type: keyword
Representing the prepared query ID.
== req_meta fields
This describes the request metadata.
type: keyword
Only present after set Global_tables_spec, the keyspace name.
type: keyword
Only present after set Global_tables_spec, the table name.
type: keyword
Provides information on the formatting of the remaining information.
type: long
Representing the number of columns selected by the query that produced this result.
type: long
Representing the PK columns index and counts.
type: keyword
The paging_state is a bytes value that should be used in QUERY/EXECUTE to continue paging and retrieve the remainder of the result for this query.
== resp_meta fields
This describes the metadata for the result set.
type: keyword
Only present after set Global_tables_spec, the keyspace name.
type: keyword
Only present after set Global_tables_spec, the table name.
type: keyword
Provides information on the formatting of the remaining information.
type: long
Representing the number of columns selected by the query that produced this result.
type: long
Representing the PK columns index and counts.
type: keyword
The paging_state is a bytes value that should be used in QUERY/EXECUTE to continue paging and retrieve the remainder of the result for this query.
type: object
Indicates which startup options are supported by the server. This message comes as a response to an OPTIONS message.
== authentication fields
Indicates that the server requires authentication, and which authentication mechanism to use.
type: keyword
Indicates the full class name of the IAuthenticator in use
type: keyword
The text of the warnings, only occur when Warning flag was set.
== event fields
Event pushed by the server. A client will only receive events for the types it has REGISTERed to.
type: keyword
Representing the event type.
type: keyword
The message corresponding respectively to the type of change followed by the address of the new/removed node.
type: keyword
Representing the node ip.
type: long
Representing the node port.
== schema_change fields
The events details related to schema change.
type: keyword
Representing the type of changed involved.
type: keyword
This describes which keyspace has changed.
type: keyword
This describes which table has changed.
type: keyword
This describes the name of said affected object (either the table, user type, function, or aggregate name).
type: keyword
Target could be "FUNCTION" or "AGGREGATE", multiple arguments.
type: keyword
The function/aggregate name.
type: keyword
One string for each argument type (as CQL type).
== error fields
Indicates an error processing a request. The body of the message will be an error code followed by a error message. Then, depending on the exception, more content may follow.
type: long
The error code of the Cassandra response.
type: keyword
The error message of the Cassandra response.
type: keyword
The error type of the Cassandra response.
== details fields
The details of the error.
type: keyword
Representing the consistency level of the query that triggered the exception.
type: long
Representing the number of nodes that should be alive to respect consistency level.
type: long
Representing the number of replicas that were known to be alive when the request had been processed (since an unavailable exception has been triggered).
type: long
Representing the number of nodes having acknowledged the request.
type: long
Representing the number of replicas whose acknowledgement is required to achieve consistency level.
type: keyword
Describe the type of the write that timed out.
type: boolean
It means the replica that was asked for data had responded.
type: keyword
The keyspace of the failed function.
type: keyword
The keyspace of the failed function.
type: keyword
Representing the unknown ID.
type: keyword
Representing the number of nodes that experience a failure while executing the request.
type: keyword
The name of the failed function.
type: keyword
One string for each argument type (as CQL type) of the failed function.
== Cloud provider metadata fields
Metadata from cloud providers added by the add_cloud_metadata processor.
example: ec2
Name of the cloud provider. Possible values are ec2, gce, or digitalocean.
Instance ID of the host machine.
Instance name of the host machine.
example: t2.medium
Machine type of the host machine.
example: us-east-1c
Availability zone in which this host is running.
example: project-x
Name of the project in Google Cloud.
Region in which this host is running.
== Common fields
These fields contain data about the environment in which the transaction or flow was captured.
The name of the server that served the transaction.
The name of the server that initiated the transaction.
The name of the logical service that served the transaction.
The name of the logical service that initiated the transaction.
format: dotted notation.
The IP address of the server that served the transaction.
format: dotted notation.
The IP address of the server that initiated the transaction.
format: Dotted notation.
If the server initiating the transaction is a proxy, this field contains the original client IP address. For HTTP, for example, the IP address extracted from a configurable HTTP header, by default `X-Forwarded-For`.
Unless this field is disabled, it always has a value, and it matches the `client_ip` for non proxy clients.
== client_geoip fields
The GeoIP information of the client.
type: geo_point
example: {'lat': 51, 'lon': 9}
The GeoIP location of the `client_ip` address. This field is available only if you define a[GeoIP Processor] as a pipeline in the[Ingest GeoIP processor plugin] or using Logstash.
format: dotted notation.
The layer 4 port of the process that initiated the transaction.
example: udp
The transport protocol used for the transaction. If not specified, then tcp is assumed.
required: True
The type of the transaction (for example, HTTP, MySQL, Redis, or RUM) or "flow" in case of flows.
format: dotted notation.
The layer 4 port of the process that served the transaction.
The name of the process that served the transaction.
The command-line of the process that served the transaction.
The name of the process that initiated the transaction.
The command-line of the process that initiated the transaction.
The software release of the service serving the transaction. This can be the commit id or a semantic version.
== DHCPv4 fields
DHCPv4 event fields
type: keyword
Transaction ID, a random number chosen by the
client, used by the client and server to associate
messages and responses between a client and a
type: long
Number of seconds elapsed since client began address acquisition or
renewal process.
type: keyword
Flags are set by the client to indicate how the DHCP server should
its reply -- either unicast or broadcast.
type: ip
The current IP address of the client.
type: ip
The IP address that the DHCP server is assigning to the client.
This field is also known as "your" IP address.
type: ip
The IP address of the DHCP server that the client should use for the
next step in the bootstrap process.
type: ip
The relay IP address used by the client to contact the server
(i.e. a DHCP relay server).
type: keyword
The client's MAC address (layer two).
type: keyword
The name of the server sending the message. Optional. Used in
type: keyword
example: bootreply
The message op code (bootrequest or bootreply).
type: long
The number of hops the DHCP message went through.
type: keyword
The type of hardware used for the local network (Ethernet,
LocalTalk, etc).
type: keyword
example: ack
The specific type of DHCP message being sent (e.g. discover,
offer, request, decline, ack, nak, release, inform).
type: keyword
This option is used by a DHCP client to request values for
specified configuration parameters.
type: ip
This option is used in a client request (DHCPDISCOVER) to allow
the client to request that a particular IP address be assigned.
type: ip
IP address of the individual DHCP server which handled this
type: ip
This option specifies the broadcast address in use on the
client's subnet.
type: long
This option specifies the maximum length DHCP message that the
client is willing to accept.
type: keyword
This option is used by DHCP clients to optionally identify the
vendor type and configuration of a DHCP client. Vendors may
choose to define specific vendor class identifiers to convey
particular configuration or other identification information
about a client. For example, the identifier may encode the
client's hardware configuration.
type: keyword
This option specifies the domain name that client should use
when resolving hostnames via the Domain Name System.
type: ip
The domain name server option specifies a list of Domain Name
System servers available to the client.
type: object
A DHCP client may use this option to unambiguously identify the
vendor that manufactured the hardware on which the client is
running, the software in use, or an industry consortium to which
the vendor belongs. This field is described in RFC 3925.
type: ip
The subnet mask that the client should use on the currnet
type: long
The time offset field specifies the offset of the client's
subnet in seconds from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
type: ip
The router option specifies a list of IP addresses for routers
on the client's subnet.
type: ip
The time server option specifies a list of RFC 868 time servers
available to the client.
type: ip
This option specifies a list of IP addresses indicating NTP
servers available to the client.
type: keyword
This option specifies the name of the client.
type: long
This option is used in a client request (DHCPDISCOVER or
DHCPREQUEST) to allow the client to request a lease time for the
IP address. In a server reply (DHCPOFFER), a DHCP server uses
this option to specify the lease time it is willing to offer.
type: text
This option is used by a DHCP server to provide an error message
to a DHCP client in a DHCPNAK message in the event of a failure.
A client may use this option in a DHCPDECLINE message to
indicate the why the client declined the offered parameters.
type: long
This option specifies the time interval from address assignment
until the client transitions to the RENEWING state.
type: long
This option specifies the time interval from address assignment
until the client transitions to the REBINDING state.
type: keyword
This option is used to identify a bootfile when the 'file' field
in the DHCP header has been used for DHCP options.
== DNS fields
DNS-specific event fields.
type: long
The DNS packet identifier assigned by the program that generated the query. The identifier is copied to the response.
example: QUERY
The DNS operation code that specifies the kind of query in the message. This value is set by the originator of a query and copied into the response.
type: boolean
A DNS flag specifying that the responding server is an authority for the domain name used in the question.
type: boolean
A DNS flag specifying whether recursive query support is available in the name server.
type: boolean
A DNS flag specifying that the client directs the server to pursue a query recursively. Recursive query support is optional.
type: boolean
A DNS flag specifying that the recursive server considers the response authentic.
type: boolean
A DNS flag specifying that the client disables the server signature validation of the query.
type: boolean
A DNS flag specifying that only the first 512 bytes of the reply were returned.
example: NOERROR
The DNS status code.
The domain name being queried. If the name field contains non-printable characters (below 32 or above 126), then those characters are represented as escaped base 10 integers (\DDD). Back slashes and quotes are escaped. Tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds are converted to \t, \r, and \n respectively.
example: AAAA
The type of records being queried.
example: IN
The class of of records being queried.
The effective top-level domain (eTLD) plus one more label. For example, the eTLD+1 for "" is "". The data for determining the eTLD comes from an embedded copy of the data from
type: object
An array containing a dictionary about each answer section returned by the server.
type: long
The number of resource records contained in the `dns.answers` field.
The domain name to which this resource record pertains.
example: MX
The type of data contained in this resource record.
example: IN
The class of DNS data contained in this resource record.
type: long
The time interval in seconds that this resource record may be cached before it should be discarded. Zero values mean that the data should not be cached.
The data describing the resource. The meaning of this data depends on the type and class of the resource record.
type: object
An array containing a dictionary for each authority section from the answer.
type: long
The number of resource records contained in the `dns.authorities` field. The `dns.authorities` field may or may not be included depending on the configuration of Packetbeat.
The domain name to which this resource record pertains.
example: NS
The type of data contained in this resource record.
example: IN
The class of DNS data contained in this resource record.
type: object
An array containing a dictionary for each additional section from the answer.
type: long
The number of resource records contained in the `dns.additionals` field. The `dns.additionals` field may or may not be included depending on the configuration of Packetbeat.
The domain name to which this resource record pertains.
example: NS
The type of data contained in this resource record.
example: IN
The class of DNS data contained in this resource record.
type: long
The time interval in seconds that this resource record may be cached before it should be discarded. Zero values mean that the data should not be cached.
The data describing the resource. The meaning of this data depends on the type and class of the resource record.
example: 0
The EDNS version.
type: boolean
If set, the transaction uses DNSSEC.
example: BADVERS
Extended response code field.
type: long
Requestor's UDP payload size (in bytes).
== Docker fields
Docker stats collected from Docker.
type: keyword
Unique container id.
type: keyword
Name of the image the container was built on.
type: keyword
Container name.
type: object
Image labels.
== Flow Event fields
These fields contain data about the flow itself.
type: date
example: 2015-01-24 14:06:05.071000
format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.milliZ
required: True
The time, the first packet for the flow has been seen.
type: date
example: 2015-01-24 14:06:05.071000
format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.milliZ
required: True
The time, the most recent processed packet for the flow has been seen.
Indicates if event is last event in flow. If final is false, the event reports an intermediate flow state only.
Internal flow id based on connection meta data and address.
Innermost VLAN address used in network packets.
Second innermost VLAN address used in network packets.
== source fields
Properties of the source host
Source MAC address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
Innermost IPv4 source address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
type: geo_point
example: 40.715, -74.011
The GeoIP location of the `ip_source` IP address. The field is a string containing the latitude and longitude separated by a comma.
Second innermost IPv4 source address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
type: geo_point
example: 40.715, -74.011
The GeoIP location of the `outer_ip_source` IP address. The field is a string containing the latitude and longitude separated by a comma.
Innermost IPv6 source address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
type: geo_point
example: 60.715, -76.011
The GeoIP location of the `ipv6_source` IP address. The field is a string containing the latitude and longitude separated by a comma.
Second innermost IPv6 source address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
type: geo_point
example: 60.715, -76.011
The GeoIP location of the `outer_ipv6_source` IP address. The field is a string containing the latitude and longitude separated by a comma.
Source port number as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
== stats fields
Object with source to destination flow measurements.
type: long
Total number of packets
type: long
Total number of bytes
== dest fields
Properties of the destination host
Destination MAC address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
Innermost IPv4 destination address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
type: geo_point
example: 40.715, -74.011
The GeoIP location of the `ip_dest` IP address. The field is a string containing the latitude and longitude separated by a comma.
Second innermost IPv4 destination address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
type: geo_point
example: 40.715, -74.011
The GeoIP location of the `outer_ip_dest` IP address. The field is a string containing the latitude and longitude separated by a comma.
Innermost IPv6 destination address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
type: geo_point
example: 60.715, -76.011
The GeoIP location of the `ipv6_dest` IP address. The field is a string containing the latitude and longitude separated by a comma.
Second innermost IPv6 destination address as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
type: geo_point
example: 60.715, -76.011
The GeoIP location of the `outer_ipv6_dest` IP address. The field is a string containing the latitude and longitude separated by a comma.
Destination port number as indicated by first packet seen for the current flow.
== stats fields
Object with destination to source flow measurements.
type: long
Total number of packets
type: long
Total number of bytes
ICMP id used in ICMP based flow.
optional TCP connection id
== Host fields
Info collected for the host machine.
type: keyword
type: keyword
Unique host id.
type: keyword
Host architecture (e.g. x86_64, arm, ppc, mips).
type: keyword
OS platform (e.g. centos, ubuntu, windows).
type: keyword
OS version.
type: keyword
OS family (e.g. redhat, debian, freebsd, windows).
type: ip
List of IP-addresses.
type: keyword
List of hardware-addresses, usually MAC-addresses.
== HTTP fields
HTTP-specific event fields.
== http fields
Information about the HTTP request and response.
== request fields
HTTP request
The query parameters or form values. The query parameters are available in the Request-URI and the form values are set in the HTTP body when the content-type is set to `x-www-form-urlencoded`.
type: object
A map containing the captured header fields from the request. Which headers to capture is configurable. If headers with the same header name are present in the message, they will be separated by commas.
type: text
The body of the HTTP request.
== response fields
HTTP response
example: 404
The HTTP status code.
example: Not found.
The HTTP status phrase.
type: object
A map containing the captured header fields from the response. Which headers to capture is configurable. If headers with the same header name are present in the message, they will be separated by commas.
type: text
The body of the HTTP response.
== ICMP fields
ICMP specific event fields.
The version of the ICMP protocol.
type: keyword
A human readable form of the request.
type: long
The request type.
type: long
The request code.
type: keyword
A human readable form of the response.
type: long
The response type.
type: long
The response code.
== Kubernetes fields
Kubernetes metadata added by the kubernetes processor
type: keyword
Kubernetes pod name
type: keyword
Kubernetes Pod UID
type: keyword
Kubernetes namespace
type: keyword
Kubernetes node name
type: object
Kubernetes labels map
type: object
Kubernetes annotations map
type: keyword
Kubernetes container name
type: keyword
Kubernetes container image
== Memcache fields
Memcached-specific event fields
type: keyword
The memcache protocol implementation. The value can be "binary" for binary-based, "text" for text-based, or "unknown" for an unknown memcache protocol type.
type: keyword
The raw command line for unknown commands ONLY.
type: keyword
The memcache command being requested in the memcache text protocol. For example "set" or "get". The binary protocol opcodes are translated into memcache text protocol commands.
type: keyword
Either the text based protocol response message type or the name of the originating request if binary protocol is used.
type: keyword
The memcache command classification. This value can be "UNKNOWN", "Load", "Store", "Delete", "Counter", "Info", "SlabCtrl", "LRUCrawler", "Stats", "Success", "Fail", or "Auth".
type: keyword
The memcache command classification. This value can be "UNKNOWN", "Load", "Store", "Delete", "Counter", "Info", "SlabCtrl", "LRUCrawler", "Stats", "Success", "Fail", or "Auth". The text based protocol will employ any of these, whereas the binary based protocol will mirror the request commands only (see `memcache.response.status` for binary protocol).
type: keyword
The optional error message in the memcache response (text based protocol only).
type: keyword
The binary protocol message opcode name.
type: keyword
The binary protocol message opcode name.
type: long
The binary protocol message opcode value.
type: long
The binary protocol message opcode value.
type: long
The binary protocol opaque header value used for correlating request with response messages.
type: long
The binary protocol opaque header value used for correlating request with response messages.
type: long
The vbucket index sent in the binary message.
type: keyword
The textual representation of the response error code (binary protocol only).
type: long
The status code value returned in the response (binary protocol only).
type: array
The list of keys sent in the store or load commands.
type: array
The list of keys returned for the load command (if present).
type: long
The number of values found in the memcache request message. If the command does not send any data, this field is missing.
type: long
The number of values found in the memcache response message. If the command does not send any data, this field is missing.
type: array
The list of base64 encoded values sent with the request (if present).
type: array
The list of base64 encoded values sent with the response (if present).
type: long
format: bytes
The byte count of the values being transferred.
type: long
format: bytes
The byte count of the values being transferred.
type: long
The counter increment/decrement delta value.
type: long
The counter increment/decrement initial value parameter (binary protocol only).
type: long
The value of the memcache "verbosity" command.
type: keyword
The text protocol raw arguments for the "stats ..." and "lru crawl ..." commands.
type: long
The source class id in 'slab reassign' command.
type: long
The destination class id in 'slab reassign' command.
type: keyword
The automove mode in the 'slab automove' command expressed as a string. This value can be "standby"(=0), "slow"(=1), "aggressive"(=2), or the raw value if the value is unknown.
type: long
The memcache command flags sent in the request (if present).
type: long
The memcache message flags sent in the response (if present).
type: long
The data expiry time in seconds sent with the memcache command (if present). If the value is <30 days, the expiry time is relative to "now", or else it is an absolute Unix time in seconds (32-bit).
type: long
The sleep setting in microseconds for the 'lru_crawler sleep' command.
type: long
The counter value returned by a counter operation.
type: boolean
Set to true if noreply was set in the request. The `memcache.response` field will be missing.
type: boolean
Set to true if the binary protocol message is to be treated as a quiet message.
type: long
The CAS (compare-and-swap) identifier if present.
type: long
The CAS (compare-and-swap) identifier to be used with CAS-based updates (if present).
type: array
The list of statistic values returned. Each entry is a dictionary with the fields "name" and "value".
type: keyword
The returned memcache version string.
== MongoDb fields
MongoDB-specific event fields. These fields mirror closely the fields for the MongoDB wire protocol. The higher level fields (for example, `query` and `resource`) apply to MongoDB events as well.
If the MongoDB request has resulted in an error, this field contains the error message returned by the server.
The full collection name. The full collection name is the concatenation of the database name with the collection name, using a dot (.) for the concatenation. For example, for the database foo and the collection bar, the full collection name is
type: long
Sets the number of documents to omit - starting from the first document in the resulting dataset - when returning the result of the query.
type: long
The requested maximum number of documents to be returned.
type: long
The number of documents in the reply.
Where in the cursor this reply is starting.
A JSON document that represents the query. The query will contain one or more elements, all of which must match for a document to be included in the result set. Possible elements include $query, $orderby, $hint, $explain, and $snapshot.
A JSON document that limits the fields in the returned documents. The returnFieldsSelector contains one or more elements, each of which is the name of a field that should be returned, and the integer value 1.
A BSON document that specifies the query for selecting the document to update or delete.
A BSON document that specifies the update to be performed. For information on specifying updates, see the Update Operations documentation from the MongoDB Manual.
The cursor identifier returned in the OP_REPLY. This must be the value that was returned from the database.
== rpc fields
OncRPC specific event fields.
RPC message transaction identifier.
type: long
RPC call size with argument.
type: long
RPC reply size with argument.
RPC message reply status.
type: long
RPC message processing time.
RPC message processing time in human readable form.
RPC authentication flavor.
type: long
RPC caller's user id, in case of auth-unix.
type: long
RPC caller's group id, in case of auth-unix.
RPC caller's secondary group ids, in case of auth-unix.
type: long
Arbitrary ID which the caller machine may generate.
The name of the caller's machine.
== MySQL fields
MySQL-specific event fields.
type: boolean
If the MySQL query returns an error, this field is set to true.
type: long
If the MySQL command is successful, this field contains the affected number of rows of the last statement.
If the INSERT query is successful, this field contains the id of the newly inserted row.
If the SELECT query is successful, this field is set to the number of fields returned.
If the SELECT query is successful, this field is set to the number of rows returned.
The row mysql query as read from the transaction's request.
type: long
The error code returned by MySQL.
The error info message returned by MySQL.
== NFS fields
NFS v4/3 specific event fields.
type: long
NFS protocol version number.
type: long
NFS protocol minor version number.
NFS v4 COMPOUND operation tag.
NFS operation name, or main operation name, in case of COMPOUND calls.
NFS operation reply status.
== PostgreSQL fields
PostgreSQL-specific event fields.
The row pgsql query as read from the transaction's request.
type: boolean
If the PgSQL query returns an error, this field is set to true.
type: long
The PostgreSQL error code.
The PostgreSQL error message.
The PostgreSQL error severity.
If the SELECT query if successful, this field is set to the number of fields returned.
If the SELECT query if successful, this field is set to the number of rows returned.
== Raw fields
These fields contain the raw transaction data.
type: text
For text protocols, this is the request as seen on the wire (application layer only). For binary protocols this is our representation of the request.
type: text
For text protocols, this is the response as seen on the wire (application layer only). For binary protocols this is our representation of the request.
== Redis fields
Redis-specific event fields.
The return value of the Redis command in a human readable format.
If the Redis command has resulted in an error, this field contains the error message returned by the Redis server.
== Thrift-RPC fields
Thrift-RPC specific event fields.
The RPC method call parameters in a human readable format. If the IDL files are available, the parameters use names whenever possible. Otherwise, the IDs from the message are used.
The name of the Thrift-RPC service as defined in the IDL files.
The value returned by the Thrift-RPC call. This is encoded in a human readable format.
If the call resulted in exceptions, this field contains the exceptions in a human readable format.
== TLS fields
TLS-specific event fields.
type: boolean
Whether the TLS negotiation has been successful and the session has transitioned to encrypted mode.
type: boolean
If the TLS session has been resumed from a previous session.
type: keyword
If the session has been resumed, the underlying method used. One of "id" for TLS session ID or "ticket" for TLS ticket extension.
type: boolean
Whether the server has requested the client to authenticate itself using a client certificate.
type: keyword
The version of the TLS protocol by which the client wishes to communicate during this session.
type: array
List of ciphers the client is willing to use for this session. See
type: array
The list of compression methods the client supports. See
== extensions fields
The hello extensions provided by the client.
type: keyword
List of hostnames
type: keyword
List of application-layer protocols the client is willing to use.
type: keyword
Length of the session ticket, if provided, or an empty string to advertise support for tickets.
type: keyword
The version of the TLS protocol that is used for this session. It is the highest version supported by the server not exceeding the version requested in the client hello.
type: keyword
The cipher suite selected by the server from the list provided by in the client hello.
type: keyword
The compression method selected by the server from the list provided in the client hello.
== extensions fields
The hello extensions provided by the server.
type: array
Negotiated application layer protocol
type: keyword
Used to announce that a session ticket will be provided by the server. Always an empty string.
== client_certificate fields
Certificate provided by the client for authentication.
type: long
X509 format version.
type: keyword
The certificate's serial number.
type: date
Date before which the certificate is not valid.
type: date
Date after which the certificate expires.
type: keyword
The algorithm used for this certificate's public key. One of RSA, DSA or ECDSA.
type: long
Size of the public key.
type: keyword
The algorithm used for the certificate's signature.
type: array
Subject Alternative Names for this certificate.
type: keyword
The raw certificate in PEM format.
== subject fields
Subject represented by this certificate.
type: keyword
Country code.
type: keyword
Organization name.
type: keyword
Unit within organization.
type: keyword
Province or region within country.
type: keyword
Name or host name identified by the certificate.
== issuer fields
Entity that issued and signed this certificate.
type: keyword
Country code.
type: keyword
Organization name.
type: keyword
Unit within organization.
type: keyword
Province or region within country.
type: keyword
Name or host name identified by the certificate.
== server_certificate fields
Certificate provided by the server for authentication.
type: long
X509 format version.
type: keyword
The certificate's serial number.
type: date
Date before which the certificate is not valid.
type: date
Date after which the certificate expires.
type: keyword
The algorithm used for this certificate's public key. One of RSA, DSA or ECDSA.
type: long
Size of the public key.
type: keyword
The algorithm used for the certificate's signature.
type: array
Subject Alternative Names for this certificate.
type: keyword
The raw certificate in PEM format.
== subject fields
Subject represented by this certificate.
type: keyword
Country code.
type: keyword
Organization name.
type: keyword
Unit within organization.
type: keyword
Province or region within country.
type: keyword
Name or host name identified by the certificate.
== issuer fields
Entity that issued and signed this certificate.
type: keyword
Country code.
type: keyword
Organization name.
type: keyword
Unit within organization.
type: keyword
Province or region within country.
type: keyword
Name or host name identified by the certificate.
type: array
Chain of trust for the server certificate.
type: array
Chain of trust for the client certificate.
type: keyword
An array containing the TLS alert type for every alert received.
== fingerprints fields
Fingerprints for this TLS session.
== ja3 fields
JA3 TLS client fingerprint
type: keyword
The JA3 fingerprint hash for the client side.
type: keyword
The JA3 string used to calculate the hash.
== Transaction Event fields
These fields contain data about the transaction itself.
required: True
Indicates whether the transaction is inbound (emitted by server) or outbound (emitted by the client). Values can be in or out. No defaults.
required: True
The high level status of the transaction. The way to compute this value depends on the protocol, but the result has a meaning independent of the protocol.
The command/verb/method of the transaction. For HTTP, this is the method name (GET, POST, PUT, and so on), for SQL this is the verb (SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and so on).
The logical resource that this transaction refers to. For HTTP, this is the URL path up to the last slash (/). For example, if the URL is `/users/1`, the resource is `/users`. For databases, the resource is typically the table name. The field is not filled for all transaction types.
required: True
The path the transaction refers to. For HTTP, this is the URL. For SQL databases, this is the table name. For key-value stores, this is the key.
type: keyword
The query in a human readable format. For HTTP, it will typically be something like `GET /users/_search?name=test`. For MySQL, it is something like `SELECT id from users where name=test`.
type: text
The request parameters. For HTTP, these are the POST or GET parameters. For Thrift-RPC, these are the parameters from the request.
Messages from Packetbeat itself. This field usually contains error messages for interpreting the raw data. This information can be helpful for troubleshooting.
== Measurements (Transactions) fields
These fields contain measurements related to the transaction.
type: long
The wall clock time it took to complete the transaction. The precision is in milliseconds.
type: long
The CPU time it took to complete the transaction.
type: long
format: bytes
The number of bytes of the request. Note that this size is the application layer message length, without the length of the IP or TCP headers.
type: long
format: bytes
The number of bytes of the response. Note that this size is the application layer message length, without the length of the IP or TCP headers.
type: long
The time it takes to query the name server for a given request. This is typically used for RUM (real-user-monitoring) but can also have values for server-to-server communication when DNS is used for service discovery. The precision is in microseconds.
type: long
The time it takes for the TCP connection to be established for the given transaction. The precision is in microseconds.
type: long
The time it takes for the content to be loaded. This is typically used for RUM (real-user-monitoring) but it can make sense in other cases as well. The precision is in microseconds.
type: long
In RUM (real-user-monitoring), the total time it takes for the DOM to be loaded. In terms of the W3 Navigation Timing API, this is the difference between `domContentLoadedEnd` and `domContentLoadedStart`.