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# 0h h1 Solver. Solves grids of 0h h1 game.
# Copyright (C) 2015 Gabriel Augendre <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
__author__ = 'gaugendre'
import sys
class Grid:
def __init__(self, size, array=None):
_squares = []
square_list = []
i = 0
while i < size:
j = 0
while j < size:
if array:
_squares[i].append(Square(self, i, j, array[i][j]))
_squares[i].append(Square(self, i, j))
j += 1
i += 1
self._squares = _squares
self.size = size
self.square_list = square_list
def _get_squares(self):
return self._squares
squares = property(fget=_get_squares)
def square(self, horiz, vert):
return self._squares[vert][horiz]
def __repr__(self):
representation = ""
for line in self._squares:
for square in line:
to_print = square.state
if to_print == ' ':
to_print = '_'
representation += to_print + ' '
representation += "\n"
return representation
def solve(self):
for k in range(0, 10, 1):
for square in self.square_list:
if square.is_empty():
v_prev = square.prev_vert()
v_next = square.next_vert()
h_prev = square.prev_horiz()
h_next = square.next_horiz()
# print("Taking care of {}".format(square))
if not square.switched and v_prev and v_prev.state != ' ':
# print("On vérifie le précédent vertical.")
v_p_prev = v_prev.prev_vert()
if v_p_prev and v_p_prev.state == v_prev.state:
square.state = v_prev.opposite_state()
# print("Square {} switched to {}".format(square,
# square.state))
elif v_next and v_next.state == v_prev.state:
square.state = v_prev.opposite_state()
# print("Square {} switched to {}".format(square,
# square.state))
if not square.switched and v_next and v_next.state != ' ':
# print("On vérifie le suivant vertical.")
v_n_next = v_next.next_vert()
if v_n_next and v_n_next.state == v_next.state:
square.state = v_next.opposite_state()
# print("Square {} switched to {}".format(square,
# square.state))
if not square.switched and h_prev and h_prev.state != ' ':
# print("On vérifie le précédent horizontal.")
h_p_prev = h_prev.prev_horiz()
if h_p_prev and h_p_prev.state == h_prev.state:
square.state = h_prev.opposite_state()
# print("Square {} switched to {}".format(square,
# square.state))
elif h_next and h_next.state == h_prev.state:
square.state = h_prev.opposite_state()
# print("Square {} switched to {}".format(square,
# square.state))
if not square.switched and h_next and h_next.state != ' ':
# print("On vérifie le suivant horizontal.")
h_n_next = h_next.next_horiz()
if h_n_next and h_n_next.state == h_next.state:
square.state = h_next.opposite_state()
# print("Square {} switched to {}".format(square,
# square.state))
class Square:
Represents a square in the grid.
A square can be either Red, Blue, or Nothing, depending on the text
written in it and displayed ('R', 'B' or ' ').
def __init__(self, grid, vert, horiz, state=' '):
self.horiz = horiz
self.vert = vert
self.switched = False
if isinstance(grid, Grid):
self.grid = grid
print("Warning : Attribute grid not instance of Grid",
self.grid = None
if state in (' ', 'R', 'B'):
self._state = state
print("Warning : Attribute state not in ('R', 'B', ' ')",
self._state = ' '
def next_horiz(self):
if self.horiz == self.grid.size - 1:
return None
return self.grid.square(self.horiz + 1, self.vert)
def prev_horiz(self):
if self.horiz == 0:
return None
return self.grid.square(self.horiz - 1, self.vert)
def next_vert(self):
if self.vert == self.grid.size - 1:
return None
return self.grid.square(self.horiz, self.vert + 1)
def prev_vert(self):
if self.vert == 0:
return None
return self.grid.square(self.horiz, self.vert - 1)
def __eq__(self, other):
if other is None or not isinstance(other, Square):
return False
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.horiz, self.vert, self.grid))
def __repr__(self):
return "({}, {}) : '{}'".format(self.horiz, self.vert, self.state)
def _get_state(self):
Allow to get square state.
:return: The square state. Either ' ', 'R' or 'B'
return self._state
def _set_state(self, new_state):
Changes square state. Accepts only 'R', 'B', or ' '.
Other values are not accepted and the square is not modified.
if new_state in ('R', 'B', ' '):
self._state = new_state
self.switched = True
print("Error :", new_state, "not in ('R', 'B', ' ').")
state = property(_get_state, _set_state)
def opposite_state(self):
if self.state == 'R':
return 'B'
elif self.state == 'B':
return 'R'
return ' '
def is_empty(self):
return self.state == ' '