""" Invoke management tasks for the project. The current implementation with type annotations is not compatible with invoke 1.6.0 and requires manual patching. See https://github.com/pyinvoke/invoke/pull/458/files """ import time from pathlib import Path import requests from invoke import Context, task BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve(strict=True) SRC_DIR = BASE_DIR / "src" @task def test(ctx: Context) -> None: with ctx.cd(SRC_DIR): ctx.run("pytest", pty=True, echo=True) @task def test_cov(ctx: Context) -> None: with ctx.cd(SRC_DIR): ctx.run( "pytest --cov=. --cov-report term-missing:skip-covered", pty=True, echo=True, ) @task def pre_commit(ctx: Context) -> None: with ctx.cd(BASE_DIR): ctx.run("pre-commit run --all-files", pty=True) @task(pre=[pre_commit, test_cov]) def check(ctx: Context) -> None: pass @task def build(ctx: Context) -> None: with ctx.cd(BASE_DIR): ctx.run("docker-compose build django", pty=True, echo=True) @task def publish(ctx: Context) -> None: with ctx.cd(BASE_DIR): ctx.run("docker-compose push django", pty=True, echo=True) @task def deploy(ctx: Context) -> None: ctx.run("ssh ubuntu /home/gaugendre/shortener/update", pty=True, echo=True) @task def check_alive(ctx: Context) -> None: for _ in range(5): try: res = requests.get("https://g4b.ovh/admin/") res.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: time.sleep(1) return @task(pre=[check, build, publish, deploy], post=[check_alive]) def beam(ctx: Context) -> None: pass