from __future__ import annotations import json import tempfile from pathlib import Path from typing import Any import requests from django.conf import settings from django.core.files import File from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest from django.db import models from django.db.models.fields.files import FieldFile from django.urls import reverse from PIL import Image from articles.utils import build_full_absolute_url class AbsoluteUrlFieldFile(FieldFile): def get_full_absolute_url(self, request: WSGIRequest) -> str: return build_full_absolute_url(request, self.url) class AbsoluteUrlFileField(models.FileField): attr_class = AbsoluteUrlFieldFile class AttachmentManager(models.Manager): def get_open_graph_image(self) -> Attachment | None: return self.filter(open_graph_image=True).first() class Attachment(models.Model): description = models.CharField(max_length=500) original_file = AbsoluteUrlFileField() processed_file = AbsoluteUrlFileField(blank=True, null=True) open_graph_image = models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False) objects = AttachmentManager() class Meta: ordering = ["description"] def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.description} ({})" def reprocess(self) -> None: self.processed_file = None # type: ignore @property def original_file_url(self) -> str: return reverse("attachments:original", kwargs={"pk":}) @property def processed_file_url(self) -> str | None: if self.processed_file: return reverse("attachments:processed", kwargs={"pk":}) return None def save(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().save(*args, **kwargs) if self.processed_file: return try: except OSError: return # Submit job to shortpixel base_data = { "key": settings.SHORTPIXEL_API_KEY, "plugin_version": "gabno", "wait": 20, } post_data = { "lossy": 1, "resize": 3, "resize_width": settings.SHORTPIXEL_RESIZE_WIDTH, "resize_height": settings.SHORTPIXEL_RESIZE_HEIGHT, "keep_exif": 1, "file_paths": json.dumps( [f"{}:{self.original_file.path}"] ), } data = {**base_data, **post_data} url = "" with open(self.original_file.path, "rb") as original_file: response = url=url, data=data, files={ original_file} ) res = response.json() res_data = res[0] # Loop until it's done post_data = { "key": settings.SHORTPIXEL_API_KEY, "plugin_version": "gabno", "wait": 20, "file_urls": json.dumps([res_data["OriginalURL"]]), } check_data = {**base_data, **post_data} while res_data["Status"]["Code"] == "1": response =, data=check_data) res_data = response.json()[0] # Download image current_path = Path(self.original_file.path) temp_dir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) temp_path = temp_dir / (current_path.stem + "-processed" + current_path.suffix) img = requests.get(res_data["LossyURL"], stream=True) with open(temp_path, "wb") as temp_file: for chunk in img: temp_file.write(chunk) # Link it to our model with open(temp_path, "rb") as output_file: f = File(output_file), f, save=False) temp_path.unlink() temp_dir.rmdir() return super().save(*args, **kwargs)