import ast import subprocess import time from pathlib import Path import yaml from PIL import Image from invoke import task, Context BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent.resolve(strict=True) SRC_DIR = BASE_DIR / "src" MICROPYTHON_DEPENDENCIES = [ # "github:miguelgrinberg/microdot/src/", # "github:miguelgrinberg/microdot/src/", ] @task(name="list") def list_boards(c: Context) -> None: """List connected boards with mpremote.""""mpremote devs", pty=True, echo=True) @task def provision_all(c: Context, *, initial: bool = True) -> None: """Provision all connected boards sequentially.""" ids = get_all_board_ids() for board_id in ids: provision(c, board_id, initial=initial) @task def provision(c: Context, board_id: str, *, initial: bool = True) -> None: """Install dependencies and copy project files to the board.""" prepare(board_id) download_image(c, board_id) if initial: wipe(c, board_id) with if MICROPYTHON_DEPENDENCIES: deps = " ".join(MICROPYTHON_DEPENDENCIES) f"mpremote connect id:{board_id} " f"mip install {deps}", pty=True, echo=True, ) update_code(c, board_id) @task def download_image(c: Context, board_id: str) -> None: """Download and prepare the proper plant picture for the board.""" provisioning = get_provisioning(board_id) plant_id = provisioning["HA_PLANT_ID"] data = query_ha_state(plant_id) image_url = data["attributes"]["entity_picture"] image_path = SRC_DIR / "images" / "plant.jpg""curl -o {image_path} {image_url}", pty=True, echo=True) # resize image_path to 128x128 with Pillow image = image = image.resize((128, 128)) # crop image to 104x128, centered left = int((image.width - 104) / 2) top = 0 right = left + 104 bottom = top + 128 image = image.crop((left, top, right, bottom)) # convert image to grayscale image = image.convert("L") def query_ha_state(entity_id): import requests import sys sys.path.insert(0, str(SRC_DIR)) from secrets import HA_ACCESS_TOKEN, HA_BASE_URL url = HA_BASE_URL + "/states/" + entity_id headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + HA_ACCESS_TOKEN} res = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data = res.json() return data @task def wipe(c: Context, board_id: str) -> None: """Wipe the board with mpremote.""" f'mpremote connect id:{board_id} exec --no-follow "' "import os, machine, rp2;" "os.umount('/');" "bdev = rp2.Flash();" "os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(bdev, progsize=256);" "vfs = os.VfsLfs2(bdev, progsize=256);" "os.mount(vfs, '/');" 'machine.reset()"', pty=True, echo=True, ) print("Board wiped, waiting for it to reboot...") time.sleep(3) print("Done!") @task def update_code(c: Context, board_id: str) -> None: """Update code on the board.""" with"find . -name '.DS_Store' -delete", pty=True, echo=True) f"mpremote connect id:{board_id} cp -r . : + reset", pty=True, echo=True, ) def prepare(board_id: str) -> None: """Update with the correct values for the board.""" provisioning = get_provisioning(board_id) with (SRC_DIR / "").open() as f: secrets = secrets = ast.parse(secrets) for node in secrets.body: if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): for target in node.targets: var_name = if var_name in provisioning: node.value = ast.Constant(provisioning[var_name]) elif var_name.lower() in provisioning: state = query_ha_state(provisioning[var_name.lower()]) value = int(state.get("state", -1)) node.value = ast.Constant(value) with (SRC_DIR / "").open("w") as f: f.write(ast.unparse(secrets)) def get_all_board_ids(): # Here's an example output of `mpremote devs`: # /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port None 0000:0000 None None # /dev/cu.usbmodem101 e6614864d35f9934 2e8a:0005 MicroPython Board in FS mode # /dev/cu.usbmodem112201 e6614864d3417f36 2e8a:0005 MicroPython Board in FS mode output =["mpremote", "devs"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode( "utf-8" ) lines = output.splitlines() ids = [] for line in lines: if "Bluetooth" not in line: ids.append(line.split()[1]) return ids def get_provisioning(board_id: str) -> dict[str, str]: # load provisioning.yaml with (BASE_DIR / "provisioning.yaml").open() as f: provisioning = yaml.safe_load(f) provisioning = provisioning.get(board_id) if not provisioning: msg = "Couldn't find board %s in provisioning.yaml" % board_id raise ValueError(msg) return provisioning