import collections import importlib import pkgutil import click from ofx_processor import processors def discover_processors(cli: click.Group): """ Discover processors. To be discovered, processors must: * Be in the `processors` package. * Declare a Processor class * Declare a static main function in this class, which must be a click command :param cli: The main CLI to add discovered processors to. """ prefix = processors.__name__ + "." for module in pkgutil.iter_modules(processors.__path__, prefix): module = importlib.import_module( for item in dir(module): if item.endswith("Processor") and item != "Processor": cls = getattr(module, item) cli.add_command(cls.main) class OrderedGroup(click.Group): def __init__(self, name=None, commands=None, **attrs): super(OrderedGroup, self).__init__(name, commands, **attrs) #: the registered subcommands by their exported names. self.commands = commands or collections.OrderedDict() def list_commands(self, ctx): return self.commands