import asyncio import configparser import os import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Optional import click import telegram DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR = click.get_app_dir("ofx_processor") DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME = "config.ini" def get_default_config(): default_config = configparser.ConfigParser() default_config["DEFAULT"] = { "token": "", "budget": "", "mailgun_api_key": "", "mailgun_domain": "", "mailgun_from": "", "email_recipient": "", } default_config["bpvf"] = {"account": ""} default_config["revolut"] = {"account": ""} default_config["ce"] = {"account": ""} default_config["lcl"] = { "account": "", "bank_identifier": "login", "bank_password": "password", } return default_config def get_config_file_name(): config_file = os.path.join(DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME) return config_file def config(): """Manage configuration.""" @config.command("edit", help="Edit the config file.") def edit_config(): config_file = get_config_file_name() click.edit(filename=config_file) @config.command("file", help="Print the config file path.") def show_file_name(): config_file = get_config_file_name() click.echo(config_file) @config.command("telegram", help="Display the bot's chat ID.") def print_telegram_chat_id(): config = get_config("DEFAULT") click.pause("Please start a conversation with your bot, then press any key...") async def print_chat_id(config: "Config"): bot = telegram.Bot(config.telegram_bot_token) async with bot: update = (await bot.get_updates())[-1] chat_id = update.message.chat_id click.secho(f"Your chat ID is: {chat_id}", fg="green", bold=True) @dataclass(frozen=True) class Config: account: str budget_id: str token: str bank_identifier: Optional[str] = None bank_password: Optional[str] = None mailgun_api_key: Optional[str] = None mailgun_domain: Optional[str] = None mailgun_from: Optional[str] = None email_recipient: Optional[str] = None sms_user: Optional[str] = None sms_key: Optional[str] = None telegram_bot_token: Optional[str] = None telegram_bot_chat_id: Optional[str] = None home_assistant_webhook_url: Optional[str] = None @property def email_setup(self) -> bool: """Return true if all fields are setup for email.""" return all( [ self.mailgun_from, self.mailgun_domain, self.mailgun_api_key, self.email_recipient, ] ) @property def sms_setup(self) -> bool: """Return true if all fields are setup for sms.""" return all( [ self.sms_user, self.sms_key, ] ) @property def telegram_setup(self) -> bool: """Return true if all fields are setup for telegram.""" return all( [ self.telegram_bot_token, self.telegram_bot_chat_id, ] ) @property def home_assistant_setup(self): """Return true if all fields are setup for home assistant.""" return all( [ self.home_assistant_webhook_url, ] ) def get_config(account: str) -> Config: config = configparser.ConfigParser() config_file = get_config_file_name() if not os.path.isfile(config_file): os.makedirs(DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, exist_ok=True) config = get_default_config() with open(config_file, "w") as file_: config.write(file_) click.secho("Editing config file...") click.pause() click.edit(filename=config_file) try: except configparser.Error as e: return handle_config_file_error(config_file, e) try: section = config[account] budget_id = section["budget"] token = section["token"] if account == "DEFAULT": ynab_account_id = "" else: ynab_account_id = section["account"] bank_identifier = section.get("bank_identifier") bank_password = section.get("bank_password") mailgun_api_key = section.get("mailgun_api_key") mailgun_domain = section.get("mailgun_domain") mailgun_from = section.get("mailgun_from") email_recipient = section.get("email_recipient") sms_user = section.get("sms_user") sms_key = section.get("sms_key") telegram_bot_token = section.get("telegram_bot_token") telegram_bot_chat_id = section.get("telegram_bot_chat_id") home_assistant_webhook_url = section.get("home_assistant_webhook_url") except KeyError as e: return handle_config_file_error(config_file, e) return Config( ynab_account_id, budget_id, token, bank_identifier, bank_password, mailgun_api_key, mailgun_domain, mailgun_from, email_recipient, sms_user, sms_key, telegram_bot_token, telegram_bot_chat_id, home_assistant_webhook_url, ) def handle_config_file_error(config_file, e): click.secho(f"Error while parsing config file: {str(e)}", fg="red", bold=True) click.secho("Opening the file...") click.pause() click.edit(filename=config_file) click.secho("Exiting...", fg="red", bold=True) sys.exit(1)