"use strict"; const data = { payload: { EmailAccountType: "", EmailAddress: "", EmailAccountDescription: "", IncomingMailServerAuthentication: "", IncomingMailServerHostName: "", IncomingMailServerPortNumber: null, IncomingMailServerUsername: "", IncomingMailServerUseSSL: null, OutgoingMailServerAuthentication: "", OutgoingMailServerHostName: "", OutgoingMailServerPortNumber: null, OutgoingMailServerUsername: "", OutgoingMailServerUseSSL: null, OutgoingPasswordSameAsIncomingPassword: null, PayloadDescription: "", PayloadDisplayName: "", PayloadIdentifier: "", PayloadType: "com.apple.mail.managed", PayloadUUID: generateUUID, PayloadVersion: 1, }, payloadPlaceholders: { EmailAddress: "john@example.com", EmailAccountDescription: "Example email account", IncomingMailServerHostName: "imap.example.com", IncomingMailServerPortNumber: 993, IncomingMailServerUsername: "john@example.com", OutgoingMailServerHostName: "smtp.example.com", OutgoingMailServerPortNumber: 465, OutgoingMailServerUsername: "john@example.com", PayloadDescription: "Email configuration profile", PayloadDisplayName: "Display name", PayloadIdentifier: "com.apple.dns.reverse", }, container: { PayloadDescription: "", PayloadDisplayName: "", PayloadIdentifier: "", PayloadType: "Configuration", PayloadUUID: generateUUID, PayloadVersion: 1, }, containerPlaceholders: { PayloadDescription: "Email configuration profile", PayloadDisplayName: "Display name", PayloadIdentifier: "com.apple.dns.reverse", }, generated: false, } function generateUUID() { return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c => (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16) ) } function convertKeyValueToXml(xmlDoc, key, value) { const keyElement = xmlDoc.createElement("key"); keyElement.innerHTML = key; let valueElementTag = null; if (typeof value === "function") { value = value(); } if (typeof value === "number") { valueElementTag = "integer"; } else if (typeof value === "string") { valueElementTag = "string"; } else if (typeof value === "boolean") { valueElementTag = String(value); } if (valueElementTag === null) { throw Error("Value type not recognized") } const valueElement = xmlDoc.createElement(valueElementTag); if (typeof value === "number" || typeof value === "string"){ valueElement.innerHTML = value; } return [keyElement, valueElement]; } const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: data, computed: { generatedProfile: function () { const template = "\n" + "\n" + "" const parser = new DOMParser(); const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(template, "application/xml"); const dict = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("dict")[0]; const contentElement = xmlDoc.createElement("key"); contentElement.innerHTML = "PayloadContent"; dict.appendChild(contentElement); const arrayElement = xmlDoc.createElement("array"); dict.appendChild(arrayElement); const contentDict = xmlDoc.createElement("dict"); arrayElement.appendChild(contentDict); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.payload)) { const [keyElement, valueElement] = convertKeyValueToXml(xmlDoc, key, value); contentDict.appendChild(keyElement); contentDict.appendChild(valueElement); } for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.container)) { const [keyElement, valueElement] = convertKeyValueToXml(xmlDoc, key, value); dict.appendChild(keyElement); dict.appendChild(valueElement); } const serializer = new XMLSerializer(); return serializer.serializeToString(xmlDoc); }, generatedProfileLink: function () { const xmlString = this.generatedProfile; return 'data:application/xml;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(xmlString); }, downloadFileName: function() { return `${this.payload.EmailAddress}.mobileconfig`; }, } })